Zhao Chengfeng looked back and saw him rolling and crawling, shouting and frowning, "waste!"

However, after thinking about it, he turned back. He was in the air, waving his long sword and cutting it to the one who rushed in front of him.

Although this sword light is just Zhao Chengfeng's random chop, and he doesn't use any sword moves, his sword skill has been amazing since he successfully integrated the law of wind.

Although the sacrificial priest is not weak, he is good at spiritual power just like Brandon. He has no defense against such physical attacks. He dare not neglect the sharp sword.

Not caring for Brandon at once, he quickly pulled back his staff and moved forward, trying to block the light of the sword.

But as soon as the staff was set up, there was only a slight sound of Ding, and the staff was broken.

"Ah ~!" Although he knew the sharpness of the sword, he didn't expect that it was so sharp that he screamed with fright. He didn't care about his weapon, so he quickly got away from the sword.

Zhao Chengfeng took a look at him, and then saw that a group of worshippers in the distance were about to catch up with him, and he also gave up the plan to continue the pursuit.

With a sneer, he grabs Brandon, shows his figure again, and drags Brandon toward the gate of the camp.

The priest was relieved to see that Zhao Chengfeng didn't take advantage of the opportunity to kill him. However, Zhao Chengfeng's scornful sneer before he left made him turn blue again. When he looked at the broken staff in his hand, he felt more angry. He swore and smashed the two broken staff on the ground.

Want to continue to chase, but dare not.

At the same time, other sacrifices have been pursued.

"Younger martial brother, who is that? Is it the spy of the enemy God?" One of them looked at the staff that was hit on the ground by the "younger martial brother", and then looked into the distance, and saw that the two men had already swept to the gate of the camp. Their faces changed greatly, and their eyes flashed purple. At the same time, a Dharma decision was made: "shadow, open your eyes, give me..."

With his opening, all the parasites and the little people on their heads stopped, as if they had been suspended. Then their eyes turned to Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon.

This scene. Brandon can't help feeling numb, but Zhao Chengfeng is happy and fearless, and his sword cuts again.


A sword light flashed, only to hear a loud noise, followed by a boom, a tower collapsed instantly.


A group of worshippers were about to cast the Dharma. Seeing this, they could not help but feel their eyes splitting.

"Ha ha ~!" Zhao Chengfeng laughs and ignores him at all. He waves his sword and cuts to another tower.

He is already at the gate of the camp. He is not afraid of these sacrificial or parasitic bodies. No matter how many people there are, as long as he escapes from the camp, these people will not threaten him.

The only possible threat is the two towers and the empty cannon on them, as well as the gods in the temple.

But he didn't believe that the spirit could come out easily.

So he decided to destroy the two towers in the first place.

But at this time, the second tower suddenly burst out a golden light, instantly wrapped the tower in it.

Zhao Chengfeng's sword cleaved on the golden light and made a beep like a dragon song.

That golden light is also a burst of tremor, even appeared a crack.

But here, there was a singing sound in the distance, and the golden light became stable.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng's face changed slightly, and then his eyes turned to the distance. Brandon and a group of worshippers also followed his eyes.

Vaguely, there was a man standing above the temple, holding a huge scepter. The top of the scepter glittered with gold.

At the sight of this man, all the worshippers were surprised and bowed down one after another to say, "see you high priest!"

And a group of parasitic bodies also all kneel down on the ground, even the villains on their heads also make kowtow.

See this person, Zhao Chengfeng pupil also cannot help a shrink.

"The Marquis?"

Brandon, who was beside him, was even more pale and trembling like chaff. "Big, my Lord, let's run. This man is so good, so powerful!"

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him. He looked at the figure over the temple in the distance, and his face was calm.

At this moment, the man suddenly moved, only to see his step gently, foot in the air, suddenly a circle of ripples to his foot as the center to spread around.

Step by step, every step has a circle of ripples spreading under his feet, just like everyone is a fish living under the water, only he is a person stepping on the water.

Zhao Chengfeng looks up at the sky, his eyes always follow his steps, not moving, dignified but fearless.

But he felt a nameless agitation in his heart. When he took the first step from the other side, he had an impulse to rush to the sky and split the man with a sword.

As the person approaches, the more impulsive, or restless, the more intense the impulse becomes.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked. He knew that the agitation, which seemed to be a strong sense of war, was not caused by the real sense of war, but by the strength of the other party. "It was the first time that someone could use mental attack to influence me. That's great

The high priest in the sky is also looking at Zhao Chengfeng. Although he always looks smiling, he is also very surprised.

"I can't feel what rank this person is. It's not easy to be calm. The power of my law can't shake him."

Suddenly the high priest stopped and looked down at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, "who are you? Why are you making trouble in my God's nest?"

"The land of God's nest?" Zhao Chengfeng keenly feels that the other party's address to the camp is different from Mr. an Tong in the dreamland.

"Ha ha, who am I? Don't the high priest know?" Zhao Chengfeng laughed and did not answer the rhetorical question.

"How dare you be rude to the high priest! |"

"Seek death, mole ant generation, what qualifications do you have to let the high priest know you?"

"High priest, this man is probably a spy sent by the enemy God. High priest, please use your magic power to kill the thief!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, the high priest didn't speak, but the other sacrificial rites blew up their nest first, and they all drank and scolded fiercely.

Zhao Chengfeng turned a deaf ear and did not even look at these people. His eyes always looked at the high priest above his head, but this kind of condescending feeling really upset him, and the impulse to chop him down with a sword in his heart became more intense.

He suddenly understood why this person could arouse his own emotions. It was not that the other person's mental power was really strong enough to hold him down. It was that the other person's means were aimed at his heart. This person just magnified his heart with some power.

"In that case..." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was planning to stop suppressing the fierce spirit in his heart and follow the trend.

All of a sudden, the agitation in my heart suddenly disappeared, and then I saw that the high priest's body was in a flash and fell down.

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