Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling of punching in the empty place. He can't help but snort. When he looks up, he finds that the high priest is looking at himself with a proud face, gnashing his teeth.

When the high priest saw him like this, he laughed even more happily.

In the previous contest, he didn't get any advantage. Unexpectedly, he thought he couldn't get any advantage, so he planned to stop. On the contrary, he let the boy suffer a small loss, ha ha

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth and hummed coldly: "high priest, why are you here?"

The high priest was stunned. "Why am I here? Shouldn't I ask you this?"

"Oh, so there is no purpose for the high priest to come to see me?" Zhao Chengfeng a sneer, "in this case, then please forgive me a little."

Then he said to Brandon, "let's go."

"Go?" Brandon was stunned and subconsciously took a look at the high priest and all the sacrifices.

"Why don't you go? Are you waiting for someone to treat you to dinner?" Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes, and then he turned and walked out.

Brandon was stunned again. He was at a loss when he heard the high priest say, "wait a minute!"

At the same time, the other worshipers also hula, blocking their way.

Brandon wry smile, heart said: "see, I say it, you say go, how can people really let you go."

The sacrificial ceremony also sneered, "ha ha, go, where do you think this is? Do you think you can go? And he said, "where are you from?"

"Yes, where did you come from?"

"Say it

"Say it

"Say it

All the worshipers, relying on the presence of the high priest, took Zhao Chengfeng as a turtle in a jar and scolded him one after another.

Brandon was terrified and said in secret: "it's over, it's over, you've been beaten up. Although Qianzhi is powerful, he's still a little worse than the high priest. What's more, this is someone else's home. I'm afraid we can't count on him. Is this the place where the count level strong man is going to die? By the way, maybe we are still in a dreamland. Yes, we must still be in a dreamland... "

"However, if I am really in the dreamland, will I be trapped in the dreamland all my life, just like those people who are parasitized by the ghost fog villain. No, no, no, I will never be like this... But... Oh, it's dead to enter and die to retreat. It's really over."

Brandon was worried about gain and loss. For a moment, he hoped that he was still in a dreamland. If he died like that, he was not really dead. But at the same time, he was afraid that he would become a puppet like those parasites.

Compared with Brandon's anxiety about gain and loss, Zhao Chengfeng was as if nothing had happened to him. He just looked at the high priest with a smile and turned a blind eye to the sacrificial rites blocking the way. "High priest, I asked you what's the matter. You said it's OK. Since it's OK, why don't you let me go? Does the high priest think these people can really stop me, or does the high priest think you can keep me

Zhao Chengfeng's arrogant words immediately made the sacrificial priests furious and yelled, "what a arrogant boy, who do you think you are? If you can keep you, you might as well have a try!"

"Do you really want to try?" Zhao Chengfeng's voice is cold, his eyes are cold, and he slowly raises his sword.

The sacrificial group thought that Zhao Chengfeng was only fast and powerful, but surrounded by so many of them, he was just a cage animal. He was arrogant but fierce.

But by Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, these people have no reason to feel that they have goose bumps all over, and even the whole body's blood is not smooth.

"Wait!" The high priest on one side had been watching coldly, but he also planned to let these priests touch the bottom of Zhao Chengfeng and sharpen his spirit by the way.

But as soon as he saw Zhao Chengfeng's Qi, he immediately knew that these sacrifices were not enough for Zhao Chengfeng. Unless he did it himself, other people could not stop Zhao Chengfeng at all. On the contrary, they would lose their troops.

Although these sacrifices are not strong, they are his own people. How can Zhao Chengfeng kill them easily.

Although they didn't understand why the high priest suddenly stopped, they were taken by Zhao Chengfeng's momentum, but they didn't dare to continue shouting.

Zhao Chengfeng saw that the high priest called to stop the sacrifice, but he didn't do it himself. He was more convinced of his conjecture. The high priest didn't appear before, and he put on such a scene. It was really a plan, so he put on such a scene to frighten himself.

Ha ha, it's a pity that I, Zhao Chengfeng, grew up not frightened. Moreover, he didn't really fear the high priest in his heart. If it wasn't for the other side's territory, there might be some special means and the mysterious so-called God. Otherwise, he would have done it long ago.

It can't be said that I just want to see the gap between myself and these Marquis level strong men.

"Get out of the way!" With a cold hum, Zhao Chengfeng walked forward, turning a blind eye to the sacrificial rites in front of him.

Brandon was stunned. He didn't expect that these sacrificial rites and high priests were really shocked by Qianzhi. This evil star, no, master Qianzhi, is really powerful. Maybe it's good to follow him in the future.

"Please wait a moment ~!" When the priests saw Zhao Chengfeng coming, they were hesitant about whether to let him or stop him. The high priest spoke again, but this time he was more polite. Instead of shouting slowly, he said wait a moment, and even added an invitation.

"Just a moment, sir!" With a flash of body, the high priest stopped in front of Zhao Chengfeng, his face moved, and then said, "as you said, with your strength and speed, if you are determined to leave, unless I take out extraordinary measures, I really can't keep you, but what about your friends?"

Zhao Chengfeng's face changed as soon as he heard that the wind was light and the clouds were light. When Brandon heard the high priest's words, he was suddenly moved to see that Zhao Chengfeng was so dignified. "I didn't expect that the evil star cared about me so much. It seems that I deliberately wronged him before."

But Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and said seriously: "Xiao Bu, you can rest assured..."

Brandon heard this with tears in his eyes. He nodded his head forcefully. "Good!"

But listen to Zhao Chengfeng then said: "next year today I will burn paper for you ~!"

"Ah?" Brandon faltered. It's so dangerous that he didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. Go to your uncle. I don't want you to burn paper!

On the other side, the high priest and the sacrificial group were also in a dilemma.

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