The high priest said with a smile, "don't joke any more, sir. You should know that I didn't mean this gentleman. I know that this gentleman was your prisoner. He can be safe until now. To tell you the truth, I have been very grateful for your kindness. Of course, I don't expect him to be my bargaining chip."

Zhao Chengfeng was calm when he heard the words, but he was shocked in his heart, "do you know my origin and purpose?"

Before that, those worshipers called him the spy of the enemy God. Obviously, they didn't know who Zhao Chengfeng was. However, as soon as the high priest opened his mouth, he broke the delicate relationship between him and Brandon, and even vaguely revealed that he also knew the existence of Liuli, which shocked Zhao Chengfeng.

Is it the God behind him Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking at the high priest.

The high priest looked at him with a smile. "Do you know where this is?"

"Well?" Instead of answering Zhao Chengfeng, the high priest threw out another question, which made him confused.

"I'm not talking about where we stand now, but I want to ask you if you know the origin of this world." The high priest added and repeated, "do you know?"

"Well..." Zhao Chengfeng pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know if the high priest is willing to tell me, I want to hear the details."

"Ha ha." The high priest laughed, and then looked at Zhao Chengfeng with profound meaning. He said with a smile, "if I say this is within a person's body, do you believe it?"

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng straightened his back and his face changed.

"Well, how is that possible?" Brandon was shocked in his heart. He looked at the high priest in disbelief and almost thought he had heard wrong.

Or the high priest is talking nonsense. In such a vast world, if it is possible for some unknown Temple life, how can one be?

There is a world in one's body. How big a person is that?

No, this must be the high priest's surprise words to frighten the young man.

By the way, it is also possible that we are still in a dreamland, which is all fake.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't believe it either.

Like Brandon, he thought for the first time that it must have been the high priest's deliberate astonishment.

He has met people from the earth world, yuxu cave, Chiba world, the eternal world and the Black Death world.

In his mind, there are many experts, but he still can't imagine what kind of existence can transform such a world in his body, not to mention that ghost rock can't fight with human body.

But then he felt that it was not so simple.

First: after the high priest appeared on the stage, he didn't even start, or even feel his hostility, except for preventing himself from destroying the turret when his strength was dominant, at least on the surface. This shows that he should not stop himself in order to be an enemy. There are other reasons and purposes.

Second: even if the other party wants to use words to frighten themselves, they will also use this kind of words that are unreliable to give people the first impression. Of course, it is also possible that the other party is deliberately thinking backwards. However, this is a bit of icing on the cake, and it is unlikely.

The possibility of the world is infinite. Is what he said true?

Of course, it is also possible that this is a myth and legend in the world, just like the legend of Pangu in Earth China? Or maybe he was fooled by others, so he became a god stick.

"Why?" Zhao Chengfeng's mind suddenly changed, but he realized a situation that had been ignored before. There were no villains on the head of the high priest and all the priests.

Because it was so chaotic before, the high priest's appearance was so amazing that people unconsciously ignored these details. At this time, Zhao Chengfeng took a serious look at the high priest and suddenly found out this.

No wonder these priests and high priests were mentioned by Mr. Antong in the dreamland before, but they never appeared. Even if they upset the camp in the dreamland, none of the so-called priests and high priests appeared, which itself became a leak in the dreamland.

In that case, the high priest and these priests are not parasites. My family thought that the so-called priests and high priests are also some special parasites. It seems that they are not.

So who are they?

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking at the high priest again, but he didn't ask the question. Then he pressed his heart. He just asked the high priest suspiciously, "then, your highness, who is the master of this body? Is it your God?"

"Yes or no, ha ha, I can't answer you specifically about this, but I think you should have seen the master of this body, because I feel that you have his breath." As the high priest said this, he suddenly approached Zhao Chengfeng and sniffed.

This action startled Zhao Chengfeng, so I stepped back and avoided him in disgust, and looked at the high priest warily, "you, what are you doing?"

"Ha ha..." the high priest didn't care. He laughed and nodded, "well, it's really his breath. It seems that he has already touched you. Well, he should have been in the dreamland of the shadow before, right? Ha ha, it seems that he is still not reconciled. "

The high priest said with another sneer.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard the words, he naturally thought of the mysterious Mr. Minge. However, after his initial shock, he had recovered his calm. Although he vaguely guessed the real identity of Mr. Minge from the high priest, he was shocked in his heart and in his face.

However, half of the shock on his face was revealed by him on purpose. He wrinkled his face deliberately and pretended to be confused. He touched his chin in surprise and bewilderment and said, "I've been in contact with you in my previous fantasy, haven't you? Although there were many characters in the dreamland before, I didn't feel that anyone had such a big future. What's more, what appeared in the dreamland is not only the projection of the real world, except the ghost fog... Is that it? "

Zhao Chengfeng let out a exclamation on purpose. He looked at the high priest with wide eyes. Seeing that the high priest had been staring at himself, he felt a little empty in his heart... Did I act a little too hard.

In any case, from the tone of Mr. Minge's voice, it seems that his relationship with the so-called gods and their subordinates should be enemy rather than friend.

Although the high priest seems to be aware of something, he should not know how much contact I have with Mr. Minge in the dreamland. It's even more impossible to know that Mr. Minge instilled information into me, otherwise he shouldn't be such a performance.

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