Zhao Chengfeng speculates, but he is not sure.

"So what's the state of the body or the owner of the body now?" Zhao Chengfeng thought over the words and asked.

"Well, I can't answer that question." The high priest pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "it's not that I deliberately didn't answer you, but that my knowledge is limited. In addition, because of the limitation of level and insight, I can't understand many things."

"If you insist on saying it..." he thought about it and said, "I think it should be a state of neither life nor death."

"Although I always insist that this body is still alive, it seems to be dead; Do you see those shadows? They are all transformed by his soul. They still exist, but they are separated from consciousness and seem to be unable to be unified; At the same time, although his consciousness has been stripped, it is still hidden in this body, and even has met you before. "

"This is what I know about the world, or about him. Although I can't describe his state, are you satisfied with this answer?"

The high priest said with a smile.

"Thank you for your answer." Zhao Chengfeng nodded thoughtfully, then looked up at the high priest, looking at the gentle and elegant smile on the other side's face. I can't help laughing.

He felt more and more unable to understand the high priest's attitude and behavior.

He thought that the high priest would not answer this question, but he did not expect that he actually answered it. Although the answer was very vague, he could see that it was not the high priest's intention. Indeed, as he said, it was not that he did not want to express it clearly, but that he could not express it clearly.

Even so, the information disclosed by the other party is amazing enough, and many secrets that may be amazing are involved in a sense.

"Can I continue to ask questions?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Of course ~!" The high priest nodded his head with great pleasure, and his smile became more genial.

Zhao Chengfeng has a feeling that he looks forward to his further questioning.

Intellectually, Zhao Chengfeng feels that he should not continue to explore. Sometimes, it's not a good thing to know too much about secrets.

But after biting his teeth, he asked again, "you said just now that these ghost images are all transformed by the soul of the master of the body, so why do they differentiate into this, and why do they parasitize on these people's heads? What about God? What kind of existence is it? Is it the embodiment of existence behind you? "

"How dare you explore the supremacy of the gods? Blasphemy is a capital crime ~!" Zhao Chengfeng asked several questions in succession, but the high priest did not answer them. However, the other priests seemed to have been touched by the G-spot, and they changed color one after another, as if they were scared and angry.

Some people even raised the staff directly to prepare to start. At this time, the high priest's pupil suddenly turned into a strange purple, and his body also burst out an inexplicable breath. At the same time, he spewed out a few syllables like the devil's whisper.

Strange things happened. Suddenly, the furious priests were like robots that had been turned off. All their actions stopped instantly, and then they all returned to the state of standing with their heads down. Even their pupils stopped turning.

When Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon saw that these priests were going to fight, they were all awed. They were just about to fight. Suddenly, they turned off the power. Even Zhao Chengfeng's calmness was slightly surprised. However, after all, he had seen it. In addition to the things that shocked him today, he had heard enough news that shocked him.

So although I was surprised, I soon recovered my composure.

There is only a little doubt in my heart whether these priests, even the high priest in front of me, are real human beings or just some kind of artificial puppet or robot.

Next to Brandon, his eyes were staring like a cow, his face was changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Shadow is just a kind of name for them, just like you call it ghost fog. I can't give you a specific answer about how they divide and why they divide into parasites, because I don't know, or some people already have the answer, but I haven't found it yet. For many people who explore the mystery of the world, in fact, I'm still a new person." As if nothing had happened to the high priest, he felt his chin and thought about how to answer Zhao Chengfeng's question. It seemed that what happened before was just an unconscious act.

However, although Zhao Chengfeng was touched by his indifference, he immediately left him aside, because the words of the high priest revealed several information that he cared about, as well as several key words.

One is that Zhao Chengfeng noticed that the high priest always used "he" and "they" as the title of the body owner, not "he" or "she".

The language of the Black Death world is different from the Chinese language, but it is similar to the western language family. "He", "she" and "he" are different in pronunciation.

This can be clearly noted.

However, if a person can incarnate into a world, he can be called "he".

Another key word is "the man who explores the world". From his meaning, we can analyze two points: first, the high priest may not be just a little man controlled by others as Zhao Chengfeng had guessed before; 2銆?Besides him, there are many, at least more than one, who are exploring the secrets of the world.

Zhao Chengfeng's mind turned rapidly, but he didn't interrupt the high priest.

"As for God..." the high priest suddenly stopped, showing a mischievous smile that was not quite in line with the people before him. He said with a smile, "do you want to see God with your own eyes?"

Zhao Chengfeng a Zheng, did not expect the other party will put forward such an invitation, his heart instinctively gave birth to a trace of vigilance.

This is the other party's territory, where he must be the strongest, and the core of this territory is naturally the so-called God.

Did he say so much for the purpose of leading me to his strongest place?

Zhao Chengfeng stares at the high priest.

The high priest did not urge him, but blinked at him, with a trace of banter in his eyes.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng looked at this look and expression, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. He secretly clenched his teeth, but suddenly he laughed on his face. "I don't dare to ask you if I want to."

The high priest was slightly stunned, and then laughed, "good courage, worthy of being the one he would venture to contact."

Then he made a gesture of "please come with me."

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