"Please." With a smile, the high priest gestured to Zhao Chengfeng, who gave him a little greeting. Then they walked side by side and returned to the camp, or the temple in the center of the God's nest.

Brandon saw that Zhao Chengfeng didn't greet him, so he followed the high priest. He was stunned... He really followed. The high priest obviously didn't mean well.

He opened his mouth and wanted to remind Zhao Chengfeng. Suddenly he found that the high priest looked back at him with a smile.

Brandon felt cold all over and quickly closed his mouth.

During this hesitation, Zhao Chengfeng and the high priest have gone far away.

Brandon hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should keep up.

Although I think it's dangerous, it's God. How many people in this world have seen God, and... If I can pry a little secret from the secrets of this world, Brandon will be developed.

From now on, I don't have to be driven by this or that, and I'm not afraid of the damned Wuchen Qianzhi.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly became hot, and he wanted to keep up. But suddenly, the high priest's back smile appeared in his mind, which made Lingling fight a cold war.

Then the whole person withered, and then he sighed in his heart, "well, forget it. It's not good to know too much about secrets. Besides, it may still be a trap. Who knows if you want to die. I might as well... "

Looking at all the sacrificial rites that were still off, Brandon's eyes lit up again. He raised his hand and shook it in front of these people. When he saw that there was no response, Brandon said with a smile, "what's special? I'd better take the opportunity to escape from the evil star of Wuchen Qianzhi."

Brandon thought of this, turned to run outside the camp, ran a few steps, then turned back, carefully touched the group of priests, confirmed that there was no response, Brandon did not hesitate, nimbly touched the priests.

"Crystal nucleus, I didn't expect that the crystal nucleus in the dreamland was real, good thing, ha ha..." Brandon didn't dare to do this for the first time. His technique was very skilled. After a while, he felt out all the valuable and worthless things on these priests, together with the staff in the hands of the priests.

But his dimensional things have been taken away by Zhao Chengfeng. After stripping a pile of them, he finds that there is no place to put them.

After thinking about it, he said to one of the priests, "offend!"

Then he peeled off the man's coat and wrapped everything into a bag. He found that there was a pile of staff. He frowned and turned around. He took off the man's trousers and twisted them into ropes to tie up all the staff.

He turned around and wanted to go, but he didn't take two steps and came back again. "It's not fair for me to take off him, and these clothes are all good things. I can't waste them. So, everyone, I'm sorry."

After that, he made a serious salute to the priests.

A few minutes later, Brandon ran out of the camp gate like a rabbit chased by a hunter, carrying two big packages and a bundle of sticks like firewood on his back.

Inside the camp gate, a gust of wind blows, and a group of naked priests are as motionless as wax figures of human body standing in the wind


"Is this God?"

In the temple, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know that Brandon had run away, and he also took off a group of priests.

He was looking at the one in front of him with a suspicious face. No, one should be said, because it seems that this unit should not be used to measure such a huge thing.

The reason why he as like as two peas is that he is thinking of this unit because the object he first sees is another thing, which is much smaller, but the appearance is exactly the same as the immediate object.

Yes, it's the nucleus.

Zhao Chengfeng thought of various images of the so-called God, but he never thought that God was a crystal nucleus, although it was so huge that it was completely like the existence of two things with the crystal nucleus he had seen before.

And he had a wonderful feeling that the nucleus seemed to be alive.

It floats quietly in the air, surrounded by a mysterious and incomparable breath.

The appearance is very similar to the crystal nucleus, but it gives Zhao Chengfeng a feeling of breathing and pulsating.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Next to him, the high priest also looked up at the huge nucleus, or God.

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly stunned, nodded for a moment, and said sincerely: "it's really beautiful."

Before the high priest asked this question, Zhao Chengfeng did not think about it.

When the high priest asked this question, he had to admit that it was a very descriptive word.

This beauty is not about appearance. Although its shape, halo and breath are all fascinating, that's not all. What we really care about is that it seems to have a mysterious temperament that can't be described by words.

People can't help indulging in it as long as they look at it, and even feel like they want to worship it.

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly some understand why it will be called God, although its appearance and imagination of God completely does not match, but

Who can say what God must be like? Why can't it be a nucleus?

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly had an idea in his heart: close to Tao.

But in his unconscious, his face was addicted and his eyes became hot.

He unconsciously took a step forward, and the breath became more obvious. In a short moment, he was surprised to find that his cultivation had improved. He even felt that as long as he stayed here for a while, he would soon break through the void realm.

This let him in the heart could not help but give birth to an idea, occupy for oneself, this thing I should get it, it belongs to me!

This idea can't be suppressed once it's born.

The high priest next to him also had the color of fanaticism in his eyes, but he hummed slightly in his mouth. He did not know what spell he muttered, and the fanaticism in his eyes was suppressed immediately.

The high priest took a deep breath and whispered, "no matter how many times, this power is addictive and can't extricate himself."

Then he forced himself not to look at the "God" any more, but turned his head and looked at Zhao Chengfeng interestingly. When he saw Zhao Chengfeng walking towards the "God", he did not stop him.

There is no plan to wake up Zhao Chengfeng, and there is no plan to take the opportunity to attack.

Just watching Zhao Chengfeng playfully.

He whispered, "among all the blasphemers, I am the weakest and the latest one to contact the divine world. If there is no accident, all my efforts will be useless and become someone else's wedding dress. what about you? Could it be the accident? What's so special about allowing him to interfere with the contact between the phantom and you at any risk? "

However, Zhao Chengfeng, who is just a short distance away, still looks at the huge crystal nucleus floating in the air, or "God", and moves forward involuntarily.

As the distance from "God" was getting closer and closer, the high priest could not help frowning slightly, showing a trace of hesitation and doubt in his eyes.

Did I make a mistake, or did he make a mistake.

"MMM ~!" When the high priest frowned and hesitated, Zhao Chengfeng, who had been full of fanaticism, suddenly let out a dull hum. His body was excited and trembled. The fanaticism in his eyes faded instantly, and his face became frightened and frightened.

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