The high priest didn't know what he thought, but he just laughed and continued: "since you know the law, you should also know that the crystal nucleus in the beast is the result of the combination of the power of the law and the aura of heaven and earth."

Zhao Chengfeng looked fretting, thought about it, and then nodded, "I haven't thought about it before, but there are fragments of rules in the crystal nucleus, which also contain powerful spiritual power."

"Fragments of law?" The high priest was stunned.

When Zhao Chengfeng saw that he was so sensitive to this word, he was slightly surprised. He thought that this kind of thing should be common sense to the high priest, but he didn't think that the other side didn't seem to have this concept.

Then I moved in my heart and understood... Yes, I didn't mention the earth world, or the inner world, or even the elder martial sister from Chiba world. They should not have this concept.

The reason why I know the law fragment is because of the Taiji diagram. Other people are afraid that they will not have the chance to "see" the law fragment intuitively.

But how can taijitu have such a powerful force?

Zhao Chengfeng was also confused.

He always thought that it was the result of the balance between his mother's eternal spirit hidden in his body and the law of destruction that he inadvertently triggered by the last sword he rashly used.

Even mom and dad speculated that way.

But as he knew more and more, he began to doubt this conjecture, and now he could not help but doubt that what he and his parents had conjectured was not the truth.

At that time, he was only in the realm of magic martial arts. Even if his deadly sword moves were more mysterious, could he really arouse such deep power in the realm of magic martial arts?

Even if it can, the mystery of Taiji diagram is far from simple as the balance of two forces.

Zhao Chengfeng's heart is agitated, but these things are his secrets. Naturally, he won't tell the high priest, so he just smiles a little embarrassed and says: "that's a kind of statement that I came up with randomly, which means incomplete law."

The high priest looked at him suspiciously, and then said with a smile, "no, the word fragment of law is well used. Hearing your word, I suddenly feel that I have a new understanding and understanding of the power of law. Maybe I can go further after this time. Brother, you are my lucky star, ha ha..."

The high priest laughs and seems to be very excited. Even the title of Zhao Chengfeng has changed from you to brother.

Zhao Chengfeng also followed him with a dry smile, "where, where, my little brother just said casually, my brother, you must not feel blindly, in case of being possessed, it's not my little brother's fault."

But in my heart, I was very depressed, "is it true or false? I mean such a word, you can feel it. Can you go further? Why do I suddenly feel that I'm useless? There are dozens of pieces of rules in the Tai Chi diagram. I just want to see them all day long, but I don't see anything. Am I really so much worse than these guys? "

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, I'm Zhao Chengfeng. He's handsome and intelligent. How can I be worse than these alien aborigines? What's more, the aborigines must be deliberately angry with me, or his illusion. Yes, it must be the illusion of the goods. At that time, he must be possessed by the devil and die."

After imagining the miserable appearance of the high priest on the other side, Zhao Chengfeng gave full play to the spirit of ah Q. his depression was relieved at last, and he did not entangle in this problem. He quickly continued to ask: "brother, you specially mentioned the law and said crystal nucleus. Is this divine personality related to them? However, I feel that the level of power in this Godhead is mysterious, far beyond the power of law. "

After hearing this, the high priest took a look at Zhao Chengfeng, which confirmed that Zhao Chengfeng really touched the power of the law, rather than simply borrowing the so-called authority given by the law of heaven and earth.

Then he nodded slightly and said, "my brother is really wise. You're right. The power contained in this Godhead is not as simple as spiritual power and law, but a higher-level power. I call it divine power and Tao rule."

"Divine power and the rule of Tao?" Zhao Chengfeng felt as if there was something exploding like a spring thunder. With this spring thunder, it seemed that something was awakened like a spring insect buried deep in the ground.

It's like a door suddenly opens a slit, and there's light coming out from the slit, but you can't see what's inside.

Zhao Chengfeng finally understood just now the high priest's feeling, why is only a simple word, can bring so big touch.

Because a word often represents knowledge, information, and even vision.

This is the fireworks of the collision between information and civilization.

However, it is not enough.

Zhao Chengfeng knows that the God can't look at him for a long time, but he can't help looking at him. He finally clenches his teeth and closes his eyes, then moves his eyes away.

But the high priest continued: "it's just my guess. I don't know exactly what it is. To tell you the truth, though I have some background, I can have access to some information that ordinary people can't touch in this world, it's a pity that no one can have a specific understanding of the divine power and the Tao, whether it's the eternal world or the Black Death world. If someone insists on knowing it, There's only one person, or two and a half. "

"Two and a half?" Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but wonder what two and a half people mean.

"Is it..." suddenly his heart suddenly a shock, can't help but open his eyes, almost exclaimed.

"Shh ~" the high priest put a finger on his lips and then shook his head slightly with a smile. "Brother, I can't explain something when I think of it."

Zhao Chengfeng swallowed his saliva subconsciously, nodded slightly, and said in his heart, "good guy, I know the water depth, but I didn't expect it to be so deep."

Zhao Chengfeng looked up again at the huge crystal like fragments of the so-called divinity. The mysterious air curling around him seemed to be out of the sky.

However, Zhao Chengfeng had already guessed and understood why the high priest did not answer him directly.

If I guess it's true, then it's too much involved and the world is too terrible. The eternal world and the Black Death world are more complicated and dangerous than I thought.

Ha ha, forget it, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, the conspiracy or the plot has gone through thousands of years, and it can't break out overnight. By that time, I will have finished my goal and returned to the earth world.

Zhao Chengfeng thought of this place, immediately relaxed, and continued to chat with the high priest. Unconsciously, it was dark and bright outside.

As soon as they saw the light outside, they both looked at each other and laughed.

"Listening to you is better than reading for ten years. Today I have a long talk with my brother. I really benefit a lot." Zhao Chengfeng sincerely worships the high priest.

This worship was sincere, though he knew that the high priest must have a purpose.

But this talk is really good for him, and for the moment, it's far better than that mysterious Mr. Minge's forced indoctrination.

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