But the high priest quickly dodged and did not accept his worship. He said with a smile: "brother, I can't bear your worship. Brother, to tell you the truth, I first brought you here to see why you were found by that man. Secondly, I also had some plans, including telling you so much, just to lure you for my use. "

"I didn't expect that I would gain more from this conversation with you than you. I'm afraid that your understanding and application of the rules make me feel better. Especially your ancient martial arts system makes me see a new world and a different road."

"Brother, you're embarrassing me."

The high priest gave Zhao Chengfeng a regular look.

They looked at each other and laughed.

What does Zhao Chengfeng mean by the way of nature.

This man's plot is great, and his background may not be small. Otherwise, with his strength, he can't occupy a piece of Godhead fragment here alone.

But just as he said, he was weak and started late. If you want to compete with the real strong on this road, you have a natural disadvantage.

I'm afraid that's the reason why Mr. Minge chose this dreamland of the projection of his God's nest.

However, this man was not simple enough to be aware of it. Later, he boldly tried to take Mr. Minge's chess pieces for himself, at least to help.

All he did, including introducing Zhao Chengfeng to the temple, testing him with divine power, and then using words to manipulate him, even revealing a lot of information, was for this reason.

The so-called will want to take, must give first.

The more Zhao Chengfeng gets from him, the more he has to pay. If he wants to get more, he will surely be controlled step by step.

Unfortunately, he did not expect that at first it was exactly what he thought, but after that, Zhao Chengfeng also began to speak freely. Then he found that Zhao Chengfeng had no less knowledge than him, although it was a knowledge system completely different from his previous cognition.

The two confirm each other. Unconsciously, he has almost lost all his accumulation in the past decades, except for some of the most core things, by Zhao Chengfeng.

Now it's what Zhao Chengfeng said that he can't stop.

However, when he was in a dilemma, he was also very excited by the harvest of the night's talk. The so-called pain and happiness were nothing more than that.

In fact, he didn't know that he benefited more from this conversation. Zhao Chengfeng saw another world than he did. However, Zhao Chengfeng saw the future road.

Although we are only seeing, not seeing clearly, we still need to accumulate if we want to move forward, but it is also very rare.

The lower level of martial arts cultivation is good. The deeper you go, the more you pay attention to understanding and comprehension. You can no longer follow the path of predecessors completely. Any skill script and predecessors' experience can only be used for reference.

If we go further, we must have our own way, and the earlier the better.

This night's talk is to provide such an opportunity for Zhao Chengfeng.

This kind of harvest is not just the fireworks of civilization collision.

"God, it's really a good thing. If we can get him back to the earth, not only me, but also my daughter-in-law will benefit. Even the earth civilization and the inner world war I can be more sure!"

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but look at the fragments of the divine personality. At this time, the Taoist spirit contained in the divine personality is not so easy to confuse him.

His mood also improved.

However, he would not take the initiative to tell the high priest about these things. He can only think about some things now.

Even if you give it to him, he can't take it away now. Anyway, he can't put it in dimensional things.

So he stopped thinking, looked at the high priest and said with a smile, "why do you have to be embarrassed, brother? First, I'm just a little bit of a chess player. It's not worth worrying about. Second, I'm an ally now? I can't say in the future. I'll borrow my brother's help to understand the mystery of this divine personality. If you need anything, brother, I'll do my best. "

He said a meaningful look at the high priest, specially emphasized the word ally.

Then he turned his hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. "This is an ancient martial arts skill I got by accident. It's a gift for you and me to make an alliance."

"Ah, my brother, I'm ashamed of your heavy courtesy, but since it's your intention, I won't respect you." After hearing this, the high priest took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and the jade slip, and then took it.

Then he took out a jade slip and a silver medal carved with dragon and handed it to him with both hands, saying: "this jade slip is my brother's experience in studying this divinity over the years, and another silver medal is my family's keepsake. In the future, brother, you will go to Yuanri City. This silver medal should be able to help you a little bit."

"In addition, brother, after you go to the soul nest to rescue your friend, I will definitely open a transmission here for you and send you back to Hengyun mountain. This is also the first cooperation between you and me."

"In the future, if you come back to the divine world and understand the divine character, please come to me. I'll wait for you at any time."

"Thank you very much. You're welcome, too." Zhao Chengfeng quickly and solemnly took over, turned over the income of dimensional things, and then reported to Li Tao: "I will definitely come to this divine world and elder brother here. If that person really wants to move my chess piece in the future, I also hope elder brother can protect me."

"Ha ha, it's natural." The high priest understood that the so-called "baoyibao" is false. It is true that he can participate in it and master the changes in time.

And Zhao Chengfeng's words are also tantamount to giving a promise, which is to speak between smart people, needless to say too thoroughly, to the point.

Zhao Chengfeng immediately said goodbye. Although he still wanted to have a more understanding of this divine character here, for one thing, his level is limited now, and his understanding can't come up with anything. For another thing, the purpose of his trip is to save Liuli. Now there are too many delays, and he doesn't dare to delay any more.

For fear of change.

And after saving Liuli, he also promised Wuhe of Wansheng tower that he would save Miss Yunhe and their young master Yuhe. Unless it happened, he didn't want to break his promise.

What's more, there is the crane jade of the time. Maybe he also wants to get it.

There are too many things. Even though the flow of time here is different from that of the outside world, Zhao Chengfeng does not dare to delay too much.

The high priest followed him to see him off. Before they got to the gate of the camp, they saw a lot of white people from a long distance. When they got close, their faces became very strange.

Especially Zhao Chengfeng is embarrassed to the extreme, the heart immediately understand the culprit is who, that gas ah, laughing and crying.

"I just said that bastard didn't move all night, brother. I'm really sorry."

Zhao Chengfeng is really a little embarrassed. After all, he and the high priest are nominal allies now, and Brandon's son of a bitch is really brought by him. It must be embarrassing to have such a thing.

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