"Well, it's a nice day today. It seems that there is no day and night change in the immortal world and the Black Death world, but the sun and the moon change in the divine world. It's amazing."

When the high priest saw that he suddenly looked up at the sky, he was very concerned about the rising red sun in the distant sky. His mouth twitched, but his face looked like he thought it was. "Yes, I was also very surprised when I first came here, but I didn't care much after a long time. It's better to turn heaven and earth into gods, It's nothing to simulate the change of a day and a month. "

"And..." the high priest suddenly gave a meaningful smile, "although I call it the body world here, I'm not sure whether it is inside the body... By the way, Qianzhi, have you ever thought of a question?"

"What's the problem?" Zhao Chengfeng was just trying to cover up his embarrassment and casually diverged from a topic. Listening to the high priest's question, his heart immediately moved. Although he didn't have much contact, he could feel that the high priest was not an aimless person.

Hearing this, the high priest laughed and said with a very embarrassed look: "in fact, it's nothing. Before I came into contact with the body world, I often thought about a question: what is the world like, whether it's the eternal world or the Black Death world, whether it's a planet, a piece of land or something? Do they have a back, Or the back of the eternal world is the Black Death world, or not, but somewhere else. "

The high priest said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'll make you laugh."

"Where can the high priest have such vision and breadth of mind? It's too late to admire him. How can he laugh?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and says seriously.

To some extent, it really comes from the heart.

Even though he knew originally that the high priest was not a simple figure, and he was not simple himself, he also had a guess about his origin.

In fact, the high priest did not deliberately hide his identity. From the silver medal he sent, we can see that he did not deliberately hide his identity, but Zhao Chengfeng did not ask.

However, even so, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help looking up at the high priest again.

To tell you the truth, Zhao Chengfeng certainly thought about what kind of shape this is.

But that's because he is an earth man. Considering these problems, it's natural. After all, the interstellar cosmology of the earth world has been very popular.

But in this world, this concept is not popular, at least not many people Zhao Chengfeng has contacted before have such a concept.

But this high priest can jump out of the world. Zhao Chengfeng asks himself this kind of mind. If he changes his place, he may not have it.

This person is not a simple person.

And Zhao Chengfeng also vaguely recognized that the high priest had something else to say.

Is it true that the world he and the high priest called the body world is not in a different time and space from the Black Death world or the immortality world, nor is it really in the inner world of a God, but the existence of a God or near God in the back of the Black Death world or the immortality world, evolving a world with the body.

No, no, if that's true, then why is the time flow of this world different from that of the Black Death world?

There are more and more questions in Zhao Chengfeng's mind, but during the conversation, they have already walked out of the camp gate, and the high priest stops at the gate, "brother, for some reasons, I can't leave this God nest, but I'm not able to help you rescue your friends. I can only prepare you to return to the Black Death world here. However, with your ability, the soul nest should not cause trouble to you. "

"There's only one thing. There's a spirit in this God's nest, and there's also a thing called shennian in the soul's nest. Although it's usually impossible to see it easily, if you see it, remember to care. If you can avoid it, you should be careful. Don't be careless!"

"Divine thoughts?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard these two words, he couldn't help thinking of the mysterious Mr. Minge. According to the high priest, that Mr. Minge should be the consciousness of the body master of the incarnation world. How can there be any divine thoughts?

"I don't know the details, but before I came to this world, my adult specially reminded me that, according to my guess, divinity and consciousness should not be the same thing." The high priest shook his head, not knowing whether it was true or not.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng didn't ask any more. He just solemnly thanks the high priest for his reminding, and then turned to walk out of the canyon.

The high priest looked at the young man's back, touched his chin, and a smile passed from the corner of his mouth. Then he turned his head and saw the naked priest. He couldn't help a toothache.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about the high priest's toothache. As he walked, he quickly sorted out a lot of information and clues in his mind, trying to sort out a vein for this matter.

Not far out of the canyon, I suddenly heard a noise coming from a distance. Looking up, I saw a huge beast whose shape seemed to enlarge countless chants, rolling a piece of flying sand and stones, running towards this side.

After Zhao Chengfeng broke away from the dreamland, he didn't really see a wild beast. At this time, he suddenly saw such a huge beast running away. He was stunned and frowned slightly.

"My Lord, my Lord, help me, help me!"

Zhao Chengfeng is planning to avoid the edge of the beast and take a detour. Suddenly I heard someone shouting in the dust rolled up by the giant beast.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard the voice, his face turned black. Instead of stopping, he quickened his pace and ignored the shouting.

As soon as the owner of the voice saw that Zhao Chengfeng ignored him, he quickened his pace and quickly turned to run towards Zhao Chengfeng, crying, "my Lord, I'm wrong. Help me, I'm really wrong. I'll never run away again!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay any attention to it at all. His figure flashed and he was tens of meters away. Then he turned the direction again and avoided the route of chasing and escaping.

Zhao Chengfeng is also very angry with the owner of the voice. It's good not to fall into the well. There's no way to save him.

But at this time, a child voice like a little girl sounded in the wind and sand rolled up by the giant beast, but the tone was very cold. I don't know what kind of command was given to the giant beast. The lizard actually raised its hair and let out a sharp hiss, and then suddenly a Dragon and snake rippled in the calm sand around.

Then the rolling sand wave suddenly points, and Zhao Chengfeng discovers that the rolling sand dust before was not only rolled up by the lizard, but also other things underground.

And at this time, the underground things actually from both sides of a point, toward his side around.

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