With a slight frown, Zhao Chengfeng tried his best to look into the dust. He saw a small white thing sitting on the top of the lizard in the dust, like a fox and a butterfly dog raised by ordinary people in the world.

When Zhao Chengfeng looks at it, the little thing's big round eyes are also looking at him. Zhao Chengfeng actually sees a trace of disgust, hatred and contempt in it.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but feel strange. A fox can speak and command other strange animals, and he looks down on me.

Zhao Chengfeng smokes from the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, like Brandon, he doubts whether he has fallen into an illusion again.

It can't be so powerful. This time, I didn't even see through the illusion?

But then his face suddenly cooled down. No matter whether he was in dreamland or not, whether he could speak or not, I didn't kill you to get the crystal nucleus. If you still had to send the crystal nucleus to the door, I would not respect him.

At the same time, two sand waves had reached his feet. Suddenly, a sand wave burst from his feet and swallowed him with a big mouth.

On the other side, in another sand wave, a huge object sprang out of the ground and raised a stream of dust. In the dust, a huge monster had two tentacles several meters long on its head and a pair of poison claws in its mouth, shining like a huge sickle. There were thousands of limbs and feet all over its body, each of which looked like a sharp blade.

It turned out to be a giant centipede that was tens of meters long and as thick as a bucket.

As soon as the two monsters appeared, Brandon, who was trying to escape from the lizard in the distance, could not help but open his mouth and was scared to death.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, he stood there, not only unable to react, but also frightened. In his heart, he said in secret: "I'm finished. I still expect this evil star to save me, but in the end, this evil star buried me in the mouth of the monster first. It's completely hopeless!"

Just when Brandon was in despair, the little fox on the head of the lizard suddenly stood up and screamed, "little two, little three, run away from that man!"

The two monsters who were about to devour Zhao Chengfeng were stunned. Their intelligence quotient was not as high as that of the little fox. It seemed that they didn't understand the meaning of the little fox, especially the monster with a wide mouth. "It's clear that the food has already reached the mouth. Why should they run instead and stay away from this person? Why, does it taste bad? It doesn't matter. I'm good. I'm not picky. "

It seems that after all, he still can't resist the temptation of food. The big mouth monster stops for a moment and takes another breath, intending to swallow Zhao Chengfeng.

As soon as the centipede saw that his companion was going to eat alone, he did not dare to eat. He made an ugly strange sound, spit out a black mist, and tore at Zhao Chengfeng.

Not only the two monsters didn't understand, but also Brandon was a little stunned.

Seeing that the two monsters didn't listen to him, the little fox was very anxious. Then he pushed his feet on the top of the lizard and flew over to Zhao Chengfeng. He ran and cried, "run, you two fools, that man is in danger..."

Zhao Chengfeng, who seems to be in a daze all the time, can't help but look at him. The little fox is not simple. He can see a trace of his way.

He thought so in his heart, and no one saw his action. He saw the big mouth monster swallowing him, a big mouth suddenly burst open, flesh and teeth scattered.

Then he saw Zhao Chengfeng reach out to grab and throw. A strange monster with a good body was caught out of the sand like a huge strange fish. Immediately, it was thrown out tens of meters away and gave out a tragic cry.

At the same time, the centipede, which was bitten down from a high position, immediately gave out a strange hiss of pain and fell to the ground, convulsing but not knowing how to live.

The little fox saw this scene, issued a scream, "two, three."

The lizard in the distance also hissed and swept Brandon more than ten meters away with his tail. He fell on the sand and still rolled.

And then he ran to the two monsters.

Brandon was really confused about what he was smashed. He rolled on the ground and was very embarrassed. However, the goods were still holding two big packages and a bundle of staff behind him.

Struggling to get up, the little fox and the lizard screamed in the distance, but the two monsters didn't move. They were overjoyed, but they didn't care about the pain, so they ran to Zhao Chengfeng.

He hugged Zhao Chengfeng's thigh and said, "my Lord, I finally see you again. It's great. I'm so dangerous that I won't see you again."

"Go away. I want to die. Don't rub my nose against Ben Shao." Zhao Chengfeng gave Brandon a bad look and kicked him aside. He still didn't want to get rid of his hatred and kicked him again. "Ha ha, can't you see my last face? Don't worry, I live well. As for your last side, I'm not rare. "

After scolding, I saw that he still had two big packages on his body and a bundle of magic wands on his back. In this case, he didn't throw them away. I couldn't help but feel angry again and raised my leg again.

Brandon didn't dodge either. He let him kick him. He got up and came up to him again. He said with an aggrieved face: "my Lord, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to steal these things. I meant to contribute them to you. Of course, I know that you must despise this little thing, but the refining system in this world is different from that of the outside world, so it's worth learning from. "

"But I'm afraid you're too embarrassed to rob those mole ants because of your face. That's why I deliberately avoid you. If I'm caught, it's none of your business, isn't it?"

Brandon said as he put two big packages and a bundle of staff behind him on the ground at Zhao Chengfeng's feet. He hesitated for a moment, then painfully took out some crystal nuclei from his arms and put them into the package.

Zhao Chengfeng was said by him, it was really a move in his heart, but he sneered on his face, "so you still think about me, should I thank you?"

Brandon's back was in a cold sweat, and he quickly laughed, "don't dare, don't dare, share your worries for the adults. It's a small man's job."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him with a smile. He only looked at Brandon with a chill in his neck. Then he dropped his eyelids and glanced at those things. Then he picked them with his toes and asked casually, "are they all here?"

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "look, my Lord, all the things and the crystal nuclei are here. If you give them to the little ones, it's your grace. If you don't, the little ones dare not take them."

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him for a while, but he didn't speak. Brandon bit his teeth and carried them for a while. After all, he didn't resist. He was very unwilling to touch out a few more crystal nuclei. Then he cried: "my Lord, I really don't have them. They're all here. Originally, the villain wanted to kill some strange animals and get a little more crystal nucleus. Unexpectedly... "

Brandon said, turning his head and glancing at the little fox and some strange animals, he saw that the little fox was dragging the tail of the big strange fish with his two forepaws, and the big lizard was biting the big centipede, pursing his ass back.

As he retreated, the fox kept reminding the lizard not to make any noise.

Seeing Brandon look at it, they were all in a daze. Then, without waiting for Brandon to react, the little fox cried to the lizard, "little four, drag little two and little three to the ground, run

Brandon regained his mind and cried out, "my Lord, come on, crystal core, no, these animals are going to run!"

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