"You are the beast, your family is the beast!" Little fox was about to run, but when he heard Brandon's cry, he suddenly stopped and yelled angrily, "you bad guys have turned us into strange animals and monsters, and you have to kill us to get the crystal nucleus. You are not as good as animals."

Brandon was stunned by his scolding, then he burst into a rage and yelled, "good beast, I want to die!"

Said to start, Zhao Chengfeng beside is a Zheng, a stopped him, "wait a minute."

"My lord?" Brandon is half because he was scolded by the little fox, and half because he was chased by the little fox with three monsters. There is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. It's just the so-called hatred between the old and the new. So he didn't hear what the little fox said after all, and he didn't bother to listen to it.

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng stopped him, he was puzzled.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay attention to him, but looked at the fox and asked, "what did you say just now? Someone turned you into a strange animal and a monster. Aren't you a strange animal?"

"My Lord, how can you believe such words? What else can they be if they are not exotic animals? Can they be human beings? I've never heard that exotic animals can be changed by human beings..." Brandon sneered.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at him.

Brandon had to say more. Seeing this, he immediately shrunk his neck and did not dare to say any more. Can only hate to see the little fox gnashing his teeth.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored him and looked at the little fox again. He saw that the little guy was showing his teeth and winking at the ground not far away from him. But where he looked, he had two huge eyes floating on the sand. He looked at him pitifully. No matter how he urged him, he just refused to go. The anxious little fox kept showing his teeth.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help smiling. Then he asked with a smile: "you haven't answered my question. You just said someone turned you into a monster. Is it true or false?"

In fact, looking at the performance of these two big and one small guys, he already vaguely felt that there was something inside.

It seems that the intelligence quotient of two big men is not very high, but these two horrible looking guys are so attached to a little fox that they are not normal. And the fox itself is not a beast at all.

Although it is said that the alien beast is human, or something else has changed, others will not believe it, but Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think it is totally untrustworthy. Isn't the alien beast of the earth world come from ordinary creatures?

Even some human beings do show signs of animalization or even vegetarianism in the process of metamorphosis.

What's more, he has seen more than one strange thing in the so-called divine world. No matter how many such things he has, he won't find it incredible.

However, the biological dissimilation of the earth world is due to those mysterious light groups, and the information revealed by the exotic animals in the world from the mouth of the little fox seems to be human factors.

Well, then, what is the mysterious light group in the earth world? Is it really pure and concrete?

Although Zhao Chengfeng himself absorbed a light group, he was not sure what the light group was.

Are there any similarities between the two?

Little fox is urging the two guys to escape first, so as to attract the attention of the two bad guys. But the two guys refused to go, but they worried it badly.

Is anxious, hear Zhao Chengfeng speak, in the heart a surprised, for fear that Zhao Chengfeng notice those two idiots, immediately pretended to be nothing happened, Yang Zhao hair out a scornful cold hum, "hum, pretend what, you and those bad guys are clearly a group, how can we become like this, don't you know?"

"My Lord, this kind of..." Brandon wanted to avenge himself with one stone. He didn't understand Zhao Chengfeng's belief in the little fox. Seeing that the little fox didn't appreciate it, he couldn't help but interrupt.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's face sank, he turned his head and glared at him, "how can I do it? Do you need to teach me?"

"No, I don't dare..." Brandon lowered his head and didn't dare to say more, but he didn't think so.

This little fox is strange, but a different animal is a different animal. How can a man become a different animal?

Of course, Zhao Chengfeng will not explain to him that even the world may be transformed by a person or a God, and that it is impossible for other animals to be transformed by human beings.

The little fox heard the conversation between them, and their big black eyes blinked, which was a bit strange. Their attitude... Are they not with the bad guys? No, they should be pretending. Maybe they have some conspiracy.

All of a sudden, his eyes turned. While Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were talking, he suddenly jumped up and dived into the sand.

Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and saw that the little guy had already half of his body into the sand. There were only two hind legs left, and half of them were outside. He was pedaling quickly.

"Alas...!" Brandon's eyes glared. Subconsciously, he was about to run to stop him. However, Zhao Chengfeng reached out and stopped him. He shook his head slightly and said, "forget it, let it go..."

Speaking Kung Fu, the little fox continuously pedaled a few pedals, already Chi slip into the sand, in a twinkling of an eye, only a small sand nest was left, and the little guy disappeared.

On the other side, the lizard, who had been looking at the little fox, was overjoyed when he saw that the little fox had gone underground. His two big eyes, which were exposed outside, shrank and slipped into the sand.

Seeing that the fox and some monsters had run away, Brandon looked at Zhao Chengfeng bitterly. He didn't understand why the evil star was so kind to some animals. He sighed and had nothing to do. It seems that I can't get my revenge.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care much. Although he still had some questions to ask little fox, he was not in a hurry.

It's not too late to explore the secrets of the world when we make time next time.

Just a smile and a greeting to Brandon, "let's go."

Once again along the direction of memory, to the dreamland has been to the soul nest.

Brandon, though unwilling, had to follow him step by step.

After they walked for a while, the calm sand moved again, and a small head came out of the ground. It was the little fox before. Looking at the two shadows that had gone away, there was a trace of confusion and doubt in the dark pupils.

Just at this time, the sand nearby was whirring, and another huge lizard head came out, looked at the back in the distance, and looked at the little fox, spitting out a long tongue and hissing.

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