"Don't make a noise!" The fox gave it a look.

The lizard didn't dare to make any more noise. A pair of upright pupils couldn't help looking back and forth between the gradually distant figure and the little fox, but its IQ certainly couldn't guess what the little fox was thinking.

After a while, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's back completely disappeared in their vision. Little fox then confirmed that the two suspected accomplices and those bad guys had really gone, but he was still surprised and muttered to himself, "little four, are they really gone?"

"Hiss ~" the lizard called softly, but he was more confused in the vertical pupil, and he wondered, "isn't it a good thing for such a terrible villain to leave? Why does the elder sister seem reluctant to give up? Is the elder sister hungry and want to hunt? No, that villain is so terrible that it can't be captured by them?"

"What are you looking at, silly? Hurry up and pull the second and third out!" As soon as the fox's voice fell, there were two piles of sand beside him. Then a big fish's head and a big Centipede's head came out of the sand.

"Little two, little three!" The little fox saw that the two guys actually got out by themselves. First he was stunned, then he was overjoyed. He jumped out of the sand and shook the sand on his body.

The other three guys also rubbed and jumped out of the sand, but they didn't shake off the sand, instead, they made the sand splash and dust.

In a moment, he buried the fox.

Angry, the little fox flew into a rage, jumped on the heads of the three guys and knocked, "you three idiots, stop quickly."

The three big men were even more happy when they were knocked by him. They were even more energetic and made the little fox angry. However, it finally confirmed that the big sand fish and the big centipede were not injured. Just now, they should have been knocked unconscious by that man.

"In this way, that person may not really intend to hurt Xiao ER and Xiao San from the beginning. Is he really not with those bad guys?"

The three big men were noisy for a while, and finally stopped in the little fox's scolding. They all looked at the little fox eagerly.

Little fox looked at the direction of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's departure. Suddenly, it seemed to have made a decision, and jumped on the top of the lizard's head, "Xiao Si, can you smell those two people?"

"Hiss ~!" The lizard spits out its forked tongue, which means it's OK.

"Well, follow their scent and follow them. Don't get too close. Don't be noticed by them." The little fox patted the lizard's head with his forepaw and looked at the direction of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's departure with bright eyes. He was a little excited.

"Hiss ~!" Although the lizards don't understand what the little fox wants, they have simple IQ and are used to following the little fox's advice, and they don't have so many questions like ordinary people.

Four feet move, follow the smell of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon to catch up.

The big sand fish and the big centipede, on the left and on the right, drive the sand waves to escort.

But the speed of Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon is not slow, a small three big four strange beast chase for a long time, also did not see Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon figure.

But in the late evening, far away but saw a huge soul nest, clubbing days clubbing to appear in the line of sight.

Standing on the head of the lizard, the little fox saw the horrible soul nest in front of him, which was like a city made of black fog. His face changed slightly. "Little four, which direction are they going?"

"Hiss ~" the lizard spat out its tongue to show that it was right.

The little fox's face changed slightly. Naturally, he would not doubt the lizard's tracking ability, but he stuck out his little nose and sniffed in the wind. Sure enough, she caught the smell of the two men.

The little fox was a little surprised. "Are those two people going to the soul nest? But the danger of the soul nest is that ordinary people can't step into it. Otherwise, they will be trapped. What do they want to do?"

For most creatures in the world, the soul nest is the most dangerous area.

Although for most creatures, their fate after entering this world also starts from the soul nest.

But it doesn't in any way reduce the fear of the world's creatures for the soul nest.

"Are they extraditators?" The little fox looked resentful again. "I knew they were with the bad guys?"

But then it looked like it was moving again, with a slight frown. "They don't have parasitic ghosts on their heads. They can't be extradited."

"By the way, they are not parasites or extraditators. Why can they go out of the God's nest and move freely in the wild?"

Little fox was suspicious and decided to move on.

About an hour later, I finally saw Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon again.

The little fox did not dare to let the big lizard close, only let it follow far away.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon didn't seem to find them.

Their attention is on the soul nest ahead.

The soul nest in reality is quite different from that in fantasy. First of all, it is more oppressive and mysterious.

Another difference is that in the dreamland, no matter how they walk, they seem to be unable to get close to the soul nest, but this situation does not appear at this time.

Every time they take a step forward, they can really feel the soul nest approaching them.

"It seems that the scenes seen in the dreamland may not be all the projections of the real world. Some of them may be made up by the ghost fog itself. Can we say that the dreamland constructed by the ghost fog can only project the situation in the God's nest, or that the ghost FOG's dreamland projection can only be the place where there are parasites?"

"This is consistent with my previous conjecture. Whether it's ghost fog or parasite, it's not an independent individual like human beings in the level of spiritual consciousness."

So, what is the soul nest, the matrix?

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng thought of this, he suddenly felt that a spiritual wave similar to the sweeping of divine consciousness swept over.

"What a torrent of spirit Zhao Chengfeng is shocked, but it's too late to close the breath and divine consciousness.

At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng felt like a grain of sand on the beach, and the terrifying and majestic spiritual power was surging, and the sea tide engulfed the beach in an instant.

Not only Zhao Chengfeng, but Brandon and the little fox, who had been falling behind them, all felt the same tidal mental power. Everyone could not help but feel a burst of stiffness in their body and a burst of horror in their heart. "No, I've been found."

It felt like being watched by a terrible natural enemy. He didn't dare to make any changes, otherwise he might be gone in an instant.

This terrible feeling, though only for a moment, is enough to make all people raise their voices at once.

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