Fortunately, just for a moment, the torrential spiritual power, like the tide, quickly receded.

However, they were still on guard and did not dare to act rashly. After waiting for a while, nothing happened.

"What was that, my lord?" Brandon was like a little beast who had just escaped from the disaster in the wilderness. He looked around and made sure there was no danger. He was a little relieved, but he was still scared.

Zhao Chengfeng was silent. His eyes were fixed on the soul nest like a city in the distance. He neither answered Brandon nor did anything.

Brandon didn't know what Zhao Chengfeng meant. He murmured in his heart, "what is this evil star doing? Is this evil star scared? That's good. It's serious to leave this ghost place and find a way back to the Black Death world. "

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a young girl's voice behind him, "it's the breath of divine thoughts!"

"Ah, who?" Brandon was startled and turned to see Fox and the three monsters appeared behind them.

Brandon was stunned at first, then overjoyed, and was ready to start. However, seeing the big lizard at the foot of the little fox, the big centipede and the big sand fish on both sides, Brandon said to Zhao Cheng in a low voice: "my Lord, these strange beasts are here. They must have been following us all the time. They are plotting against us!"

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng always knew that little fox and other strange animals were following him, but he just pretended not to find out. He certainly ignored his obvious hypocrisy.

But he was a little concerned about what the fox said. He was about to ask questions. Suddenly, he felt as if he had been doused with cold water by someone's pocket. He was excited. While looking, he said in a low voice: "be careful, stop breathing, it's coming again!"

Immediately, Brandon, Fox and others immediately felt the suffocation feeling of being drowned again.

Once again, the spiritual will is engulfed by the great tide of spiritual power.

Even though they had experienced it once before, they still couldn't help turning pale for a while.

As before, the great tide of mental power lasted for several breaths, and then retreated as quickly as when it came.

"Hoo ~!" Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, just like a drowning man trying to get out of the water.

"Little fox, what did you say just now? What's the matter with the breath of mind?" Zhao Chengfeng asked little fox.

"What little fox? I have a name. My name is Xiao Xi." Little fox heard Zhao Chengfeng call her, little fox seems very unhappy, angry hum.

"Xiao Xi?" Zhao Chengfeng to her name, eyes can't help showing a trace of strange.

Brandon seemed to have caught the fox by the side. He laughed and said, "ha ha, I'll say, this..."

"Cough ~!" Zhao Chengfeng a light cough, and then glared at him, did not let him say more.

Then he said with a smile to the little fox who looked at them with a puzzled look: "it's OK, you go on. I've heard of shennian, but I don't know what it is. Why is that tidal mental power called shennian breathing before

"What a strange man." Little fox felt that their reaction was a little strange, but then he was distracted by Zhao Chengfeng's question. He shook his head and said, "in fact, I don't know much about it. I only know that there is a thing called shennian in the soul nest. I have followed several extraditators before. Shennian and shennian's breathing are also heard from them."

"I heard them whisper that the idea of God is transformed by the idea of God. Before that, the tide of mental power was the breath of the idea. He also said that if the idea is awake, the frequency of the tide will be higher, and if the idea is asleep, the frequency of the breath will be lower."

Zhao Chengfeng listen to Fox slowly narrate, probably already understand the so-called idea is what thing.

According to the high priest, everything in this world is related to an extremely powerful mysterious being.

That mysterious existence should be the so-called "Lord God" that little fox heard from those extradited.

However, for some reason, the mysterious existence incarnated into the body world, and the various parts of the body were fragmented.

The body becomes the subject of the world.

The cultivation and the Tao became the divine personality, and the divine personality also became a lot of fragments of different sizes scattered all over the world.

The soul also becomes innumerable, constantly changing between the ghost fog and the shadow, and somehow drives it into the outside world to catch prey, and then parasitizes in these hunting objects.

The consciousness of noumenon is also separated from the soul and body by some existence, but it is still hidden in this world. Mr. Minge, who contacted him in the dreamland before, is just the embodiment of this consciousness.

"It's easy to understand the name of shennian, the idea of God, but what is the idea? Isn't it the same as consciousness?"

While he was thinking, the tide of spirit came again.

Fortunately, with the previous experience, people are not as nervous as before, but the feeling of being submerged and suffocated is still very uncomfortable.

"Is that a high frequency?" Zhao Chengfeng asked in a low voice.

"Little fox nodded," count high, usually such interval at least half an hour, sometimes even several days

"Half an hour." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

I estimated to myself that half an hour is equivalent to half an hour of the earth's world, and the interval between these times just now is no more than five minutes at most.

"Then, swept by its breath, will that mind find us?" Zhao Chengfeng turns his head slightly and looks at the fox.

"I don't know. What I know is heard secretly. We don't dare to be too close to here. It's terrible here." Little fox, who calls himself Xiao Xi, looks a little frightened.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then said, "let's step back and wait to see if its breathing rate will slow down."

"My Lord, this decision is wise. Let's step back quickly. Standing here, I always feel fluffy." Brandon would like to understand why Zhao Chengfeng would believe this little fox's words, but he has no opinion about his decision. Wen Yan would like to support it with both hands and feet.

Of course, little fox had no opinion, and the group retreated to the area where the power of the spiritual tide could not cover.

Everyone feels a lot more relaxed.

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