After dark, the temperature in the desert began to drop. Although Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon had already had the experience of camping in the wild in the mirage, the low temperature in reality was even harsher than that in the mirage.

Even though the animal skin tent had been built and the bonfire had been lit, I still felt chilly.

But Zhao Chengfeng is OK, not to mention tents and bonfires. Even if he doesn't have them, his constitution is still able to withstand the severe cold.

Little fox is also very safe, did not drill into the ground with the big sand fish. He is held in his arms by Zhao Chengfeng, and his fur is quite warm.

Brandon can't stand it any more. Although his rank strength has come back now, compared with Zhao Chengfeng, his physical strength and resistance to the harsh environment are very low. He is surrounded by a few animal skin blankets and still shivering. He can't help cursing in a low voice, "this hell place is so hot in the daytime. Why is it colder than in the dreamland at night?"

"You are also an earl level master. You are frozen like this at such a low temperature. By the way, you were out last night. How did you spend it?" Looking at the poor appearance of the goods shivering, Zhao Chengfeng is speechless.

"Don't say it, my Lord, it's all tears..." Brandon glanced at the fox, his face full of grievances.

When the little fox heard his words, his big eyes narrowed with laughter, and he said with a smile, "Uncle Brandon, otherwise I'll call them out to accompany you to exercise outside, so you won't be cold."

Brandon's face changed as soon as he heard the words, and he waved his hand with a lingering fear, "no, no, no, no, it's cold. Don't bother those... Brothers."

"No trouble, sophomores, they've just become fat recently. They've just been active to lose weight!" But the little fox seems to be aroused. He comes out of Zhao Chengfeng's arms and immediately calls for the big centipede, the big lizard and the big sand fish.

Brandon shivered and hid behind Zhao Chengfeng. "My Lord, look at this little fox. It's so bullying!"

"Well, well, don't scare him." Zhao Chengfeng chuckles and understands how Brandon spent the night last night. When he thinks about meeting them during the day, he can't help twitching.

He thought that kind of thing was just for a while, but he didn't expect that they played this game all night. This poor guy, no matter how beautiful he is, can run all night with such physique, and it's a miracle that he hasn't been killed.

However, he also understood that this was probably the reason why the little foxes did not play seriously.

"By the way, Xiao Xi, how did you enter the world?" Zhao Chengfeng touched the top of the fox's head in his arms and asked unintentionally.

Little fox squints his eyes. Like a real canine, he doesn't seem to hate Zhao Chengfeng's touch.

However, hearing Zhao Chengfeng's question, his bright eyes couldn't help showing a faint color, "I don't remember very much. All the people who have been turned into strange animals will lose their memories. I also slowly recovered some memories not long ago, but I don't remember many things."

"I only remember my name is Xiao Xi. Oh, I remember I came to see my father." Little fox suddenly perked up and looked up at Zhao Cheng Fengdao. He seemed very happy to think of this.

"Yes, then you may have entered the world on your own initiative, just like me." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but in his heart, he couldn't help thinking of the man who had been transformed by the ghost fog in the previous dreamland, and the giant beast also called Xiao Xi.

He still remembered that Mr. Antong, who was transformed by the ghost fog in the dreamland, said that it was his daughter's name.


Zhao Chengfeng is a little uncertain, because it is after all a ghost fog illusion, although the projection of the camp in the illusion is basically real, and they did see the essence of Mr. Antong and the giant beast named Xiao Xi in the God's nest before.

Can we say that Mr. an Tong in the dreamland is actually a projection of reality, but even so, he is just the consciousness of divine shadow.

Zhao Chengfeng can't judge how it happened or whether little fox is related to Mr. Antong.

That's why he didn't say it.

Little fox didn't notice the change of his expression. When he heard Zhao Chengfeng say that he also took the initiative to enter the world, he immediately became interested. He raised his head and asked curiously, "big brother, are you here to find someone?"

"Yes, a friend of mine." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile.

"She's in the soul nest?"

"Well, yes, she should still be in the soul nest at the moment." Zhao Chengfeng nodded.

The little fox looked at him. After a moment, he lowered his head and nodded, "how nice..."

Zhao Chengfeng is a Leng at first, then understood her meaning. Looking at the fox who suddenly became a little depressed, his heart moved.

He touched the little guy's head again and said with a smile, "don't worry, you and your father will definitely meet. After all, the world is not very big."

"But I don't remember what he looked like..." said the little fox, a tear sliding down the corner of his eye.

In fact, she didn't say anything more. She was afraid that her father would become a strange animal and even be killed. Just like those strange animals she had seen before, she was killed by others, strangled by the wind of soul erosion, or captured and killed by other strange animals in complete ignorance.

But these terrible thoughts she did not dare to say, or even think more, she was afraid that once said it would become true.

Zhao Chengfeng was silent for a moment. He hesitated to say something about Mr. Antong, but after thinking about it, he finally decided not to say it for the time being.

He pondered for a while, then said with a smile, "don't worry, maybe you will see him soon, and you will remember when you see him."

"Really?" Fox raised his head again, looking up at Zhao Chengfeng with some expectation.

"Of course!" Zhao Chengfeng replied positively, thinking that maybe after saving Liuli, he could take the fox to see Mr. Antong.

But he still hesitated to do so.

It's not that he's afraid of trouble, but he doesn't know if little fox can really remember it. Even if he does, Mr. Antong is just a parasite and has no will of his own.

As for the shadow, he was not sure that he could get rid of it.

According to the truth, the high priest should be able to help, but when something happened to him, he could not be sure what kind of existence the high priest was, and whether he would help was also unknown.

Forget it. We'll talk about it later.

"By the way, Xiao Xi, can you remember who made you a monster?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly asked.

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