"I know who it is. I saw the bad guy after I regained consciousness, but he is very powerful. I dare not get close to him." When it comes to the villain who turned her into a strange animal, the little fox immediately gritted his teeth and was afraid.

Obviously, the "bad guy" left a shadow in her heart.

Suddenly, the little fox seemed to think of something. Suddenly, he jumped out of Zhao Chengfeng's arms and patted his two front paws and said, "big brother, I remember, I remember!"

"What do you think of?" Zhao Chengfeng is slightly stunned. He doesn't know what this little guy thinks of and is so excited.

"I remember. I didn't remember what the bad guy was like, but when I saw him, I immediately remembered." The little fox said excitedly.

"Er... So?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised.

Little fox is still very excited, "big brother, you are right. If I can see my father, I will recognize him. Even I can recognize bad people, and I will recognize my father."

Zhao Chengfeng knew that what the little guy was excited about was this. He moved a little in his heart, and then he laughed. He touched the little guy's head and said, "that's natural. Can the big brother's words be fake?"

"Well." The little fox nodded heavily, and his eyes were full of longing and expectation.

Zhao Chengfeng laughs. He holds her up again and puts her on his leg. His palm gently caresses her smooth and soft hair. After a while, he doesn't see the little guy talking. When he looks down, he finds that she has fallen asleep and her eyes turn into two curved slits. He seems to be laughing. He doesn't know if he has a dream.

Zhao Chengfeng carefully put her on the blanket, and took a few blankets to cover for her. Looking at her still asleep, he couldn't help thinking of her son Xiaotian, Beibei and daughter xiaonang.

Especially the little girl, when he left the earth, the little guy was still in his infancy. When I go back, the little guy should have already called Dad. I don't know if she can recognize me?

Then there was another self mocking smile, which was probably impossible to recognize. How could a little child have memory?

There are Xiaotian and Beibei, the two naughty guys. I don't know if their mother can control them.

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath, then gently walked to one side and said to Brandon, "you sleep too. I'll be on duty."

"Ah? Hey, hey, that's good. " Brandon was a little embarrassed. According to the truth, he should have done this kind of thing in the relationship between them. But he was really tired after being chased by the little foxes all night, so he went to a corner of the tent, wrapped in a fur blanket, looked at Zhao Chengfeng apologetically, then closed his eyes, shivered and went to sleep.

Zhao Chengfeng sat down in front of the tent with his knees crossed. He didn't know the characteristics of the so-called divine breath, and he didn't dare to put the divine consciousness too far away. He just covered the area around the tent for warning. At the same time, he continued to comb and digest the information in his mind.

This group of information is very complicated. It's about the world, about the eternal world, about the Black Death world, and even about array patterns, refining utensils, and pills.

Zhao Chengfeng immersed in it, completely ignored the passage of time, unconsciously, I do not know how long, Zhao Chengfeng finally slowly opened his eyes.

"I have finally digested this group of information. No, I should say I have received it."

Together with the time in the dreamland, it has been two days and two nights since Mr. Minge rudely poured these information into his mind. If we want to count the time in the dreamland, it will be longer.

After such a long time, Zhao Chengfeng has finally digested this group of information. In fact, it is more appropriate to digest and receive it.

However, even so, Zhao Chengfeng still feels very shocked, even a little scared.

First of all, he had a deeper understanding of the immortal world and the Black Death world, or the civilization system of these two times.

I feel that in the past, if he just stood outside the door and peeped at the scenery inside, now he has a kind of feeling that he can slowly step into the world and observe the world in depth.

This is quite different from the ancient martial arts, but it has a lot in common and similarities... Well, how to say... Cultivation road? It doesn't seem appropriate.

If you insist, Zhao Chengfeng thinks it is more appropriate to use the process of evolution, transformation or sublimation.

The so-called cultivation, whether it is the ancient martial arts or the rank of the world, from the individual point of view, is a process of gradual transformation and sublimation from ordinary, ordinary to a higher level.

The only difference is that the ancient martial system first expanded from the inside, then expanded to the outside, and finally integrated into the universe. However, those in the eternal world and the Black Death world take a way from the outside to the inside.

For the rank, from the beginning, their power came from the universe, and from the beginning, their power was given by the existence of the outside world.

Comparatively speaking, they are much easier to gain power than the ancient warriors, and they can use some profound power, such as law, from the beginning.

Even though many of them don't know what the law is, or even think of the existence of the law, their so-called authority talent is the power with the nature of the law.

When they are at a low level, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and even the rank system has great advantages in the early stage.

However, after reaching the middle and high levels, the weakness of the rank system began to emerge. The first is that the foundation is weak, which is completely the power given by heaven and earth. Although it is easy to get, it is still separated by one layer when it is used, which inevitably leads to the situation of knowing but not knowing the reason.

Zhao Chengfeng had a deep understanding of this after he came to this world. The so-called Viscount, Earl, and even Marquis level masters in this world, for the rough use of power and the single and crude way of fighting, are simply appalling.

In addition, there is one of the most fatal weaknesses, that is, power comes from heaven and earth, and nature is also subject to heaven and earth.

This may not be understood by the middle and low-level ranking people, or even considered in this aspect. However, from some powerful people Zhao Chengfeng had contacted before, Zhao Chengfeng can vaguely feel that these people have begun to have this kind of worry in their hearts.

For example, the highpriest, who was just contacted before, didn't say it clearly, but Zhao Chengfeng could already realize that they had this kind of hidden worry, or they were not willing to.

As for "Mr. Minge", it is obvious that he has gone beyond this level. From the information he instilled, Zhao Chengfeng can clearly feel that he has reached a kind of transcendental realm in terms of law, divine knowledge, sea knowledge and so on.

Every little bit of information, Zhao Chengfeng has a kind of sudden opening, such as the feeling of enlightening.

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