"If this information is read by the high priest and other people like him, will it drive you crazy?"

Because Zhao Chengfeng can be sure that the ultimate goal of the high priest and other people in this world is to toss these things.

Although Zhao Chengfeng received only a small part of this part, the rest are more into his knowledge of the stars in the sea, but even so.

If the high priest sees this information, he will go crazy, or have a sudden insight, and immediately solve the so-called Godhead or other profound secrets. Or direct epiphany, cultivation soared.

Because these information for Zhao Chengfeng, in addition to his hands without such things as God, but also because he is taking another road. Although it benefits, it is indirect.

Zhao Chengfeng is not so frustrated, but extremely happy.

If he really takes the path of rank, then his accomplishments may soar, and he may be able to break through to a state that he can't reach now in a lot of time.

But the consequences will be terrible.

If it is serious, it may become another "Mr. Minge".

However, even so, Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to take it lightly. He was lucky, but he did not dare to get away with it, let alone excited.

Although after digesting this information, he really benefited a lot. What he improved was not only knowledge, but also vision and cognition.

Even now Zhao Chengfeng has an indescribable impulse. He feels that if he wants to, he can break through to the broken void state as soon as he is closed for a day or two, no more than three days at most.

But Zhao Chengfeng forced down this impulse.

Not only because there is no time to close down, but more importantly, he still has a kind of instinctive prevention and fear for Mr. Minge in his heart.

There is a saying that if you want to take it, you must give it first. On the contrary, if someone gives you benefits, it is likely to be a plot.

Although "Minge" himself said that in the future he needs to help?

But is it really that simple?

Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't believe it.

At least not quite.

If he had a choice, he would rather not have the information that might make many people crazy.

However, in this matter, he does not have much initiative at all. All he can do is to be careful before he has enough power to take the initiative, or fully understand Mr. Minge's plot.

Since he can not refuse such information, he will choose to accept it, but at the same time, he must stick to a bottom line, and must stick to himself and not be skew by the other party's information.

Only adhere to the self, and then absorb nutrition, so as to achieve the maximum degree of profit and avoid harm.

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say, but it's not easy to do.

Because the other side's knowledge system is too broad and vast. Fortunately, he is not from this world, but from another world which is very young but highly developed in civilization.

Behind it is the 5000 year old civilization of the earth world, as well as a set of ancient martial arts system that runs through countless facets.

If he had been an ordinary child of Wuchen family on May 9 in the eternal world, such a magnificent knowledge system would have completely denied him his cognitive accumulation in the past 20 years.

Fortunately, the information storm instilled by Mr. Minge has changed a little in his sea of knowledge. Only a small part of it has survived, but more of it has become stars in the sea of knowledge.

But how did the stars in the sea of knowledge come into being? Isn't that Mr. Minge's intention?

Zhao Chengfeng also has a headache about his knowledge of the sea, the starry sky and the Taiji map, all kinds of strange things, and he doesn't know the origin.

Although Zhao Chengfeng has never really seen other people's knowledge of the sea, he estimates that few people's knowledge of the sea will be as inexplicable as his knowledge of the sea.

"Hiss ~!" Just as Zhao Chengfeng sighs, he suddenly hears bursts of neighing outside the tent, which sounds like the voice of the lizard, followed by another roar, like the roar of an ox or a bronze bell, "moo, ang ~!"

The sound shocked all fields.

"..." as soon as Zhao Chengfeng's face changed, he heard the big lizard's voice at first. He thought it was daybreak outside, so the big lizard climbed out and called.

But the roar at the back startled him. What's the sound of a bell? It's really the same as the sound of a bell, but he hasn't heard of it. Would it be another strange animal.

Just listen to this voice, this strange beast is not small.

At this time, Brandon and fox were awakened.

"What's that sound?" Brandon was still sleepy, but the fox ran out from under the blanket. "This is Xiao San barking. There must be an enemy, otherwise Xiao San would not make a sound."

"Little three?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned. He remembered that Xiao San in the mouth of little fox was the ugly and terrible big sand fish.

That guy can make a sound, and he can cry so loud. Is that still a fish?

But at this time, the little fox had already run out of the tent.

Zhao Chengfeng also couldn't make complaints about it, and hurried along with him.

Before he stepped out of the door, he heard another voice outside. It was very noisy. It seemed that more than one person was making a noise.

"Look, there are people camping in this place. Who are they?"

"No matter who he is, take these animals first."

"Eh, there is a small one..."

"You are bad people ~!" Then there was a childish voice, full of anger and panic. It was the voice of little fox.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he moved in his heart and said in secret, "what a coincidence."

This is really a narrow road. I didn't expect that little fox met his enemy here.

As his mind turned, he stooped out of the tent.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a crowd of people not far away.

Looking at the costumes, they are a little similar to those priests in the God's nest in the canyon, but there are still differences in details.

It seems to be a kind of priest in some camp or God's nest.

Those people were surprised when they heard that the fox was spewing words. Suddenly they saw Zhao Chengfeng come out of the tent. They were stunned. Then someone asked in a cold voice, "who are you?"

Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, then he laughed, deliberately made his eyes above the top of the crazy state, and said: "you inexplicably went to the place where I camped, but also to catch Ben Shao's pet, but to ask who Ben Shao is, this sentence should be Ben Shao asked you."

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