As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was arrogant. When he opened and closed his mouth, he was "Ben Shao" long, Ben Shao short. The man who opened his mouth before frowned and hummed coldly, "hum, there's so much nonsense. If you ask me, you can answer, saying, who are you and why are you here?"

Oh, more than me?

Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he laughed back. He just wanted to pretend to be arrogant, so that the other party could despise him and easily get the origin and purpose of the other party. He didn't expect a real one.

But with his smile, the man was not happy. He raised his eyebrows, raised his voice again and said, "what are you laughing at? What are you talking about, dumb?"

"Ha ha, I laugh at you for being ugly. Not only are you ugly, but your brain is still disabled. I also laugh at you for being physically different from ordinary people. People talk with their mouths, but you fart with them." Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to talk to him any more. However, he scolds him directly, but he still has a smile on his face and looks amiable. "Well, I've answered all the questions you asked. Are you satisfied now?"

"What did you say?" That person hears speech one Zheng, seem to be didn't think that this kid in front of him so cow force of existence, unexpectedly don't have heart to live to admire, five body throw to the ground, open mouth to scold me instead? Is this possible, real, not an illusion?

But the subordinates who came with him thought that he didn't hear clearly when they saw that he was a little strange. They immediately reminded him, "Lord Gretel, he scolds you!"

"Well!" The man looked back at the speaker.

"Ge..." he thought his boss didn't understand his words, and he was repeating it again. The man who knew this Gretel master quickly and quietly pulled his clothes and whispered: "you idiot, Gretel master doesn't understand people's words, don't you know this boy is swearing? Lord Gretel just doesn't understand why some people don't bow to his noble temperament, but make rude remarks, so they think it's unreasonable. "

On the other hand, Zhao Chengfeng was also surprised. He had already made plans for the other party to carry weapons. Who knows that he scolded so directly, but the guy on the other side didn't respond.

It can't be that the efficacy of Tongyan Dan has expired. He can't understand me. No, but I can understand them. Is it because my pronunciation is not standard?

Ah, it's not easy and important to learn a foreign language well, otherwise you can't even understand the curse.

Zhao Chengfeng was sighing when he heard a "bang bang" sound. According to his two-day experience in this world, he immediately knew that it was the sound of a huge beast.

Looking up, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned to see that three strange beasts, whose shape was like a large armored vehicle, were rushing towards this side.

The appearance of those monsters is the same as that of Xiao Si. The only difference is that the size of those monsters is bigger than Xiao Si, and the color is not as black as Xiao Si. The whole body is as black as black iron, but the color of water is earthy yellow, almost the same as the surrounding sand, which has a very high camouflage effect.

However, each of the three beasts has a little red color on its back. It seems that someone is riding on it.

Zhao Chengfeng turned to the lizard and said with a smile, "Xiao Si, your family has relatives."

"Hiss ~!" Xiao Si seems to understand Zhao Chengfeng's words. He puts his huge head and hisses, as if he is not happy to recognize this relative.

"Xiao Si said that he didn't have such ugly relatives." At this time, the little fox is not as nervous as before. He laughs and mentions the translation of Xiao Si.

"As like as two peas, you are ugly. When Zhao Chengfeng saw that Xiao Si was still looking at his face, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hiss ~!" Xiao Si put his brain bag and hissed again. Without Fox's translation, Zhao Chengfeng probably understood what he meant. Anyway, he was very dissatisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's "random pulling relatives" and insisted that he was more handsome.

"It's shameless!" Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and despised the narcissistic guy.

On the other hand, Gretel's Gang also found someone.

"Dilongwei!" A group of people's faces changed slightly and seemed to be afraid.

One of them said, "Gretel, the dilongwei is here. I'm afraid the adults are looking for us."

There is no honorific for this man. It seems that his identity is similar to Gretel's.

Gretel frowned slightly, looked at Zhao Chengfeng and others, and then said to his followers: "go ~!"

After that, he ignored Zhao Chengfeng and stepped towards them.

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect these people to leave like this. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that he didn't stop him.

Although he didn't like the attitude of these people, he didn't like the posture of coming and leaving as soon as he wanted.

But there are priorities.

However, I'm going to the soul nest soon. There are so many people here. I don't know... I hope it won't affect me, otherwise... Hum!

Zhao Chengfeng's murderous spirit flashed in his eyes, but then he was pressed down. He was about to turn around and ask Brandon to help clean up the tent and other applications, and suddenly stopped.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that the three monsters had come near Gretel and others. The man on the back of the beast didn't hold the beast.


"My Lord, be careful!"

A group of people were shocked, some people were angry and said, "dilongwei, what are you doing ~!"

Gretel had stopped at this time, and saw the huge dragon horse bump into him head on. This person even calmly looked directly at to ride, at the foot one step does not move, does not flash, does not avoid.

See this scene, don't say and his former those people were startled, even Brandon and little fox can't help but stare big eyes.

"Isn't this man stupid?" Brandon couldn't help murmuring.

Zhao Chengfeng also stopped, but his face is not like Brandon and others have so much reaction, but the corner of his mouth can not help showing a trace of appreciation.

Although I know that the beast will not dare to really hit, but in the face of such a galloping beast, there are not many people who can not change their face and avoid it.

Only this point, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that although this person is a little annoying, but this bearing is OK.

Sure enough, when the beast was less than two meters away from Gretel, and the others were already pale with fright, the beast in front of him suddenly jumped up, and even the house of man and beast flew over Gretel's head.

At the same time, the two riders at the bottom of the pin shape also grasped the reins in time.

One of the three earthworms passed over Gretel's head, and the other two stopped less than one meter from Gretel.

Zhao Chengfeng saw that the three riders on the back of the dragon were all women, and they all seemed very young.

"Live ~!" The Dragon over Gretel's head, the woman on her back, while pulling the reins to appease the restless beast, angrily looked at Gretel and yelled, "Gretel, what are you doing, what are you doing here? Do you know that in order to find you, the earthworm in this block is almost surprised! "

Hearing that the female Knight turned around, the villain complained first. Not to mention Gretel's companions, Zhao Chengfeng and others were also stunned.

Brandon pulled the corners of his mouth. "I wipe it. It's divine logic!"

The rider on his back didn't have the courage to bump into it after all.

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