"Who's talking?" Brandon's voice was not loud, but he didn't expect that the female Knight's ear power was quite good. He heard it.

As soon as he turned his head, he seemed to see Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon. With a frown, he asked, "who are these two people?"

Although she looks at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, and the content is also related to Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, the object of her question is obviously not Zhao Chengfeng or Brandon, but Gretel behind her. Obviously, she doesn't think Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon are qualified to talk to her.

But Gretel didn't answer. As if he didn't hear it, he passed directly between the other two beasts.

When the other two female knights on the beast saw this, they tried to block it with the reins. Gretel suddenly raised his head. With two fierce and icy eyes, the two female Knights immediately felt a thrill, as if they had fallen into the river full of ice in winter.

In a daze, Gretel had passed between the two beasts. They hesitated for a while, but they didn't dare to fence.

Seeing this, a group of Gretel's companions and subordinates couldn't help laughing in their hearts, and then quickly followed Gretel's steps.

When the female Knight saw that no one had answered for a long time, she turned around and found that Gretel had already walked out of dozens of meters... This guy actually ignored her.

The knight was furious and looked up at her two companions.

The other two female knights were angry and depressed, but they were not easy to explain. Their eyelids drooped slightly and they did not speak.

The woman knight who spoke also knew about it in her heart. She was very angry in her heart. "Well, Gretel, even my dragon cavalry guards dare to ignore it. When I look back, I won't sue you in front of the adults."

However, although she was angry in her heart, she couldn't vent her anger on Gretel. She immediately sent her anger on Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's head. She was gnashing her teeth when suddenly two other female Knights found three strange beasts beside Zhao Chengfeng, especially lizard Xiao Si. They both had bright eyes.

"Gee, there is a mutant Xuanjin dragon beast here!"

When I found Xiao Si, the depression of the two female Knights disappeared, and they were in full bloom.

Hastily urged the beast forward, one of them gently pulled to stop the female knight who was about to attack, whispered something.

The latter was stunned, and his eyes turned and fell on the lizard. A little surprise flashed across his face. "It's really a mutant xuanjinlong beast. I almost didn't find it!"

"No wonder Gretel has been here for such a long time. It seems that he also found this mutant Xuanjin dragon. But why didn't Gretel take the Dragon away? " The color of doubt in the girl's eyes flashed, but then it turned into joy again.

"It should be Gretel's bad luck. When he wanted to take this mysterious Golden Dragon away, we just showed up... Yes, he deliberately ignored me and tried to provoke us to attract my attention. Maybe he didn't want us to find this mutant mysterious Golden Dragon. However, his little calculation failed, ha ha..."

The more they see, the more they love each other. "The shape of this Xuanjin dragon beast should still be a new one. It should have been alienated into a beast for a long time. Maybe it can continue to be alienated in the future. Maybe it can evolve into a fiery dragon beast. If you take it back, you will be rewarded."

While looking at the lizard Xiao Si, the three of them made a reckless comment. They completely regarded Xiao Si as their bag.

As for Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, they were once again selectively ignored.

Zhao Chengfeng has no idea what to say about it.

Where do these people come from? How can they all be dragged to heaven.

On the other side, Gretel and others didn't go far. They immediately found out what happened here.

A group of people couldn't help looking slightly changed.

A few people could not help but feel annoyed and worried. "Gretel, if only we had done it quickly just now, I'm afraid this strange animal would fall into the hands of these women. At that time, these women will certainly use this alienated Xuanjin dragon beast to please the adults. The adults have always been partial to the women of the Dragon riding guards. I'm afraid it will be even worse. "

Gretel shook his head slightly. "It's not that simple. Why do you think I didn't do it before? Instead, I talked with that boy for a long time. I didn't even do it directly when he scolded me. Do you really think I have a good temper or a brain problem?"

The others were stunned, but they were dubious.

"No, that boy doesn't seem to be very strong. I feel that his rank is no more than Viscount, or even not yet."

"Ha ha, isn't this the most terrible place? Where is this place? How can a viscount or even a baron be here safe and sound? " Gretel gave a sneer. "And one more thing, the man around him, judging from the fluctuation of breath, should be a count of spirit! But have you noticed his attitude towards that young man? "

"It's not just respect, it's fear, even fear."

"Why is a count level master afraid of a guy who seems to be less than a Viscount?"


"This..." a group of people are speechless, but they still don't believe the guy who looks very ordinary. He is so terrible, so terrible. Why didn't he do it before?

People are wondering.

One of the three female Knights suddenly jumped up from the giant sitting down. As soon as her body floated, she reached the top of the lizard's body. It's going to fall on the lizard's back.

A group of people see this face is a change, "did not expect that the woman of dragon riding guard has body method so good!"

For the Dragon guards, they generally feel resistance and disdain, and usually they don't look up to it.

At this time, looking at the female Knight's hand, these people couldn't help but say, "if you don't say anything else, we just do this body method. I'm afraid only Lord Gretel and Mr. Allen can compare it."

"Hiss ~!" When the female knight was about to fall on the lizard's back, the lizard seemed to be completely angered by the woman.

As a matter of fact, the lizard Xiao Si has long been looked down upon by these three females. And this woman has a sense of inexplicable breath, let it instinctively feel irritable. As soon as the woman approached, the breath became more obvious.

This undoubtedly further makes Xiao Si very angry.

In his fury, his brain bag swung, hissed and hissed in his mouth, and at the same time, his thick tail rolled towards the female knight.

This smash, the wind roaring, power at least tens of thousands only, coupled with his tail on the scale of hard, more amazing power.

Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon see lizard small four, unexpectedly smash so terrible, in the heart is also slightly surprised, especially Brandon is a burst of fear.

Good guy, it's good that this guy didn't take me seriously before, otherwise I can't carry this tail.

Zhao Chengfeng had planned to do it, but when he saw the skill of the lizard, he didn't want to do it any more.

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