"I'll go over, or they'll suffer." Instead of answering Brandon's question, Zhao Chengfeng hands Brandon the fox in his arms.

It's not that he doesn't know, it's just that he knows, but the answer is not pleasing and he doesn't want to say it.

There are many descriptions of the world in Mr. Minge's group of messages. After receiving Mr. Minge's group of messages, although some of them are not integrated, he has a better understanding of the world.

One of the descriptions is that "although the world has already had the rudiment of micro surface, it has been able to produce some simple creatures, such as termites and other insect like complex creatures."

Although this description only says what the world can evolve, it does not say what level it cannot reach.

But the answer is self-evident.

Obviously, not to mention the exotic animals, even the ordinary animals, the world can't be naturally evolved at present.

Combined with what little fox said before, the answer is more obvious. In fact, 80% of these exotic animals are people who fall into this world, and they are alienated into exotic animals by some people who don't know what means they use and for what purpose.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't intend to take care of it, because he came here to save Liuli. Then he had to go back to heidiejie and Hengyun mountains. He had a lot to do.

He didn't want to make a fuss.

But at this time, there was a nameless fire burning in his heart.

He didn't know what it was, a sense of justice?

Perhaps, the sense of justice is no longer valuable in this era. Everyone should emphasize that he is not a good person or a savior even if he does good deeds. Only in this way can he not be satirized as a virgin or even a fool.

But why? Why can't I just say that I want to be a good man for the sake of justice in my heart? Is there any pity in my heart?

What about self-reliance and failure?

I am a person, there is a person in the heart at least dignity, there is a person at least pity.

So no matter how rational, how sophisticated, rational, there are always restless time in the heart.

The three women obviously did not find Zhao Chengfeng's action.

They not only subdued their own mounts, but also frightened the three beasts, which made them proud.

The face that was originally in a mess danced again.

"Ha ha, animals, why don't you chase me? I'm afraid." The other one of the three women laughed with pride. At the same time, she whipped the animal tendon in her hand in the air and said with a ferocious sneer: "do you know what this is? Ha ha, it's specially made to teach you this kind of animal. It's used by you animals!"

"Pa!" The woman said that the soft whip in her hand was once again thrown in the air, and the whip slightly pumped out the air, making a firecracker like explosion.

Little four, little two, little three, and little fox trembled when they heard the whips. Little fox, who had been handed to Brandon's arms, hugged Zhao Chengfeng's arm with worry and pleading in his eyes

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and nods to her, "don't worry!"

The fox let go of his hands.

On the other hand, the third daughter is even more proud when she sees the fourth and the second. As for Zhao Chengfeng, Brandon and little fox, except that the twelfth sister contacted Zhao Chengfeng before and paid a little attention to them, the other two women paid no attention at all.

Even if twelve elder sister found that Zhao Chengfeng came over, she didn't pay much attention to it. Although Zhao Chengfeng broke her whip, she thought it was more accidental.

Because the boy was so scared that he hit the weakness of her soft whip. Of course, it's impossible to duplicate this kind of accident.

As for strength, she didn't feel any amazing strength in that boy. Even though the weakness of hitting her soft whip before was just the attack of breaking the soft whip, she didn't feel how much strength the soft whip took.

After that, the boy of the second whip wanted to grab it with his hand. If it wasn't because the animal sitting down didn't fight, he ran away, or miss Ben's whip would have broken his hand.

She sneered in her heart, but she saw that Zhao Chengfeng actually walked straight over.

Twelve elder sister can't help but get a cold hum, "don't you bow your head when you don't know what's going on?"

The first half of her sentence is about Zhao Chengfeng, but the second half is about scolding Xiao Si, Xiao ER and Xiao San.

Obviously, she did it on purpose, not only to intimidate the three beasts, but also to make Zhao Chengfeng equal to them.

When she scolded, she whipped again, but this time she was no longer smoking the air, but directly at the head of little two.

The other two women also drank, and each raised her whip to the other two beasts.

Xiao Si, Xiao ER and Xiao San, seeing the miserable appearance of the three dragons being whipped, already knew the strength of the whip, and there was a breath on the whip, which made them hard to resist. Seeing that the three women really wanted to whip them, they immediately hid behind.

"Still want to hide!" Twelve elder sister see three strange beasts also want to dodge, not from a cold hum, to the other two women way: "seventeen, nineteen, sacrifice Yu beast card!"

With that, he turned his hand first, and a black wooden sign appeared in his palm.

As soon as the sign appeared.

Immediately there was a loud roar coming from the sign, and at the same time there was a terrible force rushing out.

This power, even Zhao Chengfeng can't help but look slightly changed, this pressure actually has a kind of spirit like atmosphere.

But as soon as I heard the name of the brand, I immediately knew that this power was mainly aimed at exotic animals. To be exact, it was made by such artificial exotic animals as little fox and little two, little four and little three.

So although he felt it, he didn't feel much pressure.

Sure enough, as soon as the sign came out, Zhao Chengfeng felt that the pressure was not terrible, but the three beasts could not help but utter a cry of sadness, and at the same time, they staggered, as if they were pressed down on their waist, and the big sand fish was almost pressed into the sand.

However, after small two, small three, small four beast, unconsciously also produced a trace of wildness, this pressure but let three strange beast aroused ferocity.

Xiao Si hissed and trampled, but he didn't get down. At the same time, he threw his tail at the third girl again.

The big sand fish and the big centipede also struggled madly. The others rushed out of the sand and rushed to the three women and the three earth dragons.

Twelve elder sister sees these three strange beasts so fierce, also can't help facial expression tiny change, hasten to urge a way: "good brute, incredibly still dare to be fierce, 17, 19, you two hurry up!"

As he spoke, he whipped again.

The other two women dare not neglect, and quickly took out two and twelve elder sister hand similar brand, three brand together, Yu beast brand sent out the prestige suddenly appeared terrible superposition.

The three beasts cried again, and could not hold on any longer.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng immediately knew that it was impossible for the three beasts to resist the three girls. He knew in his heart that he had to fight.

Although he very much hopes that Xiao Si, Xiao ER and Xiao San can break through this kind of pressure with their own strength, which must be beneficial, it is obviously impossible.

In a flash, the man had fallen on Xiao Si's back. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed the whip flying by

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