"Well?" Twelve elder sister see Zhao Chengfeng unexpectedly suddenly hand, and a hand to grasp her whip slightly, also some surprised.

But he didn't panic. Instead, he sneered sarcastically, "ha ha, you dare to touch the stupid Fulong whip. It's like you want to die..."

In the distance, Gretel and others did not really leave, but looked at the movement from a distance.

Because Gretel said before that the young man is not simple, so people pay attention to Zhao Chengfeng.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng finally took the hand. Although he grabbed the whip of the twelve elder sisters, a group of people were silent for a while. They were a little funny in their hearts. "This is what Lord Gretel said. It's not simple, but it's fast enough, but it's too deep and rash. The volley whip of the Earth Dragon riding those women is similar to the tiger's tail, which can be grasped at will."

The Fulong whip is the standard weapon of the Earth Dragon riding. But it's not simple. There's a lot of mystery in it.

Not only are the main materials made from the tendons of the Earth Dragon beast, but they are also mixed with many magical and vicious things, such as bone etching silk.

After being made, it was soaked in special liquid for several years.

Numerous inscriptions are engraved on the body of the whip, so that it can be controlled by the user at will.

The body of the whip usually looks just a little rough, but the user's mind can produce numerous fine barbs.

Although these barbs are small, they are extremely vicious.

A whip down, even the thick skin of the Earth Dragon beast are skin, let alone the human skin.

What's more, this whip is called Fulong whip, but the fact is that the toxin in it is just harmless to the Earth Dragon beast, and even has curative effect, and it is bone eroding poison to other creatures.

Many people think it's specifically for the Earth Dragon beast, so they despise it, and they often suffer a big loss.

But for a long time, in this God corpse world, most of them have known the secret, and gradually no one will suffer from it.

But obviously, the young man didn't know about it, and he was very reckless.

It's not easy for such a person to see.

They just wanted to laugh, but they were afraid to hurt Gretel's face, so they didn't show it, but they all shook their heads secretly.

In their eyes, the young man is finished, at least the hand is useless.

But after a while, people were shocked to find that Zhao Chengfeng still firmly grasped the whip, and did not move, and nothing happened.

He didn't die of poisoning, and there was no sign of his hand being corroded.

All of them were surprised. The female knight was also stunned. She even subconsciously looked at the soft whip in her hand, and saw that the soft whip was full of barbs. Even she was scared.

Once again, Zhao Chengfeng firmly grasped the whip, as if those barbs were fake.

"What, surprise?" Zhao Chengfeng a sneer, "this kind of small skills, pediatric things actually someone really take seriously."

In fact, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand, he had already known the mystery of the Fulong whip, but he still grasped it.

In his words, this kind of thing is too childish to say. Maybe it will still work at a certain level for the ranking people in the world.

But for the physical body of the ancient warrior, it is not to say that he is now in a virtual state, that is, if the ancient warrior in the general Lingwu state pays a little attention to the physical exercise, he will be afraid of this little trick.

Even if it was blessed with inscriptions, it would not hurt him.

This is the advantage of the ancient military system over the world power system.

"You..." the chivalrous woman, who was called the twelve elder sisters, saw that she was very proud of her dependence before, but she didn't have any effect on Zhao Chengfeng. She just sneered at Zhao Chengfeng for not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Unexpectedly, she was slapped in the face every minute. After listening to Zhao Chengfeng's sarcasm, she became angry.

"Let go!"

In shame and anger, the female Knight pulled the whip hard in an attempt to regain the control of the soft whip, but it didn't move.

Another tug or no tug.

The girl flew into a rage.

"You bastard, let me go! Let go

Let's shout again. One hand was holding the flagpole, but now the other hand was on. Both hands held the flagpole together and pulled back. Teeth squeak, like tug of war, to the end of the whole body's strength is used.

However, the whip on the other end seemed to die in the hands of Zhao Chengfeng. No matter how hard she tried, she would not move.

"Twelve elder sisters?"

The other two female Knights also turned blue and red when they saw this. After all, the twelve elder sisters were their companions, and they were the head of the three men's team.

At this time, the twelve elder sister pulled back with her two hands holding the flagpole, just like a little chicken robbing the earthworm. She had a face that was not ugly, not only because of excessive force, but also because of embarrassment, or anger. It was as if she was going to bleed, and her expression had been twisted.

But the other end of the earthworm is not another chicken, but an evil devil.

This scene is a real embarrassment, even they feel very humiliating.

I want to help, but I don't know how to intervene.

It's more embarrassing for three people to pull out one head. I can't imagine it.

They are not the little girls who haven't grown up yet, but they are the Dragon guards.

But if you don't help me, the scene will only be more ugly, and the twelfth sister is too poor.

Another look at the other end of the whip, the devil with the earthworm teasing the chicks, his face was cold and cold, but now it turned into an evil banter smile.

The bastard has gone from being a bully to a complete insult.

Not only them, but also Gretel and his party, who had been watching in the distance, could not help twitching. This scene was ridiculous, but they did not feel able to laugh.

Even feel that usually hate teeth itch woman suddenly some pitiful.

However, it also shows from a certain side that Gretel's vision was accurate before. Apart from other things, his physical strength was amazing.

Unless he is the rank of power.

But this seems unlikely, because so far they are not aware of the fluctuation of authority from this person.

So the biggest possibility is that there are some high-level people hiding the breath of rank at this time.

Although it is difficult for the rank person to exercise himself, the high rank person is special.

For example, the noumenon of the God corpse world and the body can be transformed into a world. Isn't it simple.

"Ah ~!"

Just when people speculate about Zhao Chengfeng's real strength, they suddenly hear the twelve elder sisters exclaim, and then they listen to Putong.

When they saw it, it turned out that the young man suddenly released the whip. Suddenly, the woman was caught off guard, yelled and fell off the back of the Earth Dragon beast.

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