"Twelve elder sisters!"

The other two female knights, who were going to help, suddenly saw Zhao Chengfeng's obedient hand, but their companion fell off the dragon's back because of too much force. With a cry of surprise, they jumped off the dragon and helped him.

"Go away."

The Earth Dragon beast is nearly two meters five six tall. The woman used all her strength to hang on the whip. Zhao Chengfeng let go, and all her strength was used to fall down.

So this time, the fall is really not light, this woman in half a day did not get up, but the two women to help, but she pushed them away, and then struggled to stand up, it is nothing, just very embarrassed.

He was covered with dirt and his hair was scattered. He staggered forward for two steps. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng angrily and gritted his teeth. "Shameless villain, what kind of skill are you

She probably felt that she was given Yin by Zhao Chengfeng, who deliberately let her off guard and fell so embarrassed.

This kind of divine logic, if it was before, Zhao Chengfeng was very speechless, but at this time, he had lost interest in the three women.

Wen Yan didn't even bother to scold him. He just waved his hand, "go away, don't think I really don't kill women."

Then he turned to Brandon and said, "clean up, it's time for us to start. There will be a group of flies in the early morning..."

"You mix..." as soon as the female Knight's silver teeth bite, she is about to chase forward, and seems to want to start. The other two quickly hold on and whisper: "Twelve elder sister, this man is not simple, we are afraid that he is not an opponent. We might as well report to the adult and let the adult decide!"

The girl's face changed when she heard the words. Finally, she seemed to know what they were saying. She gritted her teeth and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng's back with a cold hum, "hum, you wait, you will regret who you have provoked!"

After that, regardless of their two companions, they climbed up to the Earth Dragon beast first, pulled the reins and smashed the flagpole on the Earth Dragon beast's back, "drive!"

The Earth Dragon turned and galloped in the opposite direction.

The other two women sighed and quickly turned over to the Earth Dragon beast and turned the beast's head to catch up.

When they passed by Gretel and others, the twelve elder sister gave Gretel a cold glance. It was obvious that she hated Gretel and others' behavior of going and not going and helping and not helping.

When the other two women passed by, they also looked ugly.

Gretel's face was still cool, but the others were bitter about it.

"Granny, these girls have some problems in their brains. They are not good at what they are doing. They play tricks and suffer losses. What's the matter with their faces?" Someone spat at the back of the three girls.

Some people are slightly worried, "these women like to gossip and sow dissension in front of adults. This time we watch them make a fool of themselves, but we don't help them. They probably won't say anything good in front of adults."

Gretel gave a noncommittal smile, but didn't answer these people's words. Instead, he looked up at the direction of the soul nest and said, "the breathing rate of shennian has slowed down. It seems that shennian should sleep again. Let's not delay here."

"This time, I don't know how many God nests and hidden characters have come. I'm afraid it will be very lively next time." He then took another look at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon who were pulling out of the camp.

And once again, he regained his lively spirit, lying on Zhao Chengfeng's head, directing the three big guys to help, or the little fox who made trouble, with a slight knock on the corner of his mouth, thinking deeply.

Although other people didn't find his subtle expression, they thought deeply of his words and said humanely: "yes, this time there are so many God nests, and then there will be chaos."

"By the way, Gretel, do you know why every God's nest goes to this soul's nest?"

"In previous years, the most important way to extradite new gods and shadows was to send several gods and shadows around, and at most to send a few extraditators. Why did so many gods and shadows come here this time, and almost all of them came out one by one? What happened? Is there anything remarkable to be born here?"

Gretel was about to answer when he turned his head and looked in the opposite direction of the God's nest. He said with a slight movement, "someone is coming again. Let's go first. Don't make any trouble again."

After hearing the speech, they all changed their faces slightly along the direction of his eyes. Then they nodded and agreed, "yes, we'd better go and have a round with adults. It's important to go!"

With the lessons of Zhao Chengfeng, several people deeply understand that this time the situation is different from the past.

Well, one or two people, if they didn't retreat fast, and people obviously didn't want to be involved, they were afraid to carry them all, and there were still a lot of people coming.

The party did not dare to delay, but hastened to leave.

A few people have just left. Zhao Chengfeng and others have just packed up their tents and are ready to go to the soul nest. The team from afar has also come near.

There were cheerleaders, riders and walkers, more than Gretel's group before.

The whole team adds up to at least 50 people.

Seeing these people approaching, Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon also stopped the lizard, the big sand fish and the big centipede who were going to move forward. The group stopped again and nodded to the visitors, indicating that they would ask each other to go ahead.

The leader of this group were two people, an old man and a young woman. The old man was white in hair and beard, but he was young in face and very ruddy in face.

Women are very tall, no less than 1.75 meters, and even up.

Both of them are riding on a kind of wild beast which looks like a wildebeest, but is also very tall. They are wearing a moon white robe. The shape of the robe is a bit like the monks of a Western church, but they are all moon white.

Some of the others in the team wore the same clothes, but the standard was lower than both of them. Some of them wore the most common linen clothes in the world.

However, there were no figures on these heads, and they were obviously not parasites.

See Zhao Chengfeng nodded, the leader of the old and young are very elegant, also nodded a smile, thanks.

But the old man saw that Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon were just two people, but they were carrying three strange animals. Zhao Chengfeng also had a white fox lying on his head. There was a little exploration in his old eyes. Especially for the little fox, the old man took a deep look at it.

On the contrary, although the young girl was smiling, she felt very distant and indifferent.

He looked more like a tired old man than the old man. He didn't seem to be interested in everything.

The rest of the team, when they saw the lizard and other three strange animals, their eyes lit up. However, the team was much more disciplined than those before. Although their eyes lit up, no one really started. Everyone just looked up and down when they passed by.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care either. He just laughed but didn't speak. When these people went away, the smile on his face narrowed slightly and his brow wrinkled slightly.

It seems that there may be something wrong with this soul nest, otherwise there would not be so many people rushing here.

It's not so good for him.

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