Along the way, we met several teams, all of which were magnificent. The worst were more than ten or twenty people, and even hundreds of people.

Among them, Zhao Chengfeng felt a lot, which made him feel a little scared.

According to a preliminary estimate, the masters of those breath are no less powerful than the marquis in his later period, and Zhao Chengfeng has a vague feeling that they may have surpassed the Marquis level, but they are not sure whether they are the duke or the king.

"It's true that the high priest in the valley God's nest said that his power and strength are the worst and can't be compared with others." Zhao Chengfeng breathes in.

All the priests in the canyon camp, including the high priest, were only a dozen people, and the number of them could not be compared with the smallest of these forces.

However, I don't know whether it's because Zhao Chengfeng's line has only two or three big cats and kittens, and these forces don't pay attention to them, or because these people don't want to cut corners, and these forces don't come to trouble them.

"Brother Qianzhi!" Just as he was walking forward, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly heard someone calling behind him. When he looked back, he was stunned. "High priest, you are here too."

It's no one else. It's the high priest of the canyon God's nest.

However, he had changed into a casual dress, and the whole person seemed to be much younger.

The former high priest looked like a middle-aged man in both appearance and speech, but at this time the high priest did not look more than twenty-two or twenty-three years old at most.

There is also a team behind him, but the scale can't compare with those teams Zhao Chengfeng met before. There are only about 145 people in total. Zhao Chengfeng suddenly almost didn't recognize it.

Next to him, Brandon suddenly recognized him after he called out the identity of the high priest. The whole person suddenly tensed up and subconsciously hid behind Zhao Chengfeng. He whispered in his heart, "no, it's time to solve the case."

On the other hand, not only the high priest, but also the other sacrificial groups were there, and they were glaring at him.

"Hey ~!" Brandon's face was stiff, and he had a smile worse than crying.

When the group of worshippers saw him like this, their teeth creaked.

Obviously, I hate Brandon.

But because the high priest did not speak, they did not dare to act rashly.

Naturally, the high priest also saw Brandon, and saw that he was walking with Zhao Chengfeng again, and there were four strange animals around him. He was slightly surprised, but he didn't ask. He just said with a smile, "brother Qianzhi, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. I knew that I should have been on the same road with you at that time, and I was a villain."

Zhao Chengfeng a Leng, immediately reaction come over, know what he so-called waste do villain refers to.

At that time, Zhao Chengfeng also asked him for help, but the high priest replied, "he and those priests can't leave the God's nest because of some restrictions."

But now they are all here, so it is obvious that the high priest's words are a lie.

"Ha ha, that's why you should be honest. But I don't think what you said is all lies. Although you can't leave the divine nest easily, it's true ~!" If this person doesn't mention Zhao Chengfeng, of course, he won't mention it. Since this person takes the initiative to say it, Zhao Chengfeng laughs and makes a half true joke, but he won't take it to heart.

He knows very well that there is an alliance between them, but at most it is just a verbal agreement. He really wants to expect the other party to do something. How can it be possible without sufficient interests?

Hearing this, the high priest laughed, "brother Qianzhi knows me."

"Yufei, who is this man?" At this time, an impatient voice suddenly rang out beside him, interrupting the conversation between them.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and looked at the speaker, only to find that he was very strange. He didn't seem to have seen the priests before, but there was no shadow on his head.

After another look, I noticed that there were many people behind the high priest, including 30 or 40 people, most of whom were very strange.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care at all, so he noticed. These people look a little strange.

It seems that the relationship with the high priest is not that between the superior and the subordinate, or even a little noisy.

The speaker is one of them. He seems to be younger than the high priest, but he looks very open. When he speaks, he calls the high priest's name. He feels condescending.

See Zhao Chengfeng see over, this person also don't care, look scornfully sweep Zhao Chengfeng this two people three beasts, and a small fox team, "big cat two or three kittens also dare to join in the fun, isn't it to die?"

When he said this, a lot of people in the team laughed. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon's eyes, it was like watching a monkey, "ha ha, what kind of cat and dog are here to join in the fun? Do you really think this is a fair

"However, these strange beasts look very good. Hey boy, do you sell these strange beasts?"

Zhao Chengfeng's face suddenly cooled down, and the high priest's face was also livid. He endured his anger and said, "Yuqing, they are my friends!"

"Ha ha, friend ~" the young man who spoke before sneered, "brother Jiu, otherwise you are not promising."

"How much did the family cost to give you the chance to seize a God's nest in the God's corpse world? But what have you done for so many years? If it wasn't for the family to let me come here, I'm afraid you would still be in the dark now? Return your friends. Are these friends useful? "

"It's better to do something useful when you have time to make friends like this." The more he spoke, the more proud he was. He did not worry about the high priest's blacker face. A scornful sneer, a turn to see Zhao Chengfeng is indifference in the side looking at them, seems to have nothing to do with themselves, the heart inexplicably generated a stream of anger.

"What are you looking at? On the first day, Wuchen's team is not a place where anyone can get into the autumn wind! "

As he spoke, his whole body's Qi rose, and an invisible Qi plummeted down, directly hitting Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon. Obviously, he intended to use his momentum to directly force Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon, probably to make a fool of them.

But as soon as he lost his momentum, he found Zhao Chengfeng motionless in front of him. The face of Qianzhi didn't change at all, while the other one was at a loss, as if he didn't know what had happened.

And his Qi didn't encounter any obstacles. It seemed that the two people in front of him didn't exist.

He can't help but frown. He looks at Zhao Chengfeng and is in a state of consternation.

"Yuqing young master said well, our first day Wuchen family is not a place where everyone can play autumn wind."

"Go away, go away!"


The others behind him didn't know that one of his Yin moves was completely lost, and it was so empty that they were still laughing with the young master Yuqing.

Only the two old men who had been standing beside him could see something vaguely? They used to be very relaxed, but now they could not help showing a trace of vigilance.

"Ha ha, high priest, it seems that your peach has been picked." Zhao Chengfeng didn't seem to notice them at all. He looked at the high priest with a smile and said, "well, do you need my help?"

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