"Since the high priest has no intention to cooperate, Qianzhi will take the lead." Zhao Chengfeng said and turned to leave.

Young master Yuqing's eyes flashed fiercely, showing a chance to kill. But before he could do anything, the high priest suddenly called out to Zhao Chengfeng, "brother Qianzhi, wait a moment."

"Why, did the high priest change his mind?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his head and said with a smile.

Feather green facial expression a change, suddenly turn a head to see to high priest, those two old men also in the heart a tight.

The high priest laughed, "brother Qianzhi is joking."

Then he said to the two elders and Yu Qing, "Yu Qing, uncle Yang and uncle Feng, since the clan intends to let Yu Qing take over the valley God nest from me, from now on, all this will be entrusted to the three."

"This..." the two elders were stunned, and then they understood the meaning of high priest Yufei. This is to leave their team. They couldn't help hesitating. They didn't know if they should stay.

But next to him, Yuqing stopped them, and immediately said with a sneer: "Hey, brother Jiu said so well before. It seems that I still have resentment at my taking over the canyon God nest from you. Just because the clan decided to let me take charge of the God nest, you don't want to help the clan any more. But if you want to go, just do as you please, and I won't stop you. "

As soon as he said this, even the muscles on the two old men's faces could not resist a twitch, but it was hard to say anything. There was a decorative cough, then one looked down at his feet, the other looked up at the sky, and he didn't say any more.

On the first day, the other members of Wuchen's family also had strange expressions, but no one said a word. The priests of the original God's nest seemed a little uneasy and hesitant, as if they didn't know how to deal with themselves.

They are the people of the high priest, but they shelter in the temple. Now the high priest is going to leave, they don't know what to do?

But after a moment's hesitation, these people lowered their heads and chose to be silent.

On the other hand, Brandon and Zhao Chengfeng were surprised to see that the high priest actually said to leave like this. Zhao Chengfeng couldn't see the high priest's intention.

But for the words and deeds of young master Yuqing, they couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, but Brandon couldn't help sneering. "I've seen so many shameless people, and I haven't seen such shameless people. I'm obviously eager to drive people away. I'm really seeing."

Young master Yuqing turns his head and looks at them. He is more murderous in his eyes. Brandon is not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng. He just looks at them and sneers. He looks like he is not fighting.

Yuqing young master secretly clenched his fist, and wanted to hit him in the face, but in the end, he didn't dare to act rashly.

However, Yu Fei, the high priest, did not refute or explain anything. He just laughed and left the team and walked to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Brother Qianzhi, if you don't dislike it, can Yufei go with you?"

Zhao Chengfeng's face moved, and then he laughed, "I don't dare to invite you

The high priest also laughed, put his hand on his chest, leaned slightly and said, "I'll disturb you."

"No, your highness." With that, Zhao Chengfeng made a gesture to invite the high priest to join the procession.

The high priest thanks again, then jumps up and lands on the lizard's back.

The lizard suddenly had another person on his back. He was not willing to do so. He wagged his tail and hissed.

He calmed down under the comfort of the fox.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a little embarrassed. After all, they can't afford to ride on other people's backs and pull people around.

Suddenly he had an idea. He took out a pearl of longevity from dimensional space and threw it into the air. The lizard's small eyes lit up. Although he didn't know what it was, he instinctively felt that it should be delicious.

He quickly opened his mouth and put the Pearl in his mouth. It seemed that he was eating well. He shook his head and tail happily and continued to ask for it.

The other two guys also came up to see this, shaking their heads and wagging their tails like children begging for candy. Even the little fox jumped into Zhao Chengfeng's arms and took away Zhao Chengfeng's palm for a while.

Zhao Chengfeng was just an attempt. He didn't expect that these guys could really eat Shouzhu, and they seemed to be very popular. He immediately laughed and didn't feel distressed. He didn't have this kind of thing, but he didn't lack low-cost Shouzhu.

Immediately, he took out a brocade bag containing Shouzhu and gave it to the little fox. The little fox was responsible for feeding the three big guys. The little guy took the brocade bag and opened it. It was full of beads of different colors. He was very happy. He took out one and put it in his mouth. He smacked it like a candy and laughed.

Then he jumped out of Zhao Chengfeng's arms and landed on the lizard's head. First he lost one to the lizard's mouth, and then he lost one to the big sand fish and one to the big centipede.

The three guys were all shaking their heads and tails, but compared with their size, Shouzhu was too small. Before they could smell it, it was gone.

So the three guys asked the fox again.

But the little fox tied up the mouth of the bag, and then stood on the top of the lizard's head, with his two forepaws pointing.

Because Zhao Chengfeng told her not to speak in front of outsiders before, so she can only use body instead of language.

However, the three guys could understand that although they were not reconciled, the big centipede and the big sand fish walked to one side and went to review what the bead was like just now.

The lizard also slowly began to move forward, and was slapped on the head by the fox, and then speeded up.

Little fox then jumped back to Zhao Chengfeng's arms with satisfaction. He held the bag in his two forepaws, hesitated for a moment, and quickly grabbed a plug in the entrance. When he looked up and saw that the other three guys didn't notice, he couldn't help smiling. Then he thought about it, but put the bag back into Zhao Chengfeng's hand.

Two forepaws, meaning to let Zhao Chengfeng help it hide again.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the little guy would live a good life. He didn't eat all of them. He couldn't help laughing. He nodded and was about to agree. Suddenly he remembered that he still had a dimensional object, which was the one he had snatched from Brandon.

He had planned to find Liuli and give it to her for use. When he saw the fox, he thought about it. He turned his hand and took out the ring shaped dimensional object. He tied it with a rope made of animal skin and hung it around the fox's neck.

Little fox looked at him with a silly face, and he didn't know why.

Although she recovered part of her memory, she didn't know what it was.

However, this move made Brandon look painful, and his heart could not help shouting, "that's mine, that's mine!"

But it's a pity that Zhao Chengfeng is doomed not to hear him. I don't care if I hear it.

Just say, "what's yours, I'll take mine."

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