The high priest was a little surprised to see that he gave a dimensional object to a strange beast.

"I didn't expect that brother Qianzhi was so rich that he even gave dimensional things to his pets. However, although you look very smart, you are a strange animal..."

He was about to say that although you look smart, no matter how smart you are, you are not smart enough to use dimensional things.

But he didn't finish his words, but he saw that the bag that the fox held in his two forepaws suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared again between the fox's two forepaws.

Under the guidance of Zhao Chengfeng, this little thing has learned how to use dimensional things. It's fun to play for a while.

"This little guy is so smart." Yufei couldn't help admiring.

"This little guy is really psychic." Zhao Chengfeng reached out and touched the fox, then pretended to be casual: "high priest..."

The high priest raised a palm to interrupt Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile, "I'm no longer a high priest. If brother Qianzhi doesn't mind, please call me Yufei."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded with a smile and continued to ask: "in my opinion, there are no undead species or borers in the world of God corpses, and even ordinary beasts are very rare. Why are exotic beasts more common than the immortal world and the Black Death world? Does this have something to do with the laws of the world?"

Zhao Chengfeng seems to ask these questions casually, but in fact he is paying attention to Yufei's reaction.

"Well, well..." the latter heard him ask these questions, his eyes flickered, slightly hesitated, seemed to be hesitant to answer Zhao Chengfeng's question, suddenly he laughed, shook his head and said: "in fact, there's nothing to hide. Brother Qianzhi, since you asked me this question, you probably already know something."

"In fact, most of the exotic animals in this world are not born naturally, but cultivated by human beings. Most of them are external creatures, some even..."

He said a little, as if intentionally or unintentionally looked at the little fox, Zhao Chengfeng comforted the little fox's head, but his heart was slightly shaken. Although he had learned about it from the little fox, he still felt different when he heard that Yufei, an insider in a certain sense, said it himself.

Yufei didn't say anything, but the answer is self-evident.

Feather flies with even if drew back the vision, a tiny smile way: "however, no matter thousand childish elder brother you believe or not, I have not participated in this matter. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm kinder than others. In fact, most people fall into this world and basically die. Immortality is just a walking corpse. I don't do it because I don't think it's meaningful for them to do so. "

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly, but did not refute.

He didn't ask the people who had fallen into the soul nest, or the people who had been parasitized by the shadow, if there was any way to save them. He knew that asking such a question was in vain. No matter Yufei or other people in this world, it was kind of them not to take the initiative to abduct people from the outside world. How could they save people.

Let alone them, even if Zhao Chengfeng himself does not have the corresponding strength, he will not die.

"So what is the purpose of these people doing this?"

Feather flies hey however a smile, quite some arrogant look to the distance, "those people's eyes, can't expect to be able to get the secret of the divine personality from the process of the strange beast condensation crystal nucleus, this is wishful thinking."

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked when he heard that he had imagined all kinds of reasons for those people to make human beings different from animals, but he really didn't think about this.

However, on second thought, it is possible that there are similarities between crystal nucleus and divine personality to some extent, except for their different levels and cores.

One is the embodiment of the fusion of law and spiritual power, and the other is the embodiment of God with another power that he can't name yet.

But why is Yufei so determined that those people are doing useless work?

However, Yufei didn't continue to talk about this problem. He thought about it and didn't ask. He knew the secret involved in this kind of thing. He was afraid that Yufei would not reveal it easily.

He turned his words and asked, "brother Yufei, are you the son of Wuchen family in the first day of the first month? It's a coincidence that although we are not in the same city, our clans are all Wuchen clan. However, there is no comparison between my Wuchen clan's gold content and brother Yufei's Wuchen clan. "

"Ha ha, so I say we are destined..." Yufei laughs.

"Brother Yufei, what's the relationship between the one behind us and you? How can I feel that those people are not friendly enough to you?" Zhao Chengfeng said and glanced back at those people of the Wuchen family on the first day.

The vision just and that five Chen feather green bumps together, the latter eyes immediately don't taboo of flash a cold light, the corner of the mouth also slightly a Qiao.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles, shakes his head and takes back his eyes. Although this person was born in the same family as Yufei of Wuchen family on the first day, in Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, this person is too simple and tender compared with Yufei.

"Ha ha, brother Qianzhi is joking. There is no friendship in the clan. And although he and I were born in the Wuchen family of Yuanri, they were not in the same vein. If they didn't kill me, they would have been the most friendly expression. " Yufei sneered and then said: "of course, the most important thing is that he hasn't dared to kill me for the time being. Although there is a powerful figure in his group recently, which gives him the courage and confidence to compete with me in this God corpse world, my group hasn't really reached the end of its tether."

"Ha ha, that's good. If brother Yufei needs any help, as long as I can, please don't mention it."

Zhao Chengfeng chuckled, perfunctorily, and said no more.

Although he was not a real clan child, he had never eaten pork, but he had seen a pig run. Although he was not familiar with the power struggle, he also knew that it was the most cruel and merciless thing, which was often more terrible than the fight between outsiders.

So he said this, but he didn't intend to really get involved. He knew that since the high priest was mature, he would not really suffer this loss.

Yufei laughs, "thank you Qianzhi for your kindness. If you need, Yufei will not be polite. But in fact, the key to the final result in this matter is neither me nor him. The key is to see who wins or loses behind us. "

"Here we are." Yufei suddenly changed the topic.

When Zhao Chengfeng hears the words and looks ahead, he is sure to be near the soul nest.

Zhao Chengfeng finally stood in front of the soul nest for the first time.

However, in front of the soul nest, more people gathered than Zhao Chengfeng expected.

The huge soul nest was surrounded by people from all sides.

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