"There's a fight!" Zhao Chengfeng is about to ask Yufei what the purpose of these people here is, but they have not yet stood firm, but suddenly there is a riot in the crowd.

The flow of people all rushed to the same place.

Sitting on the back of the lizard, Zhao Chengfeng and his entourage stood high and looked far away from each other. From the extreme, they could see that the center of the riot was a confrontation between the two groups.

One of them, Zhao Chengfeng, actually knows someone else. It's just the women of the three dilongwei before. In addition, Gretel's other people are among them, but they are in the same camp now.

The leader of this group is a woman, and there is a earthworm on her crotch. However, this earthworm is obviously different from the earthworm riding by other women of the earthworm guard. The whole body is not earth yellow, nor the cyan black of the lizard, but a dark red, with streamer shaking on the scales. The whole feeling is like magma.

Moreover, this Earth Dragon beast is bigger than other Earth Dragon beasts. It's not like Xiao Si. Although it's higher than other Earth Dragon beasts, it's smaller.

The woman's armor was also red, and she held two long swords in her hand. The whole body was like a fire, invincible.

Behind her, the three embarrassed women who had just been cleaned up by Zhao Chengfeng recovered their arrogance. One by one, they were riding on the tall and terrifying Earth Dragon beasts, and their eyes were slanting at their opponents. They were almost contemptuous.

Most of the other dragoons and Gretel were proud.

Compared with them, the opponent is much weaker.

The first one is a big beard. He is not tall. He is even shorter than the average height of men in the world.

But he was very strong. He had a big beard, a halberd like root, a broad mouth, a round nose, and a strange beast in his crotch. He was a huge blue wolf, holding a big axe the size of a wheel in his hand.

At first glance, the strength and momentum are not weak, but in the face of the opposite woman, it seems to be quite weak.

"Lieji, you don't look for so many people here, but you come to me huowan. Are you really good at bullying me?" As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was like thunder, roaring, and the people beside him were full of Qi and blood.

Zhao Chengfeng was shocked, and he could not help but close his lips. He knew that the beard was not weak, at least he was a count, just because of the prestige of his mouth in the fire.

Even a count who has surpassed the Lords of the black street city is afraid that he can prove the Marquis's authority at any time.

Such a person is no worse than a marquis.

But the woman, who was called Lieji, just laughed scornfully, "don't talk nonsense, sir. I just like your territory. If you have the ability, you can yell at me again to see if I can cut you with a sword!"

If it's not a voice or a woman, Zhao Chengfeng doubts whether it's a big man in women's clothes.

Too much peace.

However, although the other people around all have strange expressions, they are not surprised. Maybe they are already familiar with this person's style.

Yufei explained in a low voice: "the two men, the huowan, are the people of huoyun God's nest, and the woman's name is Lieji, who is the people of the Earth Dragon God's nest. These two God's nests are the God's nests with huge forces around them. If you really want to talk about strength, huoyun God nest will be even better, but Lieji is a very powerful woman. She fights without saying a word, but she is very cruel. Although huowan is a halfling, he is usually famous for his bravery. I'm afraid he still doesn't dare to meet Lieji. "

Sure enough, although the two groups of people were at each other's throats, especially the group of beards behind Huo Wan, who were as short and thick as he was, roared one after another, but Huo Wan finally raised his hand to stop these people, and then turned to the other side with a cold hum. Another team with a small number of people was driven away and occupied a piece of space.

The team Wu was watching the excitement, but he was so sad and angry that he didn't dare to stab, so he could only walk aside with a low brow.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng can't help pulling the corners of his mouth. It's really big fish eating small fish, and small fish eating shrimps.

"By the way, what is a halfling? Is it a race? Are there any other intelligent races besides human beings in the immortal world and the Black Death world Zhao Chengfeng's attention returned to the group of halflings. He had noticed that the height of the group of halflings was shorter than that of ordinary people, and he couldn't help being curious. But apart from height, these people are no different from humans.

When Yufei heard that Zhao Chengfeng didn't know about the halflings, he looked at him a little more, then thought about it and said, "well, it's true, but as far as I know, the halflings are still barbarians, and the wild people living outside the city in the eternal world are strictly human, but there are some differences in blood. However, some people may not agree with this. In their eyes, except halflings, other people, whether they are barbarians or savages, are not human, and even they don't admit that they have wisdom. "

Yufei is straightforward, and does not express sarcasm or sympathy.

Zhao Chengfeng also nodded and said no, but in his heart, he felt that the wild people should not be put together. He said that Zhao Chengfeng had seen the wild people, and they were just a group of people who were excluded.

It's nothing like these halflings.

Yufei didn't know what he was thinking, and then he pointed to other forces and continued to explain to him: "there are those who ride Unicorn are the people of holy light God's nest, and those who have purple orchids on their lapels are the people of purple orchid God's nest, and those who have long been a God's nest..."

"Eh ~!" Suddenly he uttered a voice of surprise, "Dawu God nest, Qianchong God nest, and over there, white bear God nest... These God nests are no less than a thousand miles away from this soul nest. Usually, they don't come to this God nest. Even they all come, but my Canyon God nest is not far away, but it's even later than them."

Feather fly a wry smile of self mockery, "feather Green has a saying of pour is good, my news is indeed blocked."

"Brother Yufei, do you know what these people came here for? It's not just to attract the parasites in the nest, is it

Zhao Chengfeng swept these teams one by one along with his instructions, frowning slightly. The huge soul nest was surrounded by people from all walks of life. Now even if he wanted to enter the soul nest, he couldn't squeeze in.

What's more, no matter what the purpose of these people is, they will never be allowed to enter the soul nest.

Zhao Chengfeng feels a bit of a headache.

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