At this time, Yuqing and others also arrive. They sweep away all forces and surround the whole soul nest. Yuqing frowns slightly. However, he immediately sees Zhao Chengfeng and Yufei blocked outside the crowd. They can't get close to each other. A sneer can't help passing through the corner of their mouth.

Then his eyes swept the whole room, and then he fell on a force. This force is not others, but the halflings of huoyun God's nest.

Yuqing's mouth turned up, and then he looked at Zhao Chengfeng, Yufei, Brandon and others like a demonstration. Without looking back, he told several subordinates behind him: "go, tell those dwarfs that Wuchen's work on the first day, let them let their territory out."

When he opened his mouth, he didn't need the subordinates to tell him. The halflings also heard him.

The halfling named huowan turned black.

They have just been forced to move by the crazy woman in the Earth Dragon God's nest. They have just snatched a piece of land, but they have another Wuchen family on the first day. Damn, they really treat halflings as soft persimmons.

Several subordinates behind Yuqing are also stunned when they hear Yuqing's order. They naturally understand that the young master is a newcomer. If they want to lighten their muscles, they can be regarded as warning others, so that other parties don't look down on them.

At the same time, it's also to demonstrate to the former Yufei young master. Let him see that he is in charge of his own affairs. The pattern is different from him.

But is the little Lord picking the wrong person? Although the halfling was forced to give up by the previous woman, it's not that the halfling is weak. The main reason is that the woman is too strong.

Another look at them a few people are still moving, there fire ball and a group of halflings have been speechless to lift the axe, the heart can not help a moment of fear.

"Little master..."

A few people are about to speak, Yuqing saw that they didn't listen to their own orders, while at the same time, other people around looked at them with a smile, and even a lot of people were "howling" to coax them, with a posture of watching the crowd and not afraid of big things.

Especially the boy named Qianzhi, who was smiling and looking at him shaking his head and sighing. Return feather fly that dog thing, also make a pair of silent sigh appearance.

Feather green eyebrow not from a stand, sternly shout a way: "still don't go, all deaf?"

On the first day of the five Chen family, others knew that it was difficult to ride a tiger when they saw this posture. Uncle Yang and uncle Feng winked at some of them. Those people took a breath secretly and comforted themselves in their heart: "it seems that they can only go up. Even though this fire pill is not easy to provoke, I dare not ignore the prestige of the five Chen family on the first day of the year."

"Hello, fire..." a few people in the heart strong courage, step forward, raise a hand to point to the fire pill is about to speak, but just say a "fire" word, fire pill didn't wait for him to finish, an ax split over.

"Click" a, those a few people didn't have time to respond, one of them didn't even have time to scream, was split in two.

This scene, not to mention those people of Wuchen family on the first day of the year, even Yuqing, uncle Yang and uncle Feng didn't expect it.

"Ah, you..." the others watched their companions split into two. They were surprised and angry for a moment. They looked up to see that Xiang Huo Wan was still waiting to be scolded, but Huo Wan had already urged them to sit down. The giant wolf rushed up. They stepped back quickly, but it was too late. The axe fell down again, and their strength could not escape.

After a few efforts, they all followed their companions.

This scene makes other people around take a breath. In fact, these halflings were forced to retreat by Lieji just now. Many people secretly underestimate them. Some even have the same mind as Yuqing and intend to pinch these dwarfs.

How can I think of these short men who were so angry with a group of women just now? They didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and they split up a few people.

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but secretly praise, "what is a biting dog that doesn't bark? It's a model. Before this dwarf quarreled with Lieji for a long time, he finally counseled him. He didn't say a word, but instead, he cut with an axe."

And as soon as he started, Zhao Chengfeng realized that the dwarf's strength was even stronger than he had predicted. Although the five Chen family of Yuanri were not very strong, at least they were all above the Viscount, and even two of them had the strength of count level.

Zhao Chengfeng faintly felt that when he started, there was some kind of power of law on the axe, but it was not the common power of authority in the world. It was similar to his sword moves.

It's very rare for the rank people to be able to entangle the power of law in every move. I don't know whether the halfling himself has mastered this way or whether he has already understood this realm.

However, judging from his appearance, although there are rules winding on the axe potential, it is not clear. It seems that he has just touched this realm. It should be that the latter is more likely.

If so, then the halfling is not simple.

Zhao Chengfeng is awe inspiring in his heart. Of course, he is not afraid. Although he has touched this realm, it is obvious that his understanding of the law is very weak.

"Not as clear as I am." Zhao Chengfeng secretly made a judgment in his heart.

Suddenly, he heard the voice of Yufei beside him. He was a little surprised and said with admiration: "I didn't expect that the fire pill's understanding of the divine personality has reached this level."

"Godhead?" When Zhao Chengfeng hears the words, does the Banshen huowan touch the law only by the divine?

If you think about this, the attribute of the law of axe power is similar to the attribute of power that he perceived in the Godhead.


Zhao Chengfeng murmured that if there is a chance, I really want to do a study of the divine personality. Although I don't want to get any strength from the divine personality, I can attack the jade with the stones from other mountains.

It's not only Zhao Chengfeng and Yufei, but most of the people around them can't see anything. What they can see is the powerful axe power of huowan, and they can't understand it at a deeper level.

But there are also many people who can understand it. These people are also shocked in their hearts, and their expressions are different when they look at xianghuowan.

However, the expressions of these people are also different, some are shocked, some are just praise, some are tense, some are just nodding slightly, looking very confident.

Those who are tense and shocked are obviously shocked by Huo Wan. It is obvious that Huo Wan's understanding of the law has come to the front of them.

Most of those confident people, like Zhao Chengfeng, feel that they have gone further than huowan.

"You, you are so bold, you dare to kill the people of this little Lord, damned dwarf, aren't you afraid of the anger of my Wuchen family on the first day?" At this time, a voice mixed with anger and disbelief interrupted the thoughts of Zhao Chengfeng and others.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't need to look at it with his eyes. As soon as he hears the voice, he immediately knows who the owner of the voice is. He shakes his head and says with a smile: "brother Yufei, you Wuchen's have asked your brother to rob your territory. He really looks down on you."

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