To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Yufei shakes his head and takes a deep breath when he hears his words. His voice is bitter: "brother Qianzhi, it's not so simple. Yuqing is nothing. Even uncle Yang and uncle Feng are not afraid of me. But brother Qianzhi, don't look down on any clan that can stand firm in Yuanri city."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng takes a surprised look at Yu Qing and the people behind him.

To tell you the truth, he didn't look down on the clans in this world. They can rule the whole immortal world, even reach to the Black Death world and the so-called God corpse world. That's certainly not simple.

But to tell the truth, he really can't see what's wrong with Yuqing and the people behind him.

When other people around heard Yu Qing's words, they also burst into laughter.

Someone said sarcastically: "Hey, little hairy boy, go home and feed your milk before you come out. Is the first day Wuchen very strong?"

"This is the world of God and corpse. It's not the eternal world, nor your Yuanri city. What's more, even if it's Yuanri City, the Wuchen family is not the Shouchen family, nor the royal family. There's nothing to drag."

"Boy, if you are older than you, you are still far behind the Wuchen family on the first day. There are more people here who are older than you. Those who can stand in the world of God corpse have no support. Can't there be any cat and dog?"

The crowd was full of sarcasm.

Yuqing and others of the Wuchen family on the first day were a little flustered for a moment. Yuqing himself was even more angry and trembled, "you, you, good, very good, just half a body. Are you cheating me on the Wuchen family on the first day? Uncle Yang and uncle Feng, take this damned Dwarf for me

Then he reached for the fire pill.

And that many halflings are still silent. Huowan is holding the wheel axe which is still falling down the meat and blood. He sits on the back of the huge green Wolf and looks at Yuqing and Wuchen's people coldly.

Behind Yuqing, the two old men's faces turned black when they heard the words. They knew that they were not rivals at all as soon as Huo Wan shot just now.

Let them take this person. What do they take?

Two people didn't move, but the fire pill urged the giant wolf who sat down to walk forward a few steps slowly, the astonishing momentum pressure of the first day five Chen's all suddenly changed color.

This time, even Yuqing also felt frightened. He scolded: "bold, dead dwarf, what do you want to do?"

When he said this, people around him burst out laughing.

"Hum!" At this time, a cold hum suddenly sounded out of the crowd. It was not very loud, but it revealed the incomparable strength and hegemony, which pierced the hearts of the people.

When they heard the voice, their hearts trembled involuntarily, showing a trace of fear.

Looking at the sound, I immediately saw the owner of the sound.

This person is not old, about 30 years old. His appearance is similar to that of Yuqing and Yufei, but his contour is much softer, showing a sense of softness, but his eyes are domineering and cold.

Behind him, there was a huge team of hundreds of people, each of them with extraordinary momentum, surrounded by him like stars arch the moon, walking slowly from a distance.

Many forces on the scene saw this man, and their looks changed slightly. Even the strong and overbearing Lieji and others showed a trace of fear.

Zhao Chengfeng felt that when Yufei saw this man, his body became tense, as if the wild animals in the wilderness saw the natural enemies.

Zhao Chengfeng is a little surprised. He has never seen the high priest Yufei's expression like this. He can't help asking, "do you know this man?"

Yufei nodded, "Yuzhan of Wuchen family on the first day is my elder brother."

"Although there are many members of the Wuchen clan in the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, there are only 12 core children, namely, Xiao, Yong, Shan, Zhan, Zhuang, Zhi, Ling, Yun, Fei, Yang, Qing and Kong. I'm ninth and he's fourth. "

"But different from me, he is the real genius of our Wuchen family. Although he ranks the fourth, I doubt that his strength has surpassed the other two. Only my elder brother Yuxiao."

"He also has a God's nest in this God's corpse world, but I was able to squeeze into this God's corpse world with the help of my family before, but he was completely defeated by himself."

Yufei's voice is dignified, afraid and bitter.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard his introduction, he couldn't help looking at this person more. It's certainly not easy for people who have backgrounds but don't rely on them and can lay a solid foundation on their own.

It's not just strength, it's confidence and pride.

All these things are necessary for a strong man.

Wait a minute... Zhao Chengfeng suddenly found a problem and couldn't help asking: "brother Yufei, why does it seem that all the forces in this God corpse world are younger generation? It's a bit unreasonable. The secrets involved in this world can be used for reference by those powerful princes in theory, Besides, it's easier for them to analyze things like Godhead. "

Yufei said with a smile: "do you think those old guys don't want to? But it's a pity that this God corpse world can't enter if it exceeds the Marquis level, otherwise, where are you and me

"And this setting?" Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, and then he felt relieved. If so, he could be less scrupulous.

At the same time, with the arrival of the man, the crowd seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force and separated automatically.

On the other side, Yuqing saw this man. First, he was overjoyed, but then he showed a trace of fear.

"Four, four elder brothers," the feather green some hesitates of greet to come forward, salute to see, eyes but don't dare to face this person.

Feather fly hesitated for a while, also walk forward to meet a way: "four elder brothers."

On the first day, other people of Wuchen's family did not dare to neglect them. Together with Uncle Yang and uncle Feng, they went up to kowtow, "Zhan Shaozhu!"

"Hum!" Feather war once again a cold hum, eyes swept feather green feather fly and other first day five Chen people, "a group of waste, disgrace."

In this sentence, Yufei Yuqing, together with Uncle Yang Shufeng, looks a little ugly, but Yuzhan turns a blind eye.

He glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and Brandon again, but just passed by. He stayed on Fox for a moment, but then moved away.

Zhao Chengfeng's face was calm, but Brandon could not help humming in a low voice: "what's the drag? What's the drag?"

Zhao Chengfeng looked at him with a smile and encouraged him to say, "speak a little louder."

"Good!" Brandon thought that Zhao Chengfeng was going to let him wave the flag. He was excited. He promised and was about to open his mouth. Suddenly he remembered something and asked Zhao Chengfeng, "my Lord, if he beats me, will you do it?"

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "guess."

Brandon's face turned black... I guess your sister's guess, good guy, I thought it was for me to shout for you, the feeling is to pit me.

Zhao Chengfeng sun ran a smile, do not go to tease him.

At the same time, Yuzhan's eyes finally matched with huowan.

"Huo Wan, what do you say you should be guilty of?" Yuzhan opened his mouth indifferently, and the tone seemed to be the monarch facing his subjects.

Huowan sat on the wolf's back, still holding a bloody axe in his hand, but he could not help sweating on his forehead. However, he refused to weaken his momentum and said in a cold voice: "Yuzhan, someone has heard of you, but someone is not afraid of you. If those people dare to offend a family, they will kill them. What's the crime

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