Although the answer of Huo Wan is also strong, the discerning person knows that he has counselled, otherwise his answer should be his axe.

"You're right. Those rubbish, kill them." Feather war hey ran a sneer, cold and rebellious way: "but you kill my people is a capital crime."

When the word "capital crime" came out, the temperature of tens of meters around him suddenly dropped, and the halfling huowan standing opposite him immediately felt tight in his heart, and an inexplicable sense of danger filled his heart.

"Not good ~!" Fire pill secretly a exclamation, want also don't want to, raise wheel big axe to forward a block.

There was a "buzz" vibration. As soon as he raised his axe, the whole surface of the axe seemed to be hit by a powerful force. Huo Wan felt his Qi and blood surging. The surface of the axe in front of him also oppressed him. He quickly raised another hand to hold the surface of the axe.

But then there was a click, and the axe face house made of the top spirit wood split a ferocious gap.

"Ah ~!" Huo Wan yelled. He was not only shocked but also angry. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which dyed the whole axe face and the hand holding the axe face red. The green Wolf in his crotch also sobbed and fell on the ground.

"Get out of here!" The fire ball roared with blood. The hand holding the axe suddenly retracted, and then hit the axe with a fist. The axe was completely broken, but the force was also knocked away.

There was another click, but this time it was much more crisp, as if something was broken. Then the green Wolf who sat down with him gave a sad whimper, and completely fell down.

Although he fought hard to break the power of Yuzhan, green Wolf couldn't bear such a huge power of recoil, and his spine was crushed.

Huowan himself was no better. He rolled down from green Wolf's back and almost lost his footing. Looking at his hands, one hand was torn, the axe was only half left, and four fingers of the other hand were bloody.

Although he smashed the axe and broke the power of Yuzhan, his hands couldn't bear such power.

Looking at the opposite Yuzhan, he looked at huowan indifferently. There was no expression on his face. "Good, you can block my attack. You really have the right to kill those rubbish."

Huowan made a difficult swallowing movement, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said nothing. But this time, the silence was different from before. This time, he knew that at this moment, everything he said was pale, just the barking of the negative dog.

Other people around, including Lieji, Zhao Chengfeng and others, did not speak at this time, and the whole soul nest was silent.

All the people looked at Yuzhan with some fear and dignity.

At this moment, everyone remembered the name and the man of Wuchen's Yuzhan, and regarded him as a strong enemy.

But the difference is that some people are afraid and at a loss. Although they didn't understand the reason for the confrontation just now, Yuzhan has given them great oppression and shadow.

Even the halflings behind huowan were shocked and didn't respond for a long time.

And some people are just afraid but not afraid, and even a little excited.

Because they all feel like they have rivals.

In life, it's hard to find a confidant, just as it's hard to find an opponent.

"Hum ~!"

Suddenly, Yu Zhan sneered and moved again.

When the other halflings saw him move forward, they thought that he was going to fight against Huo Wan. In horror, they finally reacted from the horror. They rushed forward, surrounded Huo Wan in the center, and raised their weapons one after another.

However, Yuzhan didn't seem to see them at all. He just passed by them without looking at them and huowan.

A group of halflings passed by them, but they didn't pay any attention to them. They were in a daze and didn't know why.

Then they realized that they had been ignored.

Then, the people under Yuzhan's hands also cheerfully passed by them, and the scornful laughter made everyone's eyes red.

A few impulsive halflings roared and were about to start, but they were yelled by huowan.

Huo Wan took a look and went straight to lie Ji's group of people's Yuzhan. Then he took back his eyes and whispered to his own people: "let's go."

"Go?" A group of halflings didn't understand.

"Go back." Fire pill sighs a way.

"Go back, this..." a group of halflings just understood his meaning. They were a little surprised for a moment, but then they all lowered their heads. They also understood that they had no face to stay here.

First of all, I was forced to retreat by Lieji.

Later, in the face of Yuqing, he pulled his face back. Unexpectedly, Yuzhan came out with a move, which made his hands broken.

The face just recovered was also completely torn.

Thinking of this, a group of halflings could not help holding the weapon in their hands in humiliation, but they did not have the courage to hold it up.

In the silence, someone brought a new green Wolf to Huo Wan, and helped Huo wan to the green Wolf.

Huowan looked down at the green Wolf lying on the ground, who was still shaking. Then he took back his eyes and told the people around him in a low voice: "give it a ride."

Then he stopped looking at the green Wolf and turned the wolf's head to the opposite direction of the soul nest.

Other halflings, too, are on the green Wolf.

A moment later, all the halflings left, leaving only the body of a green Wolf.

This time, the spirit of the soul nest changed, and forces from all sides came one after another, which also contributed to a confrontation among many forces in the God corpse world.

To be honest, huomaru is not a weak person among many forces, and even stronger than many forces. But he is also unlucky. One after another, he provoked powerful people, so that he left in advance.

Looking at the wolf corpse, many people can't help but feel silent.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng felt the fox move in his arms. He was stunned and lowered his head to ask, "do you know him?"

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng has 80% affirmed that most of the exotic animals here are actually alienated by various forces in the God corpse world, and the vast majority of them may be human.

So he called it "he" this time, though he didn't know whether it was "he", "she" or "it".

The little fox shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know him. I just think he's so pitiful. When he died, his master dug out the crystal nucleus."

"What?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't really notice. He just thought that green Wolf's body was too big to take away, so those halflings had to give him a ride. When he heard little fox say so, he took a close look and found that there was a blood hole in the head of green Wolf's body, and the crystal nucleus had been taken away.

Zhao Chengfeng's sympathy for that group of halflings flew to the sky in an instant.

"Sure enough, they are a bunch of bastards!"

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