Although Zhao Chengfeng cursed in his heart, he could do nothing.

From Yufei's mouth, he has learned that although not every God's nest is doing this kind of behavior, it is by no means a few.

Others, even if they don't do it, don't feel cruel or have a bottom line. They just don't think it's effective.

In the face of so many forces, there are so many exotic animals that he can't save even if he has the ability to communicate with heaven.

Even if he's rescued now, after he's gone?

Want to solve, unless he has enough strength one day, completely destroyed the so-called God corpse world, or completely expelled these people.

He may do it in the future, but he can't do it now.

What he can do for the time being is to protect the people around him and save Liuli.

Although his relationship with Liuli is complicated, he may be a friend, subordinate or potential enemy in the future.

But now that she is her companion, he can't accept that she becomes a parasite or even a strange animal.

Touch the fox, feel her sadness, soft voice comfort way: "don't be sad, we'll bury him later, let him in peace."

"Well." Little fox was very happy to hear that. He agreed and rubbed his head in his arms. Her warm and strong arms made her feel at ease.

Next to the other three guys also ran to rub against him, Zhao Chengfeng quickly dodged, not angry to kick the three guys a look, "go away, stay away from me, you don't know how ugly you are."

There is a chill in my heart. Good guy, who can stand these three big guys? Especially the big sand fish and the big centipede, one is covered with bone spurs, the other is often poisonous.

It's not dead to be rubbed by these two goods.

Three guys see not to be able to make out with him successfully, three pairs of eyes are full of ignorant and at a loss, there are grievances.

Shaking one's head and shaking one's tail, that means, "is it our fault to be ugly? Besides, people are very powerful. Look at the three of us, one is red, one is dark, and the other is dark. How textural and domineering we are. In terms of appearance, she is a little bit weaker than her elder sister. Can it be called ugly? "

Ignoring the three idiots, Zhao Chengfeng looks up at Yuzhan. Surrounded by a group of subordinates, he has passed through the crowd and reached the area closest to the soul nest, which is also the gathering place of various powerful forces.

Including the Earth Dragon God nest led by Lieji before, and the holy light God nest, purple orchid God nest, Jiuzhi God nest, Dawu God nest that Zhao Chengfeng met on the road before.

There are not only a large number of people sent by the God's nest, but also the leaders of each team are not simple, or their breath is introverted and deep; Or majestic, such as mountains; Or domineering, let a person look will be frightened; Or as fierce as fire, people do not dare to approach, it seems that as long as you approach, you will be burned up.

When these people saw the coming of Yuzhan, they were not as frightened as other forces. Although they were afraid, they were not afraid. Many people even showed their will to fight.

"Hehe, you are very powerful, Wuchen boy! Sir, I bully those dwarfs. You also bully them. What do you mean, do you want to compare with me? "

A rebellious voice broke the slightly dignified silence.

This voice is not someone else, it is the one who bullied the halfling once before.

Different from other people's fear and caution, she looks into Yuzhan's eyes and makes no secret of provocation.

While talking, he waved to Yuzhan, "come on, let me weigh how many pounds you have!"

Feather war looked at her one eye, a cold hum, "lie Ji, now is not the time for you and me to start, unless you want to lose both sides, cheap others."

Then he glanced at the leader of a force who occupied the core position, but was obviously weaker than other forces, and uttered a word coldly, "get out!"

The leader of that force is a big fat man with a face full of flesh. Although he is slightly weaker than the leaders of other core areas, he is not really weak. Otherwise, he would not have a place in the core areas.

Zhao Chengfeng vaguely remembers that this force was introduced by Yufei before. It seems to be called the God's nest of judgment, while this fat man seems to be called the fat alligator dragon.

Holding a watermelon sized purple gold meteor hammer, it is also quite famous in the world of God corpse.

Before I saw Yuzhan coming, the most nervous person might be him, at least one of them.

Because he knew in his heart that he was weaker than Lieji and others.

If Yuzhan wants to occupy a piece of territory in the core area, it is likely to find them to adjudicate.

Unexpectedly, Yuzhan didn't dare to fight with Lieji, but let him go.

Although it had been expected, the fat alligator was still very angry.

It's too much deception.

"Yuzhan, don't go too far. My fat alligator dragon is not a waste of huowan. You may not be able to have a better life when you fight with me!"

His words are similar to those of Yuzhan and Lieji.

But this sentence Yuzhan and Lieji said that Lieji did not dare to advance any more. He said it to Yuzhan, but it didn't have much effect.

And although his tone is tough, his fat face can't help shivering slightly, the chain of meteor hammer is also rattling, and his fingers are dismembered and white. Such a fat hand can pinch his knuckles and white, which shows that he has exerted too much force.

At the same time, it can also reflect his inner fear and anger.

Feather war for his words as if to listen to but not hear general, still indifferent again asked a sentence, "roll or not roll?"

"Good, good, Yuzhan, good..." the fat alligator dragon laughed angrily, gave a thumbs up to Yuzhan, gritted his teeth and said, "I roll, I roll!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the leader of a force in the second region. He roared, "get out of here!"

The leader of the force was watching the excitement with a smile. He said in his heart, "fight, fight the dog's brain."

But all of a sudden, disaster came from the sky, and his face turned black. In his heart, he cursed ten thousand words of "Ma sell a batch". Fat alligator dragon, you son of a bitch, you don't have the guts to fight with Yu, you don't have the guts.

Fat alligator dragon did not care about him. He looked back at Yuzhan and said: "Yuzhan, you don't fall into Laozi's hands one day."

But he did not think that the same words, in the hands of the one who was scolded by him, also scolded ten thousand times.

But the leader of that force was more counsellor than him. He stepped back and didn't dare to leave a cruel word.

This farce like scene caused a burst of booing around.

Zhao Chengfeng is also a twitch, "this is really a perfect interpretation of what is called big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp."

Then he touched his nose and said in secret, "it's impossible for me to enter the soul nest like this now. Otherwise, although these guys have different purposes from me, I'm afraid they won't sit back and watch me go to the soul nest to save people. They will certainly be the target of public criticism. But if I don't become a bird, it's necessary to shine my muscles. At least they have to let people know that I'm not a soft persimmon, Otherwise, it will be trouble. "

"Brother Qianzhi, are we going to take a few steps forward and occupy a piece of territory?" Zhao Chengfeng was thinking about it when he heard someone talking next to him. He was startled, "ah! Oh, it's brother Yufei. Why don't you come with your brother? "

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