Feather flies the corner of mouth a burst of twitch, the heart says, "as for so surprised, I am so big a living person nearby you didn't notice?"

"Cough, that..." feather fly tactical cough, this just restored calm smile way: "the way is different, not to mention we are allies, right?"

"Ha ha, you're right." Zhao Chengfeng laughs. Of course, he knows that Yufei can't go with his brother. This man's pride doesn't allow him to be inferior to others. Just now, it's just a joke.

But this kind of joke is enough, otherwise it will hurt feelings, although there is no emotion at all.

Immediately nodded, serious way: "I also have this intention, but..."

He said, his eyes immediately fell on the body of the green Wolf, then took a slight breath and said to Yufei, "please wait for me for a moment, let me help him settle down."

"Brandon, help me?"

After that, without waiting for Yufei to answer, he called Brandon, put the fox on the lizard's back, and walked to the body of green Wolf.

Brandon keeps up with them, and the lizard, the big sandfish and the big centipede follow behind them under the direction of the fox. Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted the four of them to stay where they are, but he thought that he would stay with him so that he could take care of them safely, so he didn't stop them.

"Well?" Feather fly but in situ Leng for a while, he didn't understand Zhao Chengfeng's meaning.

be laid to rest? What do you want to do? A strange animal... Does he want to

He didn't know what Zhao Chengfeng meant literally. He thought that Zhao Chengfeng wanted to take the fur and other materials from the green Wolf's body. He couldn't help looking around, and then quickly caught up with Zhao Chengfeng's steps. He lowered his voice and said, "brother Qianzhi, it's a good habit to be diligent and thrifty. This green Wolf's fur is really valuable, but that, After all, there are priorities. "

In fact, what he wanted to say in his heart was, "is it too embarrassing for us to do this?" But in the end, it's hard to be too straightforward.

Zhao Chengfeng was also stunned when he heard his words, and then he understood that he wanted to be poor. He turned his head and rolled his eyes at him and said, "it's all in a mess. What I'm talking about is to live in peace, what's the skin? How can I talk about diligence and thrift again? Where do you think? Do these four words have other meanings in your dialect of Yuanri city? "

Then he looked at him with disdain.

Next to the fox and other four guys and Brandon also looked at him with disdain.

Especially when the fox heard that he was going to peel the green Wolf's skin, he glared at him.

Feather fly this just know that Zhao Chengfeng said to settle down is literally mean, is he want to stubble, can't help a burst of embarrassment.

He coughed again. "Well, I mean, should we dig the pit a little deeper? We can't dig it too shallow just because we don't want to. In this way, other people or creatures will destroy his body and fur."

Zhao Chengfeng gave him a thumbs up, "brother, I'll give you a hundred points for this explanation."

"Ha ha..." Yu Fei laughed awkwardly. He turned his eyes in his heart and said in secret, "can I blame you? Who would have thought that you even wanted to help a beast bury it at such a time?"

However, after thinking about it, he also felt that the green Wolf might have been a human, and Zhao Chengfeng might have realized that before he made this decision.

But this boy really can't see that he is so compassionate.

He couldn't help but take another look at Zhao Chengfeng, feeling even more unable to understand him.

At the same time, other people around noticed their actions, but most of them misunderstood them.

They obviously don't think that anyone will care about a green Wolf on such an occasion.

Their first thought is: these people want to occupy the space left after the fire cloud God nest.

A lot of people immediately showed hostility, because the reason why they think so is their own idea.

Most of these people are relatively small or late coming forces, and their position is far less than that of the place occupied by huoyun God's nest before.

After all, although the fire cloud God's nest has been squeezed out of the core position, it still ranks in the middle and upper reaches of many forces, and their position will not be too bad. Otherwise, Yuqing would not have liked it before.

As soon as huowan and others left, this place was empty, which naturally attracted many people's covet.

Yuqing and others also have this idea, just because of mutual restraint, mutual fear, so no one started.

Seeing the actions of Zhao Chengfeng and his party, these people's eyebrows are all one pick. However, seeing that Zhao Chengfeng and others have only three or two cats, these people suddenly turn from fear to contempt and ridicule.

Even they dare not act rashly. They are afraid to become the leading birds. These boys dare to take the lead. Is this self-confidence or death.

When Yuqing sees the actions of Yufei and Zhao Chengfeng, his eyebrows are also picked up, and his eyes are fierce, and then they all turn into contempt.

After the fire pill, he had a little more self-knowledge than before. He knew that there were many people who were more powerful than them in this place, and he was not afraid that there were many people in Wuchen family on the first day.

However, he did not choose the winged badminton war. First of all, he knew that the pride of badminton war was not from them at all; Secondly, he also has his own ambition and self-esteem. The reason why he went to this God corpse world and robbed the valley God nest from Yufei is to accumulate his own strength and fight with Yuzhan and others one day.

If he follows Yuzhan now, then everything before him can only be wishful thinking.

This idea made him stay in the same place after Yuzhan went to the core area. At this time, he also thought about taking a place.

The place left by huoyun God's nest was one of his choices. The reason why he didn't do it was not that he was afraid to be a bird, but that he was still a bit unwilling.

In his opinion, that place is the result of Yuzhan. If he goes to occupy that place, he will still take advantage of Yuzhan.

This kind of psychology makes him a little tangled.

But as soon as he saw that Yufei and the boy went to the site, he was not willing to get up. He didn't want to, but he was not willing to be robbed.

If that person is Yufei, he is even more upset.

Subconsciously, we have to teach these guys a lesson.

Suddenly next to Uncle Yang stopped him, "little Lord, don't act rashly."

"Well?" Yu Qing frowned slightly and took a look at Uncle Yang.

"Hahaha ~" Yang Shuhei laughed and said in a low voice: "don't worry, young master. There are not a few people who covet that place. They only dare not act rashly because of mutual restraint and fear of war. But feishao Lord, they want to occupy that place, but they don't want to

"And..." Uncle Yang said with a smile like a fox, and said meaningfully: "if they can occupy that place, isn't it better? Anyway, feishaozhu even offered the canyon camp. I don't think he would mind such a site. "

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