When Yuqing heard this, he suddenly said, "ha ha, it's reasonable. I don't want to take advantage of brother four, but I'm very happy to take advantage of brother nine. "

Uncle Yang also said with a smile: "that is, the little Lord has been closest to the flying little Lord since he was a child."

"Yes, I'm closest to brother nine." Feather green licked to lick lips, a word of repeat a way.

It's not only Yuqing and the outside forces, but also Zhao Chengfeng and many other people in the core area.

The first is the people under Yuzhan.

"Little Lord, flying little Lord, those people seem to want to occupy the territory left by those dwarfs..." one of the subordinates whispered with a smile beside Yuzhan.

Yu Zhan glanced at Yu Yan, then withdrew his eyes, but there was a flash of anger in his eyes. He hummed coldly: "shame."

"Do you want to go down..." another subordinate asked.

"Don't worry about anything that mud can't support." Yuzhan's indifferent way.

When he came to the core area, Yufei and Yuqing didn't catch up. Of course, he knew that they didn't want to be subordinated to him, and he didn't care.

On the first day, the twelve core members of the Wuchen family, except the eldest, were all rubbish to him.

Before the fire shot to teach pill, and many because of what brotherhood, but because the fire pill humiliated the first day five Chen family, which is equivalent to indirectly humiliated him. That's why he taught.

Otherwise, even if Yufei and Yuqing were killed, he would not look at them more.

Now Yufei's behavior in his view is to pick up the bones he lost. He doesn't want to be my dog, but he picks up the bones and is willing to degenerate!

On the other hand, the three women of dilongwei also noticed Zhao Chengfeng. The three women's pretty faces were all cold. The female knight, who was called twelve elder sister, immediately called to Lieji: "your honor is that guy. That bastard robbed the Xuanjin dragon beast we are catching and killed the three of us

"Who?" Before twelve elder sister three people are in a mess but return, have already cried in front of her once, say that someone bullies them, rob the mysterious gold dragon beast that they are catching.

And killed their earthworms.

She was furious then.

At this time heard twelve elder sister said to see the thief, suddenly willow eyebrow a vertical, evil spirit instant full of eyes.

As soon as he turned his head and followed the direction of the twelve elder sisters' fingers, he immediately saw Zhao Chengfeng, Yufei, Brandon and others. He asked in a cold voice, "it's them. How dare they move my dragon guard and kill my dragon!"

When she became angry, people from all the forces nearby suddenly felt an invisible pressure, and some of them were pale.

The leaders of various forces, with a slight look, quickly let out their Qi to protect their own people.

At the same time, the various forces that didn't care about these peripheral small movements also subconsciously took a look at Zhao Chengfeng and others.

I want to see who is so bold that he dares to offend these women under the crazy woman of the Earth Dragon God nest.

People who don't know about Lieji think that the so-called dilongwei is just a group of female soldiers under Lieji. They even wonder why Lieji dotes on those women so much.

Only those who know the inside story know that these dungeon guards are not as simple as a female soldier, but the woman's Forbidden Palace, the back palace.

This woman is very charming and beautiful, but she opens her mouth and closes her mouth. She is not only more rude than a man, but also has a unique taste. Moreover, he is more overbearing than a man. He occupies such a huge harem.

In addition, this woman also has a hobby, which is to collect the Earth Dragon beast in captivity. She is simply addicted to it.

Most of the leaders of the core strength on the scene obviously know the inside story.

Of course, I also know that both of them are against this woman.

And they are all people who know the inside story. Now they heard that someone had moved the two scales of this woman at once. They couldn't help but wonder, and want to see who is so good.

When we see that Zhao Chengfeng and his party have only three people and four beasts in total, and their strength seems to be mediocre. Besides one of them, they still have a little look... By the way, it seems to be the fifth day of the first day, right?

Many people couldn't help looking at Yuzhan.

Even Lieji glared at Yuzhan and said in a cold voice, "Yuzhan, are you the one who made the ghost?"

Yuzhan was also very surprised, but he didn't know about it at all. When he heard Lieji's question, he could not help frowning. He was surprised, but he could not help getting angry. "How can this rubbish be so bold? He should provoke this crazy woman!"

At the same time, he did not like the question of Lieji.

However, even if he was not afraid of Lieji, he didn't want to face it, at least he didn't want to be angry with this crazy woman in this situation. This woman was crazy, regardless of her head and tail. He was not afraid, but he was not sure of winning.

If it were anywhere else, it would be all right. At this moment, he didn't want to lose with this woman.

Thinking of this, he was more angry with Yufei.

But the tone is still cold, indifferent way: "whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me."

"Ha ha..." Lieji laughed and waited to speak. The twelve elder sisters next to her said: "my Lord, it's not the boy of Wuchen family on the first day, it's the thief, it's him!"

The twelve elder sister pointed to Zhao Chengfeng with a sharp voice. Then she pointed to the lizard behind him and said, "my Lord, look at that mysterious Golden Dragon beast. We wanted to capture it for you, but it was robbed by that boy when we saw that it was going to be successful."

Along with her fingers, people finally focus on Zhao Chengfeng, but they can't help being surprised.

Even Lieji frowned, "eh?"

It's not because of anything else. It's because Zhao Chengfeng's Qi is so weak that his authority fluctuates almost slightly.

It looks like the Baron at most, but not more than the viscount.

How can such strength appear here?

How about robbing the Xuanjin dragon beast of dilongwei and killing the dilongwei's dilongwei?

What are you talking about?

Lieji also frowned and looked at the twelve elder sisters, "twelve, are you sure it's him, don't you admit it?"

In her opinion, the most likely one among the three should be the boy of Wuchen family on the first day.

Twelve elder sister looked at Zhao Chengfeng gnashing her teeth and nodded, "it's him. I want to eat his meat and sleep his skin. How can I admit my mistake? I don't believe you asked seventeen and nineteen."

The other two female Knights also nodded: "yes, your honor is him. When we were fighting with each other before, the young master of Wuchen's family on the first day was not present. There was only the boy and another one, but... The other one didn't fight, only the boy. "

The two women blushed when they said that. After all, the truth is that the three of them started to rob others, but they were taught a lesson by others with one hand. This is not a glorious thing.

Twelve elder sister didn't feel at all, only resentful, but she also saw lie Ji's suspicion, and then understood what was going on. She even said: "my Lord, don't underestimate that boy. Although that bastard's rank is very low, he is very strange, and he has great strength, and his speed is amazing."

When she said this, she was also inspired. It was obvious that Zhao Chengfeng had impressed her with her lessons.

"Well." Hear three female all say so, lie Ji also no longer doubts. After another look at Zhao Chengfeng, I feel a little curious about him... Strong and fast?

People with low rank, great strength and high speed are not without them.

But it's interesting to be able to defeat three Viscount level masters with Earth Dragon beast by their physical strength and speed.

But no matter who you are, who moves me, who kills me, you will die!

The four beasts are good.

She could not help but look at the big lizard and the little fox. Her eyes couldn't help but brighten. "It's really Xuanjin Earth Dragon beast, and it seems that it's just dissimilated soon. Well, I'm afraid it will surpass my fiery Earth Dragon beast when it grows up. The other three beasts are also very extraordinary, especially the little fox can command the three beasts. It's a little interesting!"

Lieji couldn't help praising a good one and turned anger into joy in her heart.

"I didn't expect to meet such a good thing here. With these four strange beasts, I won't come here in vain. 12、 The three of you have made contributions! "

Then he praised the three female knights, and then said to a cold looking, unsmiling female Knight beside him: "Xiaoyi, you take people to kill the boy and his companions, and take the four animals back alive."

At this time, not only she, but also the leaders of other forces saw the extraordinary features of the little fox, the big lizard, the big sandfish and the big centipede.

In particular, although the little fox didn't show up according to Zhao Chengfeng's instructions, they all have the ability to make human beings and ordinary creatures different from animals. For different animals, which one of them is not vicious.

At a glance, we can see that the little fox's wisdom has far exceeded that of other animals.

One by one, they were all moved and their eyes were twinkling.

Lie Ji sees in the eye, a sneer, "how, sir my strange beast everybody also wants to rob with Sir I?"

With that, he nodded to the female Knight Gao Leng.

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