"Smelly boy, do you take the initiative to hand over the beast, or do you want me to tear down your bones and take them myself?" The cold faced female knight is condescending. She stares at Zhao Chengfeng domineering, with a cold smile on her delicate lips.

It's fun, and it's cruel.

As the first subordinate of Lieji, the female knight has the capital of absolute arrogance, whether it's appearance or strength. And Xiaoyi never paid attention to Zhao Chengfeng and his party. Even Yufei of Wuchen's family on the first day of the first month of the first month of the first month, didn't care. After all, Yuzhan said that if you kill such rubbish, you'll kill it. What's the big deal!

"Smelly girl, what's the matter? I'll ride you when I get out of this God corpse world!" Brandon was indignant. He didn't fight for Zhao Chengfeng, a violent maniac, but he knew very well that since he had boarded Zhao Chengfeng's broken ship, he could be said to have both glory and loss.

Zhao Chengfeng is going to have an accident. Don't the rest of the guys squeeze themselves?


Zhao Chengfeng lightly shakes his head, but he is a little depressed in his heart. Does he say that in the scene, he looks the best to bully?

"Bitch? What do you mean

Xiaoyi frowned and was puzzled.

"The meaning of a whore is very simple."

As a young man in the new era, Zhao Chengfeng has the spirit of Lei Feng. He is patient and explains to the gaoleng female knight, "the so-called whore first refers to a part of women. These women are usually very beautiful, with beautiful face, plump figure, high-end places, expensive and elegant..."

Smell speech, small a that originally arrogant face son, peeped out a satisfied smile, woman, who don't want to hear praise words? It seems that this boy is very good.

"Boy, for the sake of your being so good at talking, I will give you four strange beasts on my own initiative, and I will never die around you!" Xiaoyi is very satisfied with Zhao Chengfeng's flattery. Naturally, he has to give the latter a way to live.

"Glib people, I thought I had some real skills, rubbish!" Feather green hears this words, is also a Leng, immediately on the face is showing disdain, to hold a woman's smelly feet, also want the dignity of a man?

Nine elder brothers follow such rubbish to mix, what qualifications will have to compete with oneself family resource in the future?

"Strange corn, you..." hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, the little fox in his arms suddenly became alert. To please a woman like this is to sell yourself?

Fox Xiaoxi is very worried that if he falls into the hands of these villains, the better ones will be kept in captivity and become their pets or mounts. As for the small three and small four, because they have no ability, they will be slaughtered in nine cases out of ten, and then take the crystal nucleus in their body. It's just like the green Wolf in the crotch of huowan. The dead body doesn't leave a complete one.

"Damn it, why did this guy suddenly give advice?" Brandon also looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a confused face, very puzzled.

Brandon has not been in contact with Zhao Chengfeng for a long time, but he knows Zhao Chengfeng's temperament very well. Although he is only an abandoned son of Wuchen family, he has great strength and a short temper. He has never seen him suffer any losses. Today, how can I turn my head to a woman?

It's not normal. It's not normal.

"Thank you first. But I haven't finished yet. "

With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "these noble women are also very busy. They always go from bed to bed every day to please different men, just to earn a little money. We call these women whores..."

"Bastard, you want to die!"

The smile on Xiaoyi's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a touch of cold, the count's strong will to kill instantly released, covered Zhao Chengfeng!

Xiaoyi never dreamed that this damned guy was flattering himself? It's just humiliating yourself. Is it humiliating that you have become Lieji's forbidden place?

"It's tough."

Brandon's mouth is pumping. He really doesn't know how to evaluate this irascible guy. Until now, Brandon knows that Zhao Chengfeng is not only very good at Kung Fu, but also not good at Kung Fu. A few words are killing the high cold female Knight!


Smell speech, the little fox in Zhao Chengfeng's arms couldn't help laughing. Just now, the little fox was still worried, worried that Zhao Chengfeng would not be able to bear the pressure, and sold himself with the little three and four. Who knows, he slapped the smelly woman in the face. It was too much fun.

"Qianzhi brother, you also..." high priest Yufei didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng would enrage the female Knight at this time.

It's not terrible to offend Xiaoyi, but Lieji is different. Lieji is the leader of the dragon soul nest. She has great strength. In the scene, except for her fourth brother Yuzhan, no one is her opponent, although she is just a woman.

"Talk to him and kill him!" Lieji also looks ugly and glares at Zhao Chengfeng.

Scolds own under the hand is the prostitute, that oneself this when the eldest brother has not become the procuress? How presumptuous!

"Son of a bitch, go to hell!"

Xiao Yi was so angry that he released his anger together with the count's strength. A silver sword pointed at Zhao Chengfeng's throat, with a faint sound of breaking the air.

"Qianzhi, be careful!"

Yufei's pupil shrinks and reaches for Zhao Chengfeng's hand. However, Yufei finds that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't move. In the face of a woman's sharp sword, he is not afraid. He has a light calm smile on his face.

"Go to hell!"

Xiaoyi is not surprised to see this scene. In Xiaoyi's opinion, Zhao Chengfeng, a little garbage with no authority to fluctuate, has nothing to do but wait to die in the face of his full blow? Escape? Dodge? No, it's all jokes. It's never possible!

"My lord..." Brandon was so surprised that he almost couldn't help covering his eyes. Brandon didn't understand whether the goods were silly. Even if he couldn't fight, he had to run away subconsciously.

Brandon doesn't care about Zhao Chengfeng's life and death. However, Brandon knows very well that if Zhao Chengfeng dies, these people are afraid that they will not make themselves better. If they don't, they will have to slap themselves in the face!

Although he hated this violent maniac, Brandon had to admit that Zhao Chengfeng was his talisman at this moment.

"Say you're a whore, why don't you believe it?"

However, at the moment when the tip of the sword was about to hit Zhao Chengfeng, he staggered slightly at his feet and gave way to the woman's fierce sword move.


Small one eye bead son a stare, seem some inconceivable, isn't should pierce that bastard's throat? Why didn't you hit anything? This

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