"You hurt me?"

Lieji stumbled down from the air, looking at the scarlet blood flowing out of her arm, her face was confused, and she was very embarrassed. She had no cold and domineering side before.

"Hurt you? Ha ha. "

Zhao Chengfeng looks down at Xuanyuan sword. The rust on the sword body is less, and there is no blood on the blade. It's a bloodthirsty sword, and it's also a magic weapon in Zhao Chengfeng's hand!

"What's hurting you? If you want to die, I can kill you!"

"Smelly boy, today, if I don't use some powerful means, I'll make you look down on me. Look at the moves!" Lieji was angry again and rushed up with her long sword.

And this time, Lieji took out the strongest killing move - the secret of the Earth Dragon sword!

I see Lieji waving her sword slowly. It seems to be slow, but it brings a strong wind. The strong wind revolves around Lieji. In the end, it takes Lieji as the center and forms a small hurricane!

For a moment, everyone's face changed greatly. They were very frightened!

"Is that what Lieji did? It still looks like that. " Yuzhan sits in the front position, looking at Lieji's killing move, his expression is very calm, because Yuzhan is absolutely sure to win.

Yuzhan is curious about what Zhao Chengfeng will do. He suddenly becomes very curious about Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, Yuzhan is curious about the Xuanyuan sword in Zhao Chengfeng's hand. If you can get this sword, it's just like a tiger adding wings. It's estimated that the eldest in the family may not be your opponent.

"This smelly woman really has arrogant capital. If I play against her, I have no chance of winning." Yufei's face is dignified. He can't help worrying about Zhao Chengfeng.

Although they are friends and allies, Yufei doesn't know much about Zhao Chengfeng. What if that sword is just lucky?

"Is that what you call a good trick?"

Zhao Chengfeng has a look of ridicule at the corner of his mouth

As the voice fell, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly shot into the air. With a wave of his long sword, he drank loudly - looking back at the moon!

The scarlet sword is like a gorgeous neon, charming and emotional, but with the fierce and cold killing breath, it directly cleaves to the whirlpool where Lieji is.

"Well come!"

The corner of Lieji's mouth also pulled out a cruel smile, which was originally pretty, but now it was a bit ferocious. With a red lip, she roared: "the Earth Dragon comes out!"


At the moment when the silver sword was stabbed, there was a dragon howling, which shocked the soul and made the heart tremble.


After a while, the two swords quickly touched each other and made a strong explosion, as if there had been an earthquake. Even the whole corpse world trembled slightly.

"So strong!"

"How deep the boy is


Countless people looked at Zhao Chengfeng, who fell to the ground steadily and stood up with his sword. They exclaimed one after another. As for the arrogant and domineering Lieji, she had fallen into a pool of blood and had no breath.

"My Lord!"

"Lieji, are you ok?"

The people of the Earth Dragon's soul nest were stunned and rushed up together. It's a pity that Lieji didn't breathe, and there was a very small sword mark on her neck, still flowing with blood.

"Well, I didn't want to do it. You forced me to do it. I can't blame you." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and put the Xuanyuan sword back into the scabbard. His face was so light that he didn't even breathe.

Zhao Chengfeng has discovered that in the immortal world, the Black Death world and even the present world of God and corpse, most of these guys use brute force or spiritual strength to attack the enemy. They don't know much about ancient martial arts, so they don't have any skills.

You know, in the secular world of the earth, one's own strength may be very strong, but one may not be able to defeat the other. Besides one's own strength, there is also the problem of the mutual restraint of power and method, which is more courageous. Just like the blood monk, the blood monk himself does not know any ancient martial arts. Relying on his brute force and indomitable courage, he has figured out a set of rules for his own survival on the battlefield!

The reason why the blood monk is a big killer in the battlefield is that he dares to fight! Not hard power! Often, the blood monk, a fierce man with blood in his hands, can frighten people by staring at ordinary people.

For example, pace. Once Zhao Chengfeng uses the body method of Youlong Yinfeng, the girl named Lieji will not be able to get to brother Feng's clothes even if she takes off her pants!

This battle is nothing, if not have authority to suppress, Zhao Chengfeng has absolute assurance, can kill Lieji with one sword!

"..." the people of the Earth Dragon's soul nest almost didn't get angry when they heard this. If they hadn't beaten Zhao Chengfeng, they would have jumped on him.

As for other people, it is reasonable to think that Zhao Chengfeng is pretending to be forced. However, now people have the capital to pretend to be forced. Who dares to be unconvinced?

"Master Qianzhi is powerful. Master Qianzhi unifies the whole world!"

Brandon was excited and frightened. Brandon had been thinking about how to get rid of Zhao Chengfeng, and even planned to kill Zhao Chengfeng secretly. But now it seems that he thought too much before. Where is his opponent?

It's better to follow Qianzhi adults down to earth!

"Go away. I'm not the invincible. I've been here for thousands of years." Zhao Chengfeng looks at Brandon white. Although he has killed Lieji, he is really not happy in his heart!

Especially seeing the fox Xiaoxi in his arms, Zhao Chengfeng is really afraid that imps and others will be turned into strange animals, or become other people's pet mounts, or have been killed and captured the crystal nucleus!

"Damned alien world, how can it be more bloody than Earth people!" Zhao Chengfeng scolded in his heart, thinking that he would go out of the corpse world earlier and find the king of the robber. After all, the king of the robber also comes from the earth. He should know where to go to find his companion.

"Qianzhi, you've hidden so much. You're very powerful." Yu Fei has no choice but to smile bitterly at Zhao Chengfeng. There is a little loss in his heart. He always feels that Zhao Chengfeng has not told himself the truth.

This guy is so powerful. Why did he show weakness when he was in the temple? He can kill himself and take the soul nest with his own strength.

"Is it powerful? Generally speaking, I didn't make much effort. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders and gave a faint smile, but his warning eyes swept everyone one by one, including Yuzhan!

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to kill people or make trouble, but if someone wants to have a hard time with him, he will never be soft hearted. This is a warning.

"Son of a bitch, let you be arrogant for a while, and then I will deal with you slowly." Yuqing was staring at by Zhao Chengfeng, but he was extremely unwilling.

Paralyzed, why can't you find such a powerful helper? In terms of strength, it is no worse than several elder brothers in the family.

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