"No one's thinking about my monster now, right?"

Zhao Chengfeng looked around and said faintly, "if you have any idea, just say it. I can tell you that these strange animals are not simple, especially this little fox is powerful."


As soon as we heard this, Zhao Chengfeng almost didn't kill us. We are paralyzed. Who doesn't want to be an extraordinary beast? We just have to have the ability. Don't we have the ability to die? Everyone is not stupid!

But everyone is angry. Isn't this Zhao Chengfeng's move to show everyone's muscles? But people's muscles are not small, but they can only recognize them in a dull voice!

"Well, if you don't have any opinions, I'll occupy the territory of the huoyun soul nest and the Earth Dragon Soul nest. Of course, if you have any opinions, you can put forward them. I'm actually a good talker." Zhao Chengfeng once again showed a harmless smile, a modest and casual face, it seems that there is no difference with ordinary people.

In fact, up to now, many experts have not been able to detect Zhao Chengfeng's authority fluctuation, and they have no idea about Zhao Chengfeng's background. No one can tell how much evil lurks behind this harmless smile.

"You are only four or five people. Why do you occupy such a large territory?" Yuqing is not happy and paralyzed. Since the attack, Yuqing has not looked up to Zhao Chengfeng. I don't know that Zhao Chengfeng has made a big splash. If he doesn't make a move, it's frightening!

Only two moves will destroy Lieji. What strength is he? Yuqing thinks that he is not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, but Yuqing is not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng. He still has four brothers around him. When the time comes, how can he take them with him?

Even though the fourth brother's eyes are above the top, and he doesn't care about his life, Yuqing believes that even if Zhao Chengfeng does something to him, Yufei can't stop him. Otherwise, when he returns to the family, how can he explain to the adults?

Therefore, Yuqing just recklessly attacked Zhao Chengfeng and tried to win more benefits. You know, the land of the God corpse world seems strange, but it has many secrets. Who knows if it is a treasure left by some great power, just like the treasure of the king of thieves. If you get a little, you will benefit for a lifetime.

In the final analysis, as long as there are interests, there will be disputes!

"You're not convinced?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng squint at a feather green, the color of disdain on the face, just such as the count's strength, dare to shout in front of brother Feng? I really don't know how death is written!

"Of course I don't agree!"

Yu Qing is not at ease when Zhao Chengfeng takes aim at him. At this time, he can't admit his advice, so he just says, "you have occupied the territory of the two forces alone. What do you want other people to do? Don't you understand the reason why you have a share in the audience? "

"Do you all think so?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't answer. Instead, he occupied the territory of the Earth Dragon Soul nest. Looking around, although he still had a faint smile on his face, it was just that the smile seemed more strange and dangerous to everyone.

Now in addition to Yuqing that fool, I'm afraid no one will treat Zhao Chengfeng as a waste. If Zhao Chengfeng is really a waste, aren't they even inferior to waste? Even though some of them can compete with Zhao Chengfeng, if there is no absolute overwhelming advantage at this time, no one will choose to fight against Zhao Chengfeng.

We all know the truth that the snipe and the clam fight for the benefit of the fisherman. At this time, it's absolutely not a good end to be a bird. If not, it will be cheaper for others. Most importantly, who will take the risk to explore Zhao Chengfeng's background?

No one responded to Zhao Chengfeng, but he acquiesced in Zhao Chengfeng's occupation of two sites by a group of people.

"It seems that you are the only one who is not convinced." Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng looked at Yuqing again with a smile, "come on, I'll stand here, you grab it, kill me, this place is yours."


Feather green immediately embarrassed incomparable, grandma's, oneself want to have that strength, still need your nonsense? It's a fuckin 'rush. Yuqing really didn't expect that all these guys are arrogant and arrogant. He didn't expect that he would choose to accept advice directly in front of Zhao Chengfeng today. He was all involved in this, but no one dared to speak!

"Four elder brothers, this boy takes up so big two pieces of land, do you want to..." no way, Yuqing can only ask Yuzhan for help.

"Do you want to take Lao Tzu as a Spearman?"

Yuzhan's pupil suddenly shrinks, and he stares at Yuqing angrily. He hates this son of a bitch who stirs up right and wrong. He doesn't have any strength, but he likes to make enemies everywhere. He can't even compare with Lao Jiu. I really don't know what those guys in the family think and why they leave the temple to Yuqing.

"No, no, no, I don't mean that. Fourth brother, you think too much. I just want to..." Yuqing was surprised. He felt that his back was sweating, and his murderous spirit was too strong!

"You have to have the ability to rob yourself. Don't think you are the younger brother of the family. I will protect you."

Yu Zhan coldly interrupted the latter and hummed: "waste is not qualified to be sheltered. If it is not waste, it does not need to be protected."


Hearing this, Yu Qing's face was as grey as ashes. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in. He was paralyzed. He wanted to encourage his fourth brother to fight. Unexpectedly, his backhand came to be a general!

If he dare not go up, he will become a waste in his mouth; If he is on, I'm afraid that he will be killed by Zhao Chengfeng every minute. There's no good end to him. It's too mean of his mother.

"Oh, the battle maniac Yuzhan dare not go up. Even his own people dare not protect themselves. It's really inhuman." In the crowd, a skinny middle-aged man with a pair of sneaky eyes turned around. He couldn't help sneering and pointed at Yuzhan!

"Katla, how about a fight?"

Yuzhan's eyebrows stand up and his anger erupts. He hates Katla in the crowd. This guy's strength is average, but he's very mean and vicious. At this time, he encourages himself to do it by himself, but he doesn't want to be kind. Yuzhan can't see through Zhao Chengfeng's strength. It's one thing whether he can win a rash move. Even if he wins, he's afraid that his strength will be greatly damaged. He'll take advantage of these bastards for nothing!

"I don't want to compare with you. I'm weak and dare not get involved in the affairs of your powerful people. As a person, I'm suitable to join in the fun and gossip, hehe." The Katla thief laughs. He seems to be playing a rogue. But when he thinks about it carefully, this guy is extremely intelligent and stealthily kills Yuzhan.

"If you don't have that ability, shut up!" Yuzhan is so angry that his forehead is covered with black lines. Subconsciously, he pinches his fist. It can be seen that Yuzhan is very angry and angry.

"Fourth brother, don't be impatient

The high priest feather flies quickly way: "Mo small and medium people treacherous, we still with and is precious of good."

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