Yufei, the high priest, is a wise man. He immediately guessed Katla's mind. He said that it was a joke, but it was a joke of Yuzhan? Yufei is really afraid of Yuzhan and Zhao Chengfeng. Who can he help?

Help your brother, but Yuzhan is not a good man. He never looks down on himself. He even scolds himself as a waste in front of the public. He is really impersonal;

Help Zhao Chengfeng. I'm afraid it will spread to the family. I can't stay in Wuchen family on the first day of January. I'm afraid I'll be hunted down. This is what Yufei doesn't want to see. I'm afraid Yuzhan won't be able to stop it!

"Can't I see that this is a wicked trick? Need you to talk about it? Do you think I'm a fool? " Who knows, Yuzhan doesn't appreciate it. Instead, he complains to Yufei.


Feather fly suddenly muddled force, his good intentions to remind, the result is actually choked by feather war, in public made a big red face, embarrassed.

"You what, you, stand on your side!" Yu Zhan's eyes are full of threat.

Feather flies even though in the heart have gas, but also can endure to go on, who let other people's fists compare oneself even strong? If you are superior, how can you be so humiliated?

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to give Yuzhan face. He blocks Yufei's face. He sneers at Yuzhan and says, "I know it's a provocative method, but I can't wait to fight with you. What do you say about it?"

"Thousand childish brother, you are..." feather fly a listen to this words, immediately changed face, heart said this guy ate what explosives, difficult not to all the forces on the scene provocation?

Lieji has been severely damaged and already established power. How can she provoke her arrogant and arrogant fourth brother again? Yes, Yufei doesn't like Yuzhan, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Moreover, they are all family members, so Yufei has to think for him. Otherwise, there will be no unity between brothers. How can we resist foreign enemies in the future?

"You are my friend. How can I see you being bullied?"

But Zhao Chengfeng said in a low voice, "don't worry, I'll help you find this place."

"Qianzhi, I..."

Hearing the words, Yufei's eyes were warm. He was so moved that he almost cried out. It's really ironic that his real brother didn't help himself and bullied himself. Now a friend who has just met him is going to stand out for himself.

Satire, great satire!

"How's it going? If you dare to fight with me, I'm a little bit out of order. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged his shoulders, his neck cracked and his eyes pointed at Yuzhan!

Zhao Chengfeng is not a person who likes to be in the limelight. It's no good not to be in the limelight today. Blindly giving in will only make him more passive and make the people around him suffer humiliation. So, let's go!

Let this damned strange world, until the secular world Zhao Chengfeng's fierce!

"Boy, do you really think that if you hurt Lieji seriously, you will be lawless?" Yuzhan's pupil suddenly shrinks, and an infinite sense of killing rises in his heart!

However, Yuzhan didn't start immediately. He was very tangled in his heart. If he won this battle easily, it would be all right. If he lost both sides, even if he won narrowly, he would not get half of the benefit in the end! Yuzhan knows that he has made many enemies, and there are many people waiting to see his jokes on the scene, even eager to crush himself!

"Ha ha, isn't it lawless and unruly? Don't you just have a try?" Zhao Chengfeng grinned, "besides, I also like your land now. Why don't you give it to me?"


On hearing this, Yuzhan's sullen face appeared, and a great spiritual force surged out, which could no longer suppress his inner killing spirit!

"Fourth brother, this son of a bitch is too arrogant. You see he has taken the initiative to challenge you. Today, we must give him some color to see, or who will give you face in the future?" Yu Qing sees that Zhao Chengfeng has taken the initiative to challenge his fourth brother, and his mind suddenly becomes active.

If these powerful enemies stand on brother nine's side, they will not benefit half in the future. Instead, it's better to use brother four's hand to destroy this man and bring about a permanent disaster!

How wonderful!

"Shut up and say one more word of nonsense. I'll kill you first!" Yuzhan is so angry that the tiger's body trembles slightly. He hates Yuqing, a useless waste. Besides fanning the flames, what else can he do? Paralyzed, now I think of myself as a gunpowder gun. It's disgusting.

"..." Yuqing immediately counseled, shrunk his head and lost his temper like a son of a bitch. The coolness of the back became more and more obvious.

"Yufei, this is your friend? Don't you think he's too arrogant? "

There's no way to take Zhao Chengfeng. Yuzhan can only look at Yufei, the ninth younger brother. Who can make them friends? Yuzhan hopes that Yufei can persuade Zhao Chengfeng. It's not wise to start at this time.

"Qianzhi brother, let's forget it. After all, he's my fourth brother and a member of Wuchen family. It's really noisy. I..." Yufei can only ask Zhao Chengfeng for help.

In fact, Yufei is also in a dilemma. The palm and the back of the hand are all meat. What should I do? If Yuzhan is not a member of the family, Yufei has no scruples, but he is not only a member of his own family, but also a genius of the younger generation in the family. If anything happens, it will be a great loss to the family, and the family will not let him go.

Yufei is not a counsellor, but has to weigh it over and over again.

"Oh, it's hard to admit it." Katla couldn't help adding more firewood when she saw the situation. Seeing Yuzhan's ugly face, she felt more comfortable.

"You wait for me. After today, I will kill you!"

Yuzhan's teeth itch with hatred. He is so angry in his heart that he is paralyzed. I didn't dig your ancestral grave, right?

"Well, since brother Yufei has spoken for you, I'll give him face."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't insist either, so he gives a favor to the high priest Yufei. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng has long expected that Yuzhan didn't dare to do it at will. After all, there wasn't a fool present.

And the patience of the Yuzhan makes Zhao Chengfeng feel a sense of crisis. He is not only domineering and strong, but also tolerant. Such an enemy is undoubtedly the most terrible.

"No matter how powerful you are, it's just that you don't provoke me in the future. Otherwise, I'll kill you!" Zhao Chengfeng thought so in his heart, and didn't take Yuzhan too seriously.

Are the talents Zhao Chengfeng has seen in recent years still few? But what happened in the end?

"Wuchen Qianzhi, isn't it? I've written down this stubble today! " Yuzhan also hates Zhao Chengfeng in his heart, but he soon suppresses that hatred

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