Zhao Chengfeng's strong hand and provocation to Yuzhan also make the strength of the scene more clear. Let alone dare not fight the idea of strange animals around Zhao Chengfeng, no one even dares to get close to him five meters away.

No one expected that Zhao Chengfeng and his party, who had never been noticed before, had great strength, and even surpassed Yuzhan, just like a big black horse.

"What a forced criminal!" Brandon admired Zhao Chengfeng all over the place at this moment. He only thought that Zhao Chengfeng was showing the enemy that he was weak.

However, this kind of feeling of hitting people in the face is so damn cool!

"When do you want to be as powerful as an adult, that's good." Brandon was a little fanciful. Unconsciously, he didn't hate Zhao Chengfeng so much.

In this world, there is only one law - the strong is respected!

"Strange corn, you are so good!" The little fox winked at Zhao Chengfeng twice. He was very happy.

"What's so bad about this? I just sent some rubbish away." Zhao Chengfeng a face of disapproval, see the little fox smile, a lot of relief in the heart.

However, as soon as he saw the fox, Zhao Chengfeng's heart became restless. What would the people who followed him from the earth look like? Did he become a slave like Liuli, or a strange beast, or even killed? At the thought of this, Zhao Chengfeng blames himself!

You should have known that the strange world would be like this. At the beginning, nothing would have let Tang Wei and the kid follow them in.


All of a sudden, just as Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, the whole corpse world suddenly trembled, as if there had been a strong earthquake, which made his head dizzy, and the surrounding mountains often fell many stones.

"The soul nest is coming out!"

Yufei looks at the scarlet blood light above the sky and mumbles to himself.

"The soul nest is born?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a frown, some don't understand.

"Qianzhi, you don't know something." Yufei laughed a little embarrassed and said: "before, I did hide something from you. You know, in this world..."

"I understand."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't mean to be angry. Yufei has reservation for himself. Why isn't he? Even his name is not real, how can I get angry?

Moreover, although Zhao Chengfeng has been in this world for a short time, he has a keen mind. If he wants to live, he must keep his cards. Otherwise, he may not be swallowed or stripped by life. Zhao Chengfeng never believed in any allies. He thought that the United States had established diplomatic relations with Huaxia at the beginning, but now?

Ha ha, seeing that China is becoming stronger and stronger, the United States realized that its position as the "world overlord" is about to be lost. It instigated the small countries around China, led by the Japanese, to make trouble for China. It just didn't want to see the smooth development of China, and it just didn't want others to have a good life!

This phenomenon often occurs in ordinary people's life. When you are lucky to be prosperous, ordinary friends, even relatives, do not necessarily sincerely congratulate you. However, when you are in trouble, when you are too poor to wear underpants, they absolutely force you to laugh at your jokes. This is absolutely true.

This is human nature, and no one can change it.

Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng understands Yufei very well. At least people can face it calmly. He thinks that Yufei can continue to contact and is worth meeting.

"There will be one in the world of the soul nest after a period of time, just like the soul nest under my jurisdiction before." Feather fly See Zhao Chengfeng is not angry, slightly relieved in the heart, patiently explain.

It turns out that in the alien world, the soul nest world can regenerate, or has a certain breeding ability, just like the God corpse world. When the number of people and foreign animals in the God corpse world reaches a certain value, when the chaotic power, that is, the spirit power in the God corpse world reaches a critical point, another soul nest world will be stripped off again!

Just like in the secular world of the earth, isn't the Korean stick our grandson? It's a pity that there are too many people in China. They are rich in land and resources, and they are not very obedient. So they set up a new country.

"I see."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded slowly and asked another question, "aren't we going to be in the corpse world? Why do you come to the place where the soul nest was born? Besides, I don't think there's anything good in this soul nest world. Besides some strange animal crystal nuclei, what else is there? "

Frankly speaking, since he met little fox, Zhao Chengfeng didn't have much interest in seizing the crystal nucleus, especially when he thought of some strange animals or even human changes. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, every life should be respected. For example, like Huaxia, whether they are murderers or criminals with strong shoulders, they really deserve to die. However, ordinary people are not qualified to judge their death penalty, only the law!

Only after the law has been ruled can their life and death be decided! Although Zhao Chengfeng also killed many people, he thought those guys should be killed, but he was not controlled by the law.

Brother Feng can only change into law to maintain justice in the world.

"Brother Qianzhi, you are still too young. It's a powerful force to capture a soul nest." Yu Fei lowered his voice and said, "do you know why the family helped me to capture a soul nest? It's to cultivate one's own power, enhance one's own strength, and enhance the family's strength at the same time! "

"This is a world where the strong are respected. If you don't have strength, you can only be beaten like huowan and live without dignity. What's more, having a soul nest is equivalent to having a home, which can accommodate a lot of strong people to serve for themselves. Do you think it is possible not to be robbed

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized the nod, in the final analysis, the fight for the soul nest can enhance their strength. Doesn't it mean that these people on the scene are about to face a cruel fight?

"Qianzhi, the capture of the soul nest can be said to be achieved by those who can." It seems to see Zhao Chengfeng's doubts. Yufei then explains, "the most powerful person in the scene comes forward to accept it. If the first strong person accepts the soul nest, it belongs to him. But if he can't accept it, the second master goes on, and so on, until the soul nest recognizes the master."

"What is it? Do you want to recognize the Lord

Zhao Chengfeng feels a little confused. How can NIMA, like reading fantasy novels, recognize the master with blood? This, this is a little bit of nonsense.

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