"Master Qianzhi, don't we look for the spirit of the soul nest?" Brandon was a little disappointed.

If the soul nest is taken away by others, isn't it a waste?

"If you want to go, you can go, or you can fly in with high priest Yu. I'll go back to you after that." Zhao Chengfeng thinks about it, and it's better to send Brandon away first.

This guy is also an expert who knows what to do. He can't make sure when he will be stabbed in the back. Many times, animals are animals after all, but people are not necessarily human.

Especially at the critical moment of breakthrough, if someone interrupts, it may cause serious injury, or belch fart on the spot. Put Brandon such a time bomb around, Zhao Chengfeng is really not at ease.

"Yes, then I'll follow the high priest." Brandon thought for a moment, definitely to try his luck.

"Where are we going?"

Little fox also looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a puzzled face. He doesn't understand why Zhao Chengfeng has just entered the soul nest and why he doesn't go to find the spirit of the soul nest. He had a fight with someone for this before.

"Xiao Xi, can you help me to see which part of the soul nest world is the most secret and safe? I need a period of rest." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the little fox in his arms, looking a little anxious.

"Little four."

The little fox called, "take us to a safe place."

"All right."

Small four fat body wriggle up, the speed is not slow, just a moment, small four will take Zhao Chengfeng into the vast mountains, mountain forest from time to time there are birds and beasts passing, full of vitality.

However, at this time, Zhao Chengfeng has no time to care too much. Under the leadership of Xiao Si, he enters a secret cave, and his heart is also relieved.

"Strange corn, what's the matter with you? I'm not hurt when I fight with Lieji, am I Little fox looks at Zhao Chengfeng anxiously.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles and fondly touches the fox's head. He says, "of course, I'm not hurt. It's just that I may have to break through. I need a quiet place to break through. That's why I didn't look for the spirit of the soul nest."

"So it is." The little fox suddenly realized, and immediately understood it. He turned back to some strange animals and said, "you guys, guard around. Once someone comes near, scare them away."

"Boss, what if you can't fight?" The little two is shaking his big head, a little reluctant.

There are not no good people among human beings, but there are too few good people, and they are cruel and ruthless. Seeing a strange animal is like seeing gold, and they all rush on it. As a strange animal, sophomore said that pressure mountain, to live well is very difficult.

"What are you talking about?"

Little fox Xiao Xi was a little angry and didn't have a good way: "but don't you know how to run? Just lead them away. Don't delay. Just blame the corn breakthrough. Do you understand? "

"All right."

As soon as the three ugly monsters heard this, they ran away. When Zhao Chengfeng saw this scene, his mood suddenly changed a lot. There was a saying that there was nothing wrong with it.

Animals are animals after all, but people are not necessarily people. It's better to stay with these animals than with villains. On the contrary, it's more reassuring.

"Strange corn, don't be stunned. Let's start. I'll guard the entrance of the cave for you. If there's anything unusual, I'll call you."

"Well, thank you very much." Zhao Chengfeng was very moved, but he didn't say much. He found a slightly dry stone platform and sat down, cross legged, with his eyes slowly closed.

When the skill works, Zhao Chengfeng begins to gather aura around his body. With Zhao Chengfeng as the center, the rich aura is absorbed by Zhao Chengfeng at the speed visible to the naked eye. Until the end, Zhao Chengfeng almost becomes the center of the whirlwind, devouring the aura crazily.


The little fox just settled down at the entrance of the cave. Suddenly he saw that in the vast forest, the aura was like drilling into the cave without money. The whole person, no, the whole fox felt bad. It's like a black hole swallowing aura, which is consumed and absorbed crazily.

At the same time, other people also saw this magical scene and realized that something was wrong with the soul nest. The aura was rapidly disappearing, and the fog like aura was being diluted.

"What's the matter?"

Yuzhan, who is looking for the spirit of the soul nest in the dense forest, twists his eyebrows and looks up at the strange image in the air. He sees a lot of rich and incomparable aura sweeping directly to the east mountain top. Yuzhan's expression suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Is the spirit of the soul nest in the east?" Thinking of this, Yuzhan moves and rushes to the east mountain.

This scene is also seen by many people looking for the spirit of the soul nest. Everyone is not a fool. There must be something unusual in the sky. One by one, they run to the East.

More than half an hour later, Yuzhan meets Katla and stares at Katla with vigilance and hatred. He has a bad premonition in his heart that he has determined the position of the spirit of the soul nest. Have these guys all followed him?

If all people gather here, if they want to capture the spirit of the soul nest, they will inevitably have a bloody battle!

"Yuzhan, why don't you want to fight me now?" Katla was also surprised to see Yuzhan, but Katla was not too afraid.

Yuzhan is really strong enough, but Katla is not a vegetarian either. The key point is that Katla is very confident in her speed. If she really wants to run, few people can stop her.

The most important thing is that both sides are hurt. This is not what Yuzhan wants. The spirit of the soul nest is the most important thing!

"Don't be complacent too soon."

Yuzhan took a deep breath and forced his anger down. He hummed coldly: "after I capture the spirit of the soul nest, I will kill you."

"First of all, make sure you have the ability to capture the spirit of the soul nest." Katla was not angry at all, but said with a smile: "by the way, I can remind you that Wuchen Qianzhi looks very unusual. You must not be his opponent. At that time, I will have no chance to fall into the trap."


Yuzhan almost got angry, but he didn't bother to pay attention to Katla. People who know him well know that this guy has a glib tongue and can make people angry. If you really want to get angry with him, you can't think about it in your life.

Turning his head, Yuzhan took people into the mountain forest again. Soon, he found the eastern mountain forest and stopped in front of a cave. There were four strange beasts in front of the cave. They were the ones who followed Zhao Chengfeng!

"Those who know the truth, get out of the way, or I will kill you." Yuqing rushes over first. Seeing that it's Zhao Chengfeng's strange beast, he doesn't dare to fight for a moment, so he can only scare him.

God knows if Zhao Chengfeng will kill himself in a moment. It's a tyrant!

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