"I won't!"

Although the little fox is short, but desperately blocked in the hole, even if there are more and more malicious people near the hole, but the little fox still does not give in, even if the heart is very scared!

Although the intelligence quotient of little fox is not low, even much higher than that of ordinary human beings, its strength is low after all. Many people at the scene can fan it to death with a slap.

But little fox knows that he can't retreat. At least before Zhao Chengfeng succeeds in breaking through, he can't let these bad guys break in. Breaking through is the best way to avoid being disturbed. If he's careless, he'll be possessed.

"Smelly fox, believe it or not, I'll stab you to death. Get out of the way Yu Qing has a fierce look on her face, and she is gesticulating the sword in her hand, but she doesn't move.

Yuqing is also very clear. Don't slap Zhao Chengfeng out as soon as you go in. What a shame.

"This is my friend's strange animal, Yuqing. I suggest you give me some face." At this time, the high priest Yufei and Brandon also rushed over and said in a deep voice: "of course, you don't have to give me face, but you should know my friend's temper. Don't blame me for not reminding you at that time."

With that, Yufei looks at the entrance of the cave and thinks that it is Zhao Chengfeng who first found the spirit of the soul nest. Now he is subduing. Don't he rush in at this time? Although Yufei was disappointed that he didn't wait for the spirit of the soul nest, he could accept it. After all, it was his friend and his ally who got it.

"Brother Jiu, don't forget that you are a member of the family. You threatened me for an outsider? Are you still my brother? " Feather green cold hum way, in the heart but how many some happy.

Yuqing didn't want to be hard at all. With the "threat" of Yufei, he just came down the slope, and no one else could say anything. Looking back, I can do the same. Even if I return to my family, I still have the reason.

"Here comes the battle of feathers."

Don't know who yelled in the crowd. The crowd looked back, but didn't Yuzhan come with people? Katla is far behind.

"It seems that we are all together again." Yu Zhan glanced at the crowd, but he rarely showed a smile, but his attention was always on the hole.

Yuzhan can clearly feel the majestic and pure aura in the cave. The cave is like a huge magnetic field, absorbing all the aura in the whole soul nest.

There is only one thing in the soul nest that can do this - the spirit of the soul nest!

"It seems that this war is inevitable!" Yu Zhan said in his heart and suddenly looked back at Yu Fei, "Ninth brother, where's your friend? Have you entered the cave? "

"This I......" feather fly elusive four elder brother's meaning, for a time become careful.

"Four elder brothers, isn't already in?"

Without waiting for Yufei to finish, Yuqing ran to the front and said with a flattering face: "fourth brother, here, you see, the hole is blocked by four beasts. That guy must have gone in and captured the spirit of the soul nest."

This time, it's rare that Yuzhan didn't turn his eyes at Yuqing. Instead, he looked at the entrance of the cave and nodded slightly. His heart became restless. It seems that he has found the spirit of the soul nest and should be taming at this time.

The soul nest with such abundant aura is taken away by Zhao Chengfeng, and Yuzhan is unwilling.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go. Let's all go in. Whoever gets the spirit of the soul nest depends on his ability." After pondering slightly, Yuzhan has a decision in his heart.

Even if he can't get the spirit of the soul nest, he has to find some discomfort for Zhao Chengfeng. This bullshit Wuchen Qianzhi just left no face for himself outside, so why leave room for him?

Of course, what's more important is that Yuzhan smelled a sense of crisis from Zhao Chengfeng. He was so young that he had such strong strength. In time, wouldn't he want to leave himself far behind?

No, Yuzhan doesn't allow his peers to be stronger than himself, which is an insult to him!

"That's right, that's right. Don't be shocked. Let's rush in together. These little animals are not our opponents." Yuqing also waved the flag and yelled, "of course, if you look down on this soul nest, you don't have to come in, but don't regret it then."

Sure enough, after hearing Yu Qing's words, people are also moved. Yes, who doesn't want to rob the good things? The spirit of the soul nest means a small world in which one can cultivate and increase one's accomplishments, and at the same time, one can form one's own power. The original Yuzhan was not so strong, because after seizing a soul nest, it became the super strong of the younger generation within a few years!

With one word of "go away", other forces can give up their talents. That's the ability.

"Let's go in!"

Yuzhan didn't look at the crowd, so he raised his foot and went to the cave. When walking around, Yuzhan deliberately released his strong breath in order to put a little pressure on the four beasts at the entrance of the cave.

However, what Yuzhan didn't expect was that the four beasts didn't mean to step aside.

"What? Do you want me to give you a ride and take your nuclei? " Yu Zhan's eyebrows sank, and a sense of killing came out of his body.

Yuzhan may be a little afraid of Zhao Chengfeng's strength, but he is not afraid of some strange beasts around him. He can kill them by raising his hand. After all, it's just a strange beast in Baron period. The attack power is dispensable to Yuzhan, and it's almost negligible.


Xiao Xi's body is a little bit shivering, the strong pressure, pressure Xiao Xi is very uncomfortable, however, Xiao Xi is still stubborn standing in the same place, did not retreat half a minute.

"Then go to hell!"

As he spoke, Yuzhan raised his hand and patted him.

"Fourth brother, show mercy!"

Seeing that the little fox is about to die, in a critical situation, high priest Yufei stops Yuzhan with his hand. With only one right hand, Yufei retreats several steps and just stands still, but Yuzhan doesn't move.

"Yufei, do you want to fight with me?" Yuzhan's face is very ugly. Other people didn't stop him. I didn't expect that his fourth brother would dare to fight with him for an outsider. It's too shameful. He's just eating inside and climbing outside.

"Nine elder brother, what do you mean? You don't want our family to grow, do you?" Yuqing also follows the help, glaring at Yufei.

Yufei ignores Yuqing, but rushes to Yuzhan and says: "fourth brother, don't be angry. I don't mean to target you, and I don't intend to fight with you. I know I'm not your opponent, but it's my friend inside. He may be seizing the spirit of the soul nest. Don't we take advantage of the danger when we go in at this time?"

"Lao Jiu, please pay attention to your wording. What is taking advantage of others' danger?"

Yu Zhan's face sank, "it's called the ability to get it!"

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