"Fourth brother, can't you give your brother some face? Qianzhi brother is my friend, I can't care about his life and death, I... "Yufei is very embarrassed.

If it's someone else or other forces in the cave, Yufei can do nothing, or even take the lead to kill in, but it's his own ally and friend. Although the contact time is not long, Yufei feels that Zhao Chengfeng is a trustworthy friend and worth defending himself from the wind!

"You can't ignore his life and death, can you ignore the revival plan of our family?" Yuzhan snorted heavily, "get out of the way, don't force me to attack you. You know my character. It really annoys me. I don't care who you are!"

"Sorry, fourth brother, I can't let you go today."

Feather fly wry smile a, know oneself is to persuade not to move feather war. He is a very strong and domineering person, and he is also a ruthless character who does not recognize his six relatives. Otherwise, he would not have scolded himself and Yuqing as rubbish in front of outsiders. He's really capable of dealing with his brother.

"Then go to hell!"

As he spoke, Yuzhan suddenly raised his hand and clapped it on Yufei's chest. This hand didn't leave any feelings. One hand was ten successful forces, and there was a strong wind!

"Be careful..."


Without waiting for the little fox to remind him, the palm had already touched his chest. Yufei was caught off guard, and the whole person flew out in an instant.

The most surprising thing is that Yuqing's sword also stabbed out.


The sound of the sharp blade cutting the skin and flesh is clearly visible. After a moment of lightning, the sword in Yuqing's hand has deeply penetrated into Yufei's left arm, almost hitting the heart!


Yufei's face changed greatly. He expected that the fourth elder brother would not give in. But Yufei never dreamed that Yuqing would fall into the well and mend a sword at this moment. If it wasn't for his quick reaction, he would be dead!

"You're a useless person in your family. You've wasted your family's many years training you. Now you've stopped me and my fourth brother for an outsider. You really deserve it!" Yuqing didn't feel blushed at all, but took it for granted.


Yuzhan naturally saw it, but he snorted heavily. Don't look over his head and ignore the Yuzhan in the pool of blood. He raised his foot and walked towards the cave again!

"No entry!"

Little fox looked at a group of cold guys in front of him, and his heart was half cold. Is human's family not as good as animals? What's wrong with these people?


Feather war a burst drink, once again hand.


Small two small three small four together rushed up, although the strength is not good, but the victory in the body is huge, the rush out of the moment seems to be some majestic, but after all, the strength gap is too big!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

With only one move, the three beasts fell to the ground, dying, with no resistance.

"Small two small three, you..." small fox instant blush, almost can't help but tears.

This is fox Xiaoxi's best friend and fox's most loyal subordinate, but now they are

"Not yet?"

Yuzhan raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He didn't feel that the tears in the eyes of the little fox were worth pitying. Tears were always left to the weak, and the strong didn't need tears.

"Cruel human, I'll fight with you!"

Suddenly, the red eyed Xiao Xi leaps to Yuzhan. At that moment, Xiao Xi, who had been extremely gentle, burst out a strong attack and showed his ferocious fangs.

"Well, I can't help myself!"

Yuzhan's contempt became more and more obvious. He didn't even bother to look at the fox. With this strength, how can he fight with himself?

"Fourth brother, take a break and let me see that I can't destroy it!"

Yuqing volunteered to shoot out. With the shaking of the long sword, the sharp sword flowers rolled to the little fox. Although the little fox was not as strong as Yuqing, he was short and very flexible. He easily avoided Yuqing's sword moves and grabbed Yuqing's throat in the gap.

"Hey, little beast!"

Yuqing is aware that something is wrong, so he avoids in a hurry. Although he has dodged the key point, he is caught in a bloody hole on his arm and becomes angry.

"Waste, get out of my way!"

Yuqing still wants to jump on it, but he is glared back by Yuqing. He is very upset. He can't even clean up a little fox. Isn't it a shame for the family?

"..." Yu Qing was depressed in her heart and hated her teeth, but there was no way.


Yuzhan obviously has no patience. This time, his hand is more and more fierce and swift. The whole person rushes out like a tiger down the mountain. His fists carry a strong wind to the fox.


Again have courage, because the strength is poor, little fox finally fell down, fell in the cave gate, blood vomit more than crazy.

"Don't you want to die? Well, I'll help you today! "

Seeing that the little fox is still lying at the mouth of the cave, Yuzhan grabs the sword in Yuqing's hand and stabs it down. With a sad smile, the little fox closes his eyes and prepares to greet death quietly.

Maybe, after his death, he will be taken the crystal nucleus just like other partners.


However, just as the sword was about to stab the fox, a blood light burst out of the hole and hit the sword in Yuzhan's hand.

The silver sword broke at the sound. Yuzhan retreated several steps, and then stopped. His chest was full of Qi and blood. What a powerful force!

"If it dies, you two brothers will go down to be buried with it."

Without waiting for everyone to come back, Zhao Chengfeng's insipid but murderous voice came out of the cave. Everyone followed his reputation, and Zhao Chengfeng came out with his upper body red, showing his strong muscles.

"Young boy." At the moment of seeing Zhao Chengfeng, Yufei's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Brother Yufei, I will thank you for your kindness today." Zhao Chengfeng flushes feather to fly to slightly nod, then squatted in the small fox side, carefully picked up the small fox, a pure energy continuously enters the small fox body, the small fox's complexion suddenly is much better.

Youyou opened his eyes, Xiaoxi saw Zhao Chengfeng, unexpectedly rare smile, "strange corn, I thought you didn't care about us."

"It's hard for you. Next, you can have a good rest and leave the rest to me."

Zhao Chengfeng put a soft smile on his face and put the fox in a safe place. Then he looked up at Yuzhan and Yuqing, "it's you two who hurt them, right?"

"So what? Don't you dare to be against our five Chen Clan on the first day? " Feather green a face proud, anyway already with four elder brothers stand in a boat, had four elder brothers to help, still can be afraid of him?

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