"You didn't find the spirit of the soul nest, but you're breaking through, right?"

Yuzhan noticed something was wrong, and obviously felt that Zhao Chengfeng's breath was more calm. Although he didn't know Zhao Chengfeng's specific strength, from that sword, he could see that Zhao Chengfeng's strength was enhanced!

"Whether you break through or search for the spirit of the soul nest, you will die today." Instead of answering directly, Zhao took a deep breath. He was moved and angry.

Zhao Chengfeng was moved by the fact that little fox, with three strange beasts, worked hard to guard the entrance of the cave. He won precious breakthrough time for himself. He broke through the empty cave at one stroke, and his strength increased greatly!

You know, Xiao Xi and himself know only a few days, he did not give them any favor, but they are willing to use their lives to protect themselves, this kindness is too heavy. At least, they are more affectionate than others!

What makes Zhao Chengfeng angry is that someone has hurt the little fox and Yufei. Yufei is the brother of Yuqing and Yuzhan. They can do it. Is this still human?

"Arrogant boy, if we don't give you some color today, you really don't know the heaven and the earth." Yuqing is not afraid, and can't feel the power of Zhao Chengfeng.

Just because I don't know the strength of Zhao Chengfeng, I have no fear!

"Heaven is high and earth is thick, ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't answer, just a faint smile, a gentle wave of his right hand, Xuanyuan sword seems to have a telepathy in general, instantly back to the hands of Zhao Chengfeng, sword light flash, murderous!



Yuzhan knows that today's World War I is inevitable. If you can't do anything to be slaughtered, there will be only one!


At the moment when the spear came out of its sheath, it was also cold, which made people dare not look directly at it.

"Yuzhan has shown his ability to press the bottom of the box. It seems that this Wuchen Qianzhi is not simple."

"Nonsense, this five Chen thousand childish really have so easy to deal with, lie Ji will be defeated by him?"

"I just don't know who will win or lose this battle."

Just when they started, they all stopped to watch the battle of life and death. They were very familiar with Yuzhan. After all, they were the capable people of the Wuchen family on the first day. They were famous far and near, and they were also very capable. They played a part in the Black Death world and tested their ability.

This Wuchen Qianzhi is not a vegetarian, at least Lieji is not his opponent.


Looking at the two men who are about to fight, Yufei opens his mouth to stop them. But when he comes to his mouth, he swallows it back again. As the fourth brother does to himself, do you want to plead for him?

It's just, so brother don't mind, feather fly heart has died.

"Mountain gun!"

Yuzhan drinks all over the body. The long gun shakes and rolls up countless strong winds. He stabs Zhao Chengfeng in the face. If he doesn't do it, he will kill people. This is Yuzhan's style. He will never drag his feet!

"You call that shooting? Rubbish

However, in the face of the fierce attack of Yuzhan, Zhao Chengfeng's mocking smile becomes more and more obvious. The sword shakes slightly, and the sword flowers fall all over the sky. In mid air, the red sword flowers are as beautiful and colorful as the flowers in full bloom in spring.

"Damn, what a beautiful sword move!"

"Am I blinded? How does it feel like a show? "

"I've never seen such a wonderful sword technique before."

Once again, they were so stupid that they praised Zhao Chengfeng's sword skills. However, they didn't expect that the brilliant flower contained a sense of killing!

"Whew, whew!"

All of a sudden, the scarlet sword flower quickly floated to Yuzhan, like bullets shooting out.

"What the hell is this, ah..."

Yuzhan's pupil enlarges instantly, and the long sword swings repeatedly to avoid. Unexpectedly, a sword flower stabs the center of the eyebrow, and the whole person loses his vitality.


The huge body fell rapidly from the air, hit the ground and splashed with yellow dust. His eyes were as big as those of a cow, but he did not breathe.


Everyone took a cold breath, especially when he saw dozens or hundreds of blood holes in Yuzhan's body, he shivered. What kind of skill is this? How could it be so powerful?

Everyone thinks that the duel between Yuzhan and Zhao Chengfeng is as wonderful as Mars hitting the earth, but no one expected that Zhao Chengfeng used only one move to kill Yuzhan. It's clean and smooth, without the slightest drag!

Now we all know that Yuzhan is not the most ruthless, the most ruthless person is Zhao Chengfeng!


Seeing his brother's tragic death, Yufei sighs, but he doesn't know what to say. It's not a pity, but it's absolutely not a pity. Just after the easy break, the fourth brother may be too strong and overbearing, this is his retribution, but the price is too high, even did not give him a chance to reform.

However, Yufei doesn't blame Zhao Chengfeng. If it's himself, I'm afraid he won't keep it.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother..."

Yuqing is confused. He holds a sword in one hand and shakes Yuzhan's body in the other. He is scared to pee his pants. Originally, Yuqing was going to wave the flag and shout, but before the flag could stand up, he had already fallen down.

Everything is like a dream, caught off guard!

"It's your turn next. Are you going to do it yourself or let me take you on the road?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Yuqing jokingly. His eyes are like looking at an idiot.

Seeing Yuqing, Zhao Chengfeng naturally thinks of the second generation of rich people in the secular world of the earth. The second generation of rich people is just like Yuqing. They are arrogant and domineering by virtue of their wealth and status. As everyone knows, there are so many big people in the world, such as Zhang Shaocheng in the capital, who is crazy and has no side. In the end, they die?

It doesn't matter if you die. The key is to kill your parents.

"You, don't come here. I'm wrong."

Yuqing lost her temper and knelt down to Zhao Chengfeng directly in full view of the public. "Qianzhi, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. You take me as a fart. You..."

"Ha ha, it's interesting." Zhao Chengfeng is also Leng for a while, but soon figured out, such as feather green guy can have what bottom line? Don't kneel down and beg for mercy. I don't think he will object to asking him to call dad.

"Nine elder brothers, nine elder brothers, you help me talk about love, please, nine elder brothers."

No way, Yuqing can only plead with Yufei, "Ninth brother, for the sake of our brothers, you can help me talk about love, let your friends let me go, I'm really wrong..."

"When you stab me, why don't you think it's a brother's game?" Feather flies to shake head, "you still go to die, this time, I personally send you!"


The voice falls down, the chest of feather green stabbed a short knife, above is the hand of feather fly!

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