"You bastard, you killed me?"

Yu Qing looks down at the dagger in her chest and stares at Yu Fei with a face of resentment.

"You, you have to die, you..."

"Even if I have to die, you can't see it." Yufei didn't refute. The moment he pulled out the dagger, he let the blood splash on his face without any emotion!

Compared with Yuqing, in fact, Yufei is more willing to plead for Yuzhan, but Yufei also knows that Zhao Chengfeng won't stay and won't bother to plead. At the beginning, they had made every effort, and they were responsible for the consequences!

"Yufei, won't your conscience hurt?"

Uncle Yang saw that Yuqing died in Yufei's hands, and he was so angry that he stamped his feet. "This is your brother. How can you do it?"


Smell speech, feather fly face that a touch of ridicule color more and more obvious, ask a way back: "that their two brothers lay hands on me, have you asked them, their conscience will not hurt?"

"But he, after all..."

"Well, don't say anything!"

With a wave of his hand, Yufei interrupts uncle Yang's words, "you've seen what happened today. You can go back to your family and sue me. I'm not afraid of Yufei. Of course, if you want to avenge your master, I will accompany you

With that, Yu feiqiang takes a strong breath and glares at Yu Zhan and Yu Qing's men, fearlessly.

"I'll stay with you to the end." Zhao Chengfeng forward a station, this station will show that Zhao Chengfeng recognize Yufei this brother.

"Good, good, you are cruel, let's go!"

When Uncle Yang saw that Zhao Chengfeng was here, how dare he take revenge? He was so angry that he asked someone to help carry the two bodies away. This is evidence.

"Do you want to fight me if you hang on?"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were cold, and he looked around and directly drove away the rest of the visitors.

"Go on, don't mess with this evil star!"

"Paralyzed, I was stared at by him. How could I feel that I peed in my pants?"

"Too fierce, too cruel!"

In a whisper, the rest of the forces are gone, leaving only Zhao Chengfeng, Yufei and Brandon, as well as the seriously injured little fox. As for the little fox's partners, they have lost their vitality. Even though Zhao Chengfeng knows some medical skills and has great momentum, he can't go back to heaven.

"Brandon, dig some holes and bury them." Zhao Chengfeng looked at their bodies, and his heart was very heavy.

They are animals, but Zhao Chengfeng thinks they are more emotional than people.

"Yes, Qianzhi. I'll do it now."

Brandon answered and ran to work. Now Brandon doesn't dare to escape at all. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is so powerful that Brandon thinks that there is no chance of escape, let alone fighting with Zhao Chengfeng!

"Brother Yufei, I'm sorry for your trouble."

Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng apologized to Yu Fei and said, "I guess you can't go back home. If you don't know, people in your family will come after you, or..."

"I'm not afraid of them."

However, Yufei shook his head and said: "killing brothers will be punished, but it won't do anything to me. They will not dare to kill me for a while at most? When so many people see this, the law enforcement team in the family will visit and investigate. We all know which is right or wrong. What's more, Yuzhan is a genius, but my elder brother is not a waste. My Laozi is not a waste. How dare they treat me? "

Although Yufei has been tolerating the excesses of his brothers, it doesn't mean that Yufei is afraid, but he doesn't want to make trouble. To be sure, Yufei's elder brother and father are important figures in the family.

"Anyway, thank you. You are my friend of Zhao Chengfeng." Zhao Chengfeng said seriously.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'll... Wait a minute."

Feather flies to suddenly understand to come over, point to Zhao Cheng wind way: "you, you are not five Chen thousand childish?"? You, what did you just say your name was? What kind of wind are you looking for? "

"Zhao Chengfeng!"

Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly, "I'm not a Wuchen Qianzhi at all. I just got a name to hide my identity. In fact, I'm not a person in this world."

"So it is

Yufei nodded heavily, a thoughtful look.

"Have you guessed anything long ago?" This time, it's Zhao Chengfeng's turn. He seems to know something about Yufei.

"That's right."

Yufei didn't hide it. He chose a place to sit down and said, "your strength is very strong, but your strength is different from ours. How to say, your strength is different, and the way you fight with others is also different. I've never seen your duel with Yuzhan, and the way you fight with Lieji. I've almost never seen it in this world."

"That's when you doubted my identity?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yufei was a person with delicate mind, which was very similar to Huitian.

Although Huitian is also a man, because Huitian is engaged in medical work, what he does is to save people. As time goes by, he develops a calm and calm temperament. Once he learns to be calm, his mind will gradually become delicate, which is very easy to understand.


However, Yufei shook his head and said frankly: "in fact, when you and Brandon sneaked into the temple, the first time you and I met, I guessed something. You don't know a lot of common sense things in the world, but your strength is unpredictable. We can't explore your strength at all, so..."

"You have guessed something wrong. Why don't you tell me directly? Don't you think I cheated you? " Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is to smile to get up, turn head to think, oneself expose of flaw really many.

However, there is no way. Just like on earth, if Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know a foreign language at all, can you understand it in other countries? I don't know anything!

"What kind of deception is that?"

In this regard, Yufei still shook his head and said: "who has no secret in the world? Besides, how can anyone tell others the cards just when they know each other? In this world, there are only interests. Many people only value interests and don't talk about feelings at all. As you saw before, my brothers wanted to kill me for the spirit of the soul nest. "

"Now that you can tell me frankly that I am very happy, how can you be angry?"

"Thank you for your understanding. I have my problems." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, some moved, this kind of feeling of being trusted is really cool, at least not that kind of feeling, let people feel at ease a lot.

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