At that time, Zhao Chengfeng and others scattered to an unknown new world from the future, even the language is not understood. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was very flustered!

What is the most terrible? unknown!

At the beginning, on earth, Zhao Chengfeng was not afraid of the direct enemy. Even if the U.S. Army came, Zhao Chengfeng didn't even blink an eyebrow. It was time to destroy it.

The biggest fear is the unknown enemy, just like the original broken sky, just like the invisible missisby, they are too weird.

Therefore, after arriving at a different world, Zhao Chengfeng is cautious every step he takes, for fear of angering the strong enemy and being killed by others. Zhao Chengfeng is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he can't die now. There are still many tasks to be completed by himself, his wife and children waiting for him at home, his dear parents and the changing earth!

So, Zhao Chengfeng can't die!

However, Zhao Chengfeng can no longer hide his identity, because Zhao Chengfeng wants to find Weiwei and the imps. Zhao Chengfeng is really afraid that they will become monsters like foxes and be slaughtered by others. He is also afraid that they will be reduced to the end of Liuli and become slaves of others. He has no right to survive!

To find them, you have to be strong! The weak can't protect the people around them. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know how strong he is now, but he decides not to wait any longer and to take the initiative!

"Brother Chengfeng, since you have confessed to me, I think you should have something to tell me." Yufei is not a fool, otherwise he can't manage such a big temple soul nest.

"Don't worry, I'll help you deal with the injury first. Fox also needs to rest now. Let's go into the cave and talk slowly." Zhao Chengfeng did not deny it, but chose to treat the wounded first.

Yuzhan's son-in-law died. Little fox and Yufei were seriously injured. However, Zhao Chengfeng couldn't be defeated. Before leaving the earth, he went back to heaven and instigated many pills, all of which were used to treat the injury. The medicine monk even gave Zhao Chengfeng more than ten xiaohuandan. As long as he didn't break his breath, xiaohuandan could survive!

This time, Zhao Chengfeng is not stingy. He takes a small huandan for Fox and Yufei. After taking the pill, Yufei's left shoulder wound scarred quickly, and the originally disordered breath was calmed down in a short time. He obviously felt a warm current flowing in his body, which made the whole person feel more comfortable.

"Brother Chengfeng, what did you just give me to eat? It's amazing. I think I'll be cultivated for ten days and a half months, but I'm at least half better now! " Yu Fei stares at Zhao Chengfeng in shock and moves his arm. The pain disappears without a trace, only slightly uncomfortable.

However, this uncomfortable point is ignored for Yufei.

Not only does Yufei feel good, but also the little fox opens his eyes slightly, obviously has the spirit.

"It's a pill from my world. How to say, it's used to treat injuries and diseases." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know how to explain it.

"Sick? What is illness? "

Yufei is not ashamed to ask, looking at Zhao Chengfeng blankly.

"Sick, this..."

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know how to talk about it. On earth, three-year-old children know what it means to be sick, but in a different world, they really don't know how to explain it. Because Yufei's bodies are very strong, they never feel sick.

"What do you say? It's like people who are not comfortable for no reason. Maybe we accidentally fall off the house and break our legs, which is called illness. "

"Oh, just hurt." Yufei suddenly realized.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't answer this question. It's too abstruse and helpless. Looking at a very simple thing, it's definitely not an easy job to understand and explain it thoroughly.

"Master Qianzhi, according to your orders, I have buried all three strange beasts." At this time, Brandon, full of sweat, came in from the outside, with a flattering smile on Zhao Chengfeng's face, obviously flattering Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, "you just stay outside. I'll call you if you need anything. Of course, if you want, you can leave by yourself. I haven't found the spirit of the soul nest. You can continue to look for it. I think no one will argue with you this time."

Hearing the words, Brandon has some ideas. It's the spirit of the soul nest. Once he finds the spirit of the soul nest, it means that he has a chance to master one side of the world, which is a good thing.

However, Brandon calmly thought about it and said, "master Qianzhi, I'm determined to follow you. I'll wait outside. If you have something, please call me."

"Well, get out."

Zhao Chengfeng is still calm, unable to express his sadness and joy.

"Your world must be very powerful!"

As soon as Brandon left, Yufei said with emotion: "this thing is amazing. I'm not afraid of getting hurt any more."

"It can't be said that it's fierce or not, but the world I live in is more regular. Although there are also killing and disputes, it's rare." Zhao Chengfeng replied truthfully that he missed the earth for the first time.

The earth that has lived for decades, is it OK?

"Brother Yufei, I want to ask you, do you know where there will be people from other worlds in the eternal world and the Black Death world? To be honest, I've got company here with me, but I don't know where they are

Zhao Chengfeng looks dignified, "I want to find them, I don't want them to become strange animals, or be treated as slaves, I need your help."

"You mean people coming through wormholes?" Feather fly is not very clear, suddenly thought of a thing.

"Wormhole? What is a wormhole? "

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly muddled force, how with read fantasy novel like, even wormhole are out.

"Wormhole is simply a passage." Yufei didn't feel too much trouble. He slowly explained, "it's like the cave where we are. You can walk out from here along the road. However, this wormhole is not an ordinary wormhole. It can pass through space. Do you know the soul nest now? "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng nods.

"The soul nest and the soul nest can be connected directly. However, the strength must be at least above the Duke before we can establish a channel between the two soul nests. Such a channel is called a space wormhole, which is also called a wormhole, just like the channel connecting the immortal world and the Black Death world."

"I see!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly nodded and finally understood. To put it bluntly, wormholes are vehicles and routes.

"It seems that we are really transmitted through wormholes. You say, where are wormholes?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became anxious.

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