"Qianzhi, I'm wrong, but I'm not really to blame for that."

Brandon was frightened by Zhao Chengfeng and knelt on the ground. His forehead was cold and sweaty, and he was very frightened.

"I don't blame you, but I do." Zhao Chengfeng still sneered, "it's you who make trouble in the dry stone forest. If you don't attract us in the past, will there be so many things?"

"Master Qianzhi, I admit that I made those birds, but I can't make them. You have to be aware of them." Brandon was frightened. He never expected that Zhao Chengfeng would settle the accounts with him!

If you had known that, you might as well have left early. That's good. God knows if the evil star has killed himself!

"Well! "To see clearly?"

Zhao Chengfeng snorted and said, "Brandon, don't think I'm stupid. Do you think I don't know what you're doing behind my back? When you and I were trapped in a dreamland that day, you tried to kill me. Do you think I didn't know? "

"I..." Brandon was shocked again and finished.


No matter how scared Brandon was at the moment, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "before Yuzhan and Yuqing had to break into the cave, little fox and brother Yufei fell down. You have the strength of viscount. Why don't you stop them? You greedy and afraid of death

"Master Qianzhi, I..."

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Zhao Chengfeng interrupts the latter. To tell you the truth, Zhao Chengfeng really despises Brandon. If it's not because it's time to employ people, he really wants to slap him to death!

"Qianzhi, I'm wrong, but I really can't die now. Otherwise, why do you think I stay in Guiwu mountain all the time?" Brandon's face was bitter and his heart was unwilling.

"It's not to capture the soul nest. It's the nearest place to the birthplace of the soul nest." Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes.

"Qianzhi, you are wrong."

However, Brandon shook his head and gritted his teeth: "I have a deep blood feud. Hiding in Guiwu mountain is just to avoid my enemies. Of course, I have to admit that I just stayed in Guiwu mountain in order to capture the soul nest. I want to strengthen my strength and take revenge!"

"Blood feud? What's up? Your daughter-in-law has been abducted? " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't take it seriously. In Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, Brandon is a wall grass. He falls with the wind. God knows what he says is true.

Frankly speaking, Brandon is not as reliable and trustworthy as fox.

"Master Qianzhi, don't be kidding."

Brandon said with a wry smile: "I was born in September. Although my family ranks 12, I am not a small family. I am a rich family in September. Ordinary people dare not provoke us. What's hateful is that the Lord of September city took a fancy to my sister-in-law. At last, he took my sister-in-law by force. Not to mention, he killed more than 300 people in our family. I was the only one left to escape. "

"I can't help it. I can only hide in Guiwu mountain and live a life without people and ghosts. In order to get revenge one day, even Brandon's name will be changed later. "

"You're all dead? You're the only one left? " Seeing that Brandon's eyes are red and swollen, Zhao Chengfeng can't bear it. He really doesn't see that Brandon has such a past. It's no exaggeration to say that he is miserable.

"Master Qianzhi, this is the time. Do you think I still need to joke with you?" Brandon laughed miserably and immediately said, "I know I don't have much strength. Anyone who comes out of the Lord's mansion of September city can kill me, but I'm not willing to, so I began to tame strange animals in Guiwu mountain."

"In fact, the fighting capacity of exotic beasts is not weak. If someone commands them, the fighting capacity is even more amazing." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng slightly nodded, "have to say, this idea is good, you still have a little brain.". Only depending on your strength, there is no hope of revenge in this life. "


Hearing the speech, Brandon looked embarrassed and did not dare to reply. Although Zhao Chengfeng's words are very hurtful, Brandon is also very clear in his heart that if there is no absolutely right time, it is really not difficult for him to get revenge. I don't even have a chance in my life.

"I'll give you a chance."

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "as long as you find Liuli, the woman who came into Guiwu mountain with me, I'll help you revenge. It's a deal between you and me. How about it?"

"My Lord, will you help me to get revenge?" On hearing this, Brandon was immediately interested, his eyes widened, and his face was incredible.

A moment ago, Brandon was still frightened, for fear that Zhao Chengfeng would destroy himself if he was not happy. After all, he has such strength, and he has reason to do so.

But Brandon couldn't believe that he wanted to help himself to get revenge now.

Frankly speaking, Brandon had thought about using Zhao Chengfeng to destroy the person in the main residence of September city. Unfortunately, Brandon slowly found that Zhao Chengfeng was not only very powerful, but most importantly, he was very careful and thought comprehensively. It can be said that he didn't give Brandon any chance to take advantage of the situation.

"It's not difficult to avenge you, but don't be happy too soon. I have conditions. I'll give you three days to go to Guiwu mountain to find Liuli and bring it to me." After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng said, "of course, if you can't find Liuli, you don't have to come to me. I don't want to kill you, but I don't want you to follow me."

"My Lord!"

Brandon's face became ugly again. He did give himself a chance, but his hope of finding Liuli was too slim, and he could not even follow Zhao Chengfeng in the future. In the end, he had to go back to Guiwu mountain to hide and live a ghost life?

"Come on, you only have three days."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and turned his head to see Brandon again. To be fair, Zhao Chengfeng really wants to kill Brandon. This guy has an uncertain mind. God knows when he will stab himself in the dark. Putting him like this is like placing an indefinite time bomb. He doesn't know when it will explode. According to Zhao Chengfeng's past temperament, killing him is not negotiable!

However, after learning about Brandon's past, Zhao Chengfeng is still compassionate. The hatred of his family is too deep, and Brandon's life is more treacherous. I'm afraid Zhao Chengfeng would be more vicious than Brandon.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Brandon kowtowed to Zhao Chengfeng, turned to leave, and soon disappeared in sight.

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