Looking back at Brandon's departure, Zhao Chengfeng has some empathy and thinks of himself. How similar are you to Brandon? How can you venture into a different world if it's not for your relatives and China?

Think of yourself in a different world is not the same insidious cunning, intriguing alive? Kill the real Wuchen Qianzhi, understand the world bit by bit, and get familiar with its rules bit by bit. Now we can only say that we have a certain self-protection ability.

"You let him go?"

At this time, Yufei came out of the cave and naturally saw Brandon leaving.


Zhao Chengfeng did not hide, told Yufei about the destruction of the Brandon family.

"I see."

Hearing this, Yufei was moved and said, "I've been to the city of September. It's only 300 kilometers away, not far. I've heard of a case in which Dazu was destroyed. I didn't expect that it was Brandon's family

"I hope he can finish the task, or even if I want to help him, I don't know how to do it." Zhao Chengfeng sighed that maybe Brandon didn't know where the glaze had gone and whether it had been turned into a strange beast.

However, Zhao Chengfeng believes that Brandon will have a way. After all, when he was in Guiwu mountain, Brandon had a lot of means to tame exotic animals. With this alone, Brandon was more hopeful than Zhao Chengfeng to find Liuli.

I'm afraid it's difficult for people to find people, but within a certain range, it's not difficult for different animals to find each other. Although exotic animals have developed limbs and simple minds, each kind of exotic animal has its own unique housekeeping skills. It's like Xiao San, the little fox's little companion, who quietly followed Zhao Chengfeng. He was very unjust. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng's keen sense, he might not have noticed it.

"It sounds like this guy is very poor, but it's better to investigate some things clearly. This guy..." Yufei didn't finish what he said. He really shook his head, obviously not very satisfied with Brandon.

When Brandon was in the temple, he stripped his men's clothes and seized other people's equipment. To be frank, he was greedy for a small price, but he was still a wall grass. As a leader, I will never like such subordinates.

"Thank you for reminding me." With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng says that it is no accident that Yufei can become the high priest and master of the temple's soul nest.

Compared with Yuqing, Yufei is more powerful, wiser and patient; Although his strength is not as good as Yuzhan, Yufei will not make too many enemies. On the contrary, he will be very popular with people around him, because he can be a man.

Of course, when it's cruel, Yufei won't be soft hearted, just like stabbing Yuqing's heart with a knife.

"By the way, little fox, is he ready?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a thing, pointed to the mouth of the cave, said: "won't fail, I..."

However, without waiting for Yufei to answer, a beautiful shadow suddenly appears at the entrance of the cave. A woman with long hair in green clothes appears at the entrance of the cave. She has a pair of Danfeng eyes that are very attractive.

"You, you are Xiao Xi fox?" Zhao Chengfeng widened his eyes and looked at the beauty in front of him.

It's so beautiful.

This is the fairy in the legend. It has a beautiful face, but it has a pair of breathtaking eyes, like a fox.

Beautiful, beautiful.

"Strange corn, why do you stare at me all the time?" Xiao Xi's red lips are very beautiful. Her face is slightly red. She looks like a ripe apple, which is very attractive.


Zhao Chengfeng smiles awkwardly and says, "aren't you too beautiful? I haven't seen much of the world, so I took a look at it. Hey, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, Xiao Xi. "

Zhao Chengfeng wanted to touch Xiaoxi's head. After all, when he was still in fox form, he could touch it as he wanted. But now he became a beautiful woman, and Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed.

"Is it?"

Xiao Xi blinked his eyes, thought about it, and said seriously, "strange millet, I think you have a lot of vision, and I also think I'm beautiful."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng not without depressed shake his head, way: "you really don't know what is called humility."

"But I know what honesty is." Xiao Xi is not willing to be outdone. He doesn't feel blushed at all. After he becomes a human being, all his memories come back.

Xiao Xi is very familiar with his appearance, and naturally knows how beautiful he is. There were not a few people who pursued him in those years. Even because of his appearance, he was forced to get married. In the end, he and his father ran away, but unfortunately he fell into the God corpse world.

And the world of God and corpse is extremely complex, in which the forces are intertwined, and there are many soul nest forces. Accidentally, she was turned into a strange animal, almost lost her intelligence, and was almost caught several times. If she hadn't met Zhao Chengfeng, Xiao Xi thought that she might be a silly little fox in her whole life.

"Is your father Anton?"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't joke with Xiao Xi. He also sees that Xiao Xi is a lively girl. However, Zhao Chengfeng has to mention some things. At the beginning, Antong helped himself through the crisis, saying that his missing daughter was Xiao Xi.

"Have you met my father?"

Smell speech, Xiao Xi Jiao body a tremble, the face smile all disappeared, instantly become nervous, grasp Zhao Cheng wind way: "strange corn, where is my father, he is OK?"

"I did meet your father."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a bitter smile: "however, I don't know where he is, because we met in a dreamland. He mentioned you to me, so when you said your name was Xiao Xi, I doubted. I didn't expect it was you."

"Mirage? Then... "Hearing this, Xiao Xi seemed to be struck by thunder.

Isn't it the same as being imprisoned to be in a dreamland? I'm afraid I don't have a chance to come out in my life.

"Xiao Xi, your father is doing well now, but I don't know when he will leave the dreamland. Maybe he will come out soon." Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know how to comfort Xiaoxi. Anyway, seeing that the beauty is unhappy, Zhao Chengfeng is very sad.

"What Cheng Feng said is true."

Yufei also said: "in this God corpse world, it will be very dangerous if you happen to enter the dreamland. However, once you overcome the demons and get out of the dreamland, your strength will increase greatly, and the process is no less than a hard practice. It's a person's tribulation, but it's also a person's opportunity. Don't worry too much. "


Zhao Chengfeng nodded in agreement. After walking out of the dreamland, Zhao Chengfeng obviously felt that his strength was stronger, at least his mind was more calm.

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