This new world doesn't attach much importance to vigor, but rather to spiritual strength and physical strength. To tell you the truth, this new world is no higher than the earth's civilization. Except that aura is slightly stronger than the earth, other aspects are far behind the earth. After all, this broken place doesn't even have a mobile phone!

"Strange corn, do you think my father will be ok?" Xiaoxi is still a little worried, two watery eyes, staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

Obviously, Xiao Xi believes more in Zhao Chengfeng.

"Of course, lucky people have their own way." Zhao Chengfeng definitely nodded, "however, don't call me strange millet, I'm still young, you call me brother Feng, anyway, in our place, they all call me that."

"Well, I'll call you brother Feng, hehe." With Zhao Chengfeng's words, Xiao Xi's expression was obviously relaxed and showed a bright smile.

Not to mention, the girl smiles and has two shallow dimples on her face, which makes her intoxicated. She really answers the saying on earth - your dimples have no wine, but I am drunk like a dog.

Beauty is always pleasing.


Yufei couldn't see it any more. He cleared his throat and said, "brother Chengfeng, since your friend is well, we are almost well. Let's go to find the spirit of the soul nest. Now no one is robbing us."

"Not bad."

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it for a while, and said with some apology: "brother Yufei, I'm really sorry that you lost your temple soul nest. It's estimated that you'll have a lot of trouble when you go back to your family. You might as well take this newly born soul nest. Three days later, we'll be together in the corpse world. I still have some things to do."

"Not all of them? These things have nothing to do with you. Anyway, I can't stand them. What does it have to do with me if they die? " Yufei pretends to be relaxed, but he is very satisfied.

Yuzhan and Yuqing's death may bring Yufei a lot of trouble, but Yufei has a strong ally, Zhao Chengfeng. Yufei estimates that even if it's big brother, it's not necessarily Zhao Chengfeng's opponent!

Such reinforcement is enough to raise the family's status to a higher level.

"No, let's go to the spirit of the soul nest first." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and walks away.

"Oh, don't hurry."

But just when they were ready to start, Xiao Xi stopped them, and a sly smile appeared on his face, "do you know where the soul nest command is? This soul nest is not small. How can we find it without ten days and half a month? "

"Do you know where the spirit of the soul nest is?" Yufei is not stupid. As soon as he looks at Xiaoxi's expression, he expects that this girl is afraid to know a lot of secrets.

No wonder, after all, she was a fox before she recovered. She was a rare intelligent beast. It was not unusual for her to have some special functions.

"Come on, don't play the game. Let's talk about it. We're still in a hurry." Zhao Chengfeng white small Xi one eye, at the beginning how didn't discover this Ni son so mischievous? It's not a small skill.

"No, please, I'll tell you." Xiao Xi is not worried at all.

"Believe it or not?"

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, gritting threat.

"All right."

On hearing this, little Heaton lost his temper and couldn't help it. Who made Zhao Chengfeng strong.

"In fact, the spirit of the soul nest is a snake. I can sense its existence. It should be in the southern mountain forest, about 20 kilometers away from here."

Xiao Xi said: "I don't know why. He feels very weak now. I think this is the best time to subdue him. We should start right away."

"Do you know when it's the best time or not?" Zhao Chengfeng gives the latter a big white eye, but he has to accept Xiaoxi's perception in his heart.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng can also feel a faint breath, but it's not obvious. It's really difficult to find it in person. Even if you walk through the whole jungle, it will take half a month without ten days. But in fact, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have much time to waste.

Zhao Chengfeng wants to find Weiwei, and then solve the problem of aura rushing into the earth, and then return to the earth. Zhao Chengfeng has lived on the earth for more than 20 years. He doesn't think the earth is very good, but he is very nostalgic at this moment!

Of course, what makes Zhao Chengfeng miss is his wife and relatives.

"..." Xiaoxi spat out his tongue, not afraid of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Come on, let's go. Time doesn't wait." Zhao Chengfeng urges the way, also wants to capture the spirit of the soul nest earlier, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation for Yufei.

"No more."

At this time, Yufei stops Zhao Chengfeng, points to the South and says, "if Xiaoxi doesn't feel wrong, I can handle it. What's more, the spirit of the soul nest can't see too many people. Don't you two go there at that time, but you don't recognize me. Instead of helping me, you take advantage of me. Thank you very much. "

"Well? What's the other way of saying that? "

Zhao Chengfeng is a little confused.

"Of course."

Yufei didn't worry too much. He patiently explained to Zhao Chengfeng, "if you can recognize the Lord, try not to use brute force to surrender. It's good for your future cultivation."

"Moreover, the existence of the spirit of the soul nest is very magical. For example, the spirit of the soul nest with a row of people standing together and not being recognized or subdued has the right of independent choice. It will follow who it thinks is a good owner."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized, immediately began to laugh and said, "brother Yufei, I understand. You are losing my charm. I understand, I understand."


Feather flies a burst of speechless, shake a head to turn round to leave.

"Brother Feng, I find that you are so thick skinned that you always put gold on your face." Xiao Xi looks at Zhao Chengfeng with great interest and can't help laughing.

Zhao Chengfeng is not angry, but very proud smile, light way: "yes, yes, if my charm is not big, before someone is a little fox, will a strong to my arms drill?"? After all, don't you still like me? "

"Brother Feng, you... You make fun of me."

Smell speech, Xiao Xi's face instantly red, ashamed to want to find a crack to drill in, this is not intended to make fun of yourself? That's too much.

"I'm not making fun of you."

Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and said helplessly: "I'm praising my charm. Is it wrong? Tell me, am I not attractive? "


Xiao Xi was so angry that he had no choice but to stamp his feet and turn around to get into the cave, leaving Zhao Chengfeng with a beautiful back.

"Niang, it's the fox who has become a beautiful woman!"

Zhao Chengfeng muttered to himself: "son, it's not that I don't keep my promise, it's that this woman is too attractive."

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