"Xiao Xi, where is your home? What are your plans after you go out? "

Zhao Chengfeng also followed into the cave, see Xiaoxi no longer pout a small mouth, then followed the chat up. Frankly speaking, Xiao Xi is just a baron. Zhao Chengfeng is not sure about her.


When it comes to "home", Xiao Xi looks dim and sighs: "our home has long been gone. The only relative in the family is his father. Unfortunately, his father is..."

"Well? Home's gone? "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow frown, "this is how to return a responsibility?"

"It's a long story."

"Take your time. There's nothing to do now anyway." Zhao Chengfeng said, while touching out a cigarette lit, hard Bang two, some restless heart quiet a lot. After all, with a beautiful woman so long talk, Zhao Chengfeng said.

Let the smoke hover in the lung, Zhao Chengfeng this will smoke slowly spit out, the whole person suddenly came to the spirit. Although smoking is not a good thing, it is definitely a good assistant for men to refresh themselves and work overtime. Well, of course, it can also be used to force.

Misty green smoke in the nostrils and mouth darting out of each other, a smoke ring spray, very attractive.

However, at this moment, the news is not in the mood to appreciate, sighed: "in the end, all this is because of me, because of my appearance, has attracted a lot of people's attention, they want to occupy me. It caused a lot of trouble. "

"Originally, our family was in the city of July 7 in the eternal world, and I was not a child of Chen family, but my father was a member of the escort agency. He had great strength, and his family had a good time. Unexpectedly, when I was 18 years old, several local ruffians molested me and were killed by my father. If ordinary people kill them, they will kill them, but one of the hooligans is actually the son of the three Chen family on July 7, the running dog of the three island Qianyang family. The three island Qianyang is the only child of the three Chen family, which is highly valued. It is also recognized as the next generation successor of the three Chen family. "

"It's a pity that Mishima Qianyang avenged his running dog. He saw me, and then he wanted to get me. He even sent someone to propose to him. But I didn't like him, and I didn't agree with him. Later, Mishima Qianyang was angry and wanted to rape me, but my father found out. In a rage, my father killed Mishima Qianyang. That's because it caused a great disaster. "

"I can't help it. My father and I have to run away all night. I didn't know that after entering the Black Death world, we bumped into Guiwu mountain by mistake. Then my father and I have been lost, until now."

"Beauty is a disaster."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng heart feeling unceasingly, isn't is the appearance cause trouble? If Xiao Xi is an ugly man, why don't you come to propose marriage? I'm afraid it's tiresome to see more.

However, there is no way to do it. Face is born, and no one can change it. At least, it's hard to change it in this world. After all, only Bangzi people are good at artificial beauty, and they are really good at self deception.

"It's not your fault."

Zhao Chengfeng had to comfort Xiaoxi and sighed: "it's not your fault to be beautiful. It's only strange that you are so beautiful, but you don't have the ability to protect yourself. No wonder others will be rude to you. If you don't want to be bullied, you have to make yourself stronger. Do you understand? "

"If I want to be strong, I won't be bullied?" Xiao Xi rolled his eyes, but he looked very cute. He muttered: "my father said that I am not suitable for practicing martial arts. It's only the strength of viscount that I have to work so hard. What do you think I can do? I'm desperate, too, OK? "

"Then you can't hide all your life."

Zhao Chengfeng also felt embarrassed and said, "and you are too beautiful. No matter where you go, people will miss you. What do you say you will do then?"

"Brother Feng, don't you just protect me? Why, you don't want me? " Xiaoxi suddenly grabs Zhao Chengfeng's arm and stares at him with two watery eyes. He looks pitiful and distressing.


Zhao Chengfeng's eyes stare at the big boss, and his heart says, "you don't want me?" It seems that brother Feng is a heartless man. Did you sleep without responsibility or money?

Heaven and earth conscience, brother Feng hasn't taken advantage of you. Why should brother Feng protect you? It's not fair!

"Brother Feng, you won't turn me out and leave me alone?" Xiao Xi grabs Zhao Chengfeng's arm. I can still feel pity for him. He is very miserable.

In particular, Xiao Xi's double Danfeng eyes, as if they can hook people's hearts and souls, make Zhao Chengfeng have no temper.

"Get, get, stop, stop!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped, said: "let's make it clear, you follow me, I have no problem, but there are some things I have to tell you, let you have a preparation in advance."

"Say what you want."

Xiao Xi smiles, "as long as brother Feng doesn't drive me away, I'll do anything."

"Do you want to do it?"

Zhao Chengfeng's heart moved, but he didn't dare to say it. What's the difference between it and animals?

"I'm not a person in this world, and I think you know that." Zhao Chengfeng abandoned the evil thoughts in his mind and said: "my situation is similar to Brandon's. I want to find my relatives and friends in this damned world, and then go back to my world. Therefore, I have a lot of things to do, and there are more dangers waiting for me to face. So, follow me. It's not necessarily safer than you are now. You'd better be prepared. "

"I'm not afraid."

But Xiao Xi shook his head and said, "I'm relieved to follow you. Besides, don't you say it? My father also let me follow you, let you protect me, brother Feng, I believe you, you will not let me suffer any harm. "


Zhao Chengfeng's mouth twitches slightly. Suddenly, she has a feeling of being calculated. She's afraid that she's relying on herself. Brother Feng doesn't get any good. In the end, she gets a lot of trouble.

"Well, I don't know when I can find them."

As soon as he thought of his mission and heavy responsibilities, Zhao Cheng's demeanor suddenly became dignified. When he never relaxed at all, he always had countless troubles.


However, at this time, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly noticed that the aura around him had changed. He felt that the aura was rapidly decreasing, and Zhao Chengfeng suddenly became nervous.

"Damn, this soul nest is not going to explode, is it?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a word, eyebrows also followed twist into a knot in one's heart.

"It looks like your friend has made it."

But Xiao Xi said, "the spirit of the soul nest should be subdued. Now he is controlling the soul nest, not the spirit of the soul nest."

"You mean Yufei succeeded?"

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