When Zhao Chengfeng wakes up the next morning, he goes out of the cave with Xiao Xi and touches his chuckling belly. Zhao Chengfeng intended to get something to eat, but Yufei brings back some wild fruits with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, brother Yufei." Zhao Chengfeng said to Yu FeiGong, "it seems that brother Yu Fei has successfully got the spirit of the soul nest. Now we are in your territory."


Yufei is also very happy, pointed to the wild fruit in his arms, "here, in order to do the friendship of the host, this is not specially prepared for you wild fruit? Come on, eat quickly. We'll have to get ready to go out after eating. "

"You're so mean."

Zhao Chengfeng can't laugh or cry, but he picks up the wild fruit and eats it. Although it's not as refreshing as meat, it's sour and sweet, but it has a different taste. Zhao Chengfeng is not a picky person and soon fills his stomach.

"Chengfeng, I have to remind you." At this time, Yufei put away his smile and said in a deep voice: "as long as we get out of the corpse world, I think someone will trouble you. You have to be prepared."

"Is it your family, or Earth Dragon's soul nest?" Zhao Chengfeng didn't think so. He had expected this in his heart.

Lieji is seriously injured by herself. She can't go down without self-cultivation for a year and a half. As for Yuzhan, she is killed by Zhao Chengfeng. It's inevitable.

"They're not the only ones."

Yufei glances at the sword in Zhao Chengfeng's hand. The sword looks very common, or in other words, it's very shabby. The surface is rusty one by one, but the killing spirit it shows is visible to all of us that day. That's a treasure comparable to artifact. Can we not miss it?

"Your sword is nothing." Feather fly also didn't beat around the Bush, straight way: "that day everyone can see, I'm afraid you go out to be watched, in the God corpse world, marquis and above the strong can't appear, but a god corpse world, you know how many people outside waiting for you?"

"Do you mean to say that Peter is innocent and guilty?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly understood, yes, is this Xuanyuan sword a mortal?

You know, the Xuanyuan sword was captured from spade five at the beginning. Although it was put in the antique shop at the beginning, nobody paid attention to it, it was only after pouring in energy that we knew how powerful the Xuanyuan sword was!


Yufei thought about it and said, "if you believe me, brother Chengfeng, you might as well wait for me to go out and see the situation first. No one is ambush. Once someone is ambush, I'll come back to inform you immediately. How about hiding in the God corpse world for a while


Zhao Chengfeng laughed disapprovingly, "I'm more confident about myself. I can't beat them, but I can run. Besides, do you think I'm such a bully? "

"Well, I forgot about Chengfeng, brother. It's estimated that few people are your opponents." Zhao Chengfeng insists on this. Yufei has no choice but to agree.

Furthermore, Yufei also wants to see how powerful this guy from other worlds can be. As for the family side, if someone comes to seek revenge, Yufei is relieved.

I'm afraid of those top experts who are hiding in the dark!

Yufei is very worried, but Zhao Chengfeng is very happy. Zhao Chengfeng is still trying to figure out how to make himself famous quickly. It can't be better if someone comes to grab his Xuanyuan sword. Brother Feng doesn't even bother to find someone to help promote it.

As long as we kill all these strong men, is brother Feng still far away from being famous in the world?

"Let's go."

Zhao Chengfeng said, with two people out of the just born soul nest, once again came to the God corpse world, Zhao Chengfeng obviously feel around the aura is weak a lot.

"Brother Yufei, it's up to you to get out of the corpse world. I don't have this ability." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and didn't feel embarrassed.

If I had a way out of the corpse world, I would not have been wandering in it for so long.

"No problem, you follow me..." Yufei doesn't want to show off, and goes forward to lead the way.

Yu Fei looks for the direction, steps strangely and awkwardly, and leads the way. Zhao Chengfeng just wants to say something, but finds that although he is in the fog, he can see the scene clearly.

"Follow closely, don't go wrong."

Feather flies to remind a way loudly, dare not have the slightest carelessness.

"This, is this a psychedelic array?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thought of a possibility, and then thought of following the medicine monk to understand the array on the earth, and suddenly felt that this thing was quite similar to the array on the earth.

Can we say that the fog array is also made by the people of the earth? Think of here, Zhao Chengfeng's heart once again become eager up, have the opportunity to ask Yufei you.

Although there is not much difference in appearance between the characters in the immortal world and the Black Death world and those on earth, civilization can not be changed, especially the skill. Since there are similarities, maybe they are born by the same mother.

"Hold on a little longer and you'll be there in a minute."

Yufei steps faster and faster under his feet. For fear that Xiaoxi can't keep up with the rhythm, Zhao Chengfeng simply picks up Xiaoxi, urges him to catch up quickly.


Half a minute later, the world suddenly opened up. Zhao Chengfeng found that in addition to the corpse world, the aura in the air seemed to be much lighter, and even faintly showed a faint smell of blood. To this, Zhao Chengfeng was no stranger or surprised. Regardless of the eternal world or the Black Death world, they are all the world of the jungle, just like the halfling led by huowan. If they have no strength, they have to be bullied.

"Finally out." Zhao Chengfeng also spits out a long breath of turbid air, and his hanging heart finally falls to the ground.

Frankly speaking, in the world of God corpse, Zhao Chengfeng is very worried, or very afraid, afraid that he will repeat the same actions in the environment like an Tong. Although his life is not in danger, it is boring. That's what Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want.

Now it's all right. It's finally out.

"Wuchen Qianzhi, you finally came out." However, before waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to express his feelings, more than ten people came out of the room. The middle-aged man at the head glared at Zhao Chengfeng, itching his teeth with hatred.

Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled, "who are you? What can I do for you? "

"Hum, you admit that you are a Wuchen Qianzhi, but you don't know who I am?" The middle-aged man doesn't want to be angry. He's a villain!

"Should I know who you are?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little confused.

"I'm your father!" The middle-aged man almost growled, and the veins on his forehead came up.

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