"Screw you!"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng turned green and swore, "I'm still your grandfather. If you want to take advantage of me, there's no way!"

Although Zhao Feilong, an old man, is not very serious and often pits his son, he is good on the whole. At least he is very good to Zhao Chengfeng's daughters in law and his grandson.

Even if I occasionally quarrel with Zhao Chengfeng and say that he is not his own son, it is Zhao Chengfeng's father after all. Why should others act as a master in front of him? Zhao Chengfeng will not agree!

"You villain, do you believe I slap you to death?"

The middle-aged man almost died of anger when he heard that he had a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth. He didn't give himself any face. It's too shameful.

When Wu Chen Bai Fu hears Zhao Chengfeng's words, he is almost angry because Wu Chen Qian Zhi is Wu Chen Bai Fu's own son, but there are some secrets that are not known to outsiders.

In fact, Wuchen Qianzhi's father and Wuchen Baifu are brothers. However, Wuchen Qianzhi's father is a counselor and has no fertility at all. Marrying a wife is just a decoration. But people in the family don't think so. How can a daughter-in-law not give birth to children at home? That won't do.

When the family thought about it, they let Wuchen Baifu sleep Wuchen Qianzhi's mother, and then they became pregnant. This is why Wuchen Qianzhi is not popular in the family. Grandma doesn't love her uncle. Even after she is expelled from the family, someone secretly buys a murderer to kill Wuchen Qianzhi. Almost no one stops her.

However, the Wuchen family did not expect that this guy, who was regarded as an abandoned son by the family, broke out a strong fighting force after he left the family. He taught his two elder brothers a lesson. He even quietly entered the world of black death and showed his skills in the world of black death. It was said that Wuchen Qianzhi's strength was at least at the level of earl, These talents are much better than those who call themselves geniuses in the family.

The most important thing is that Wuchen Qianzhi still has weapons comparable to artifact in his hand. How can Wuchen family not be moved? Don't you send Wuchen Baifu, that is, Wuchen Qianzhi's own Laozi? I hope to take Wuchen Qianzhi back. Of course, it doesn't matter if Wuchen Qianzhi doesn't go back, but that sword must be taken back!

However, Wuchen Baifu never thought that this guy didn't know himself. Instead, he gave himself a bad scold. It's too shameful.

"Ha ha, how about blowing?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng was not afraid at all. Instead, a touch of ridicule appeared in the corner of his mouth. "It's just the strength of the late earl. Do you want to slap me? Do you really think of yourself as a root


Wuchen Baifu almost didn't live to death. His old face was white. He almost couldn't breathe. He was so angry. This son of a bitch really didn't want to give himself face!

"Smelly boy, let me ask you one more question. Come back to my family with me. As for your past mistakes, I can intercede for you and let bygones be bygones!" However, Wuchen Baifu knew the importance of this trip and didn't mean to fight with Zhao Chengfeng.

The most urgent thing is to take Wuchen Qianzhi home. As long as he goes home, this guy will be disobedient at that time. Isn't he going to clean up as he wants?

Well, just be patient now.

"Let bygones be bygones?"

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't say a word. He doesn't like the Wuchen family. The family is also mercenary and ruthless. When a brother can send someone to chase his family, he can't do such things.

"Tut Tut, it's so lively."

At this time, a group of people came out, led by a white haired middle-aged man, wearing gold armor, majestic, a long gun standing behind him, murderous!

However, different from men's dress, men have a smile on their face.


Feather flies a exclamation, a face instantly becomes pale, because feather flies too know in front of this middle-aged white hair man, he is Marquis strong!

At the same time, Lieshan is also Lieji's father. The Earth Dragon's soul nest is just a gift for Lieji, which Lieshan captured. Now what Lieshan has come for is not the matter of the lice on the bald man's head?

Revenge for my daughter!

"You're a Wuchen Qianzhi." Lieshan directly ignores Wuchen Baifu. In fact, Lieshan does not know Wuchen Baifu. After all, the strength of Wuchen Baifu is not enough in Lieshan's eyes. On the contrary, Zhao Chengfeng makes Lieshan elusive.

Because Lieshan can't see Zhao Chengfeng's strength. There is no aura fluctuation or authority fluctuation around him. What strength is this man? Isn't it more powerful than yourself?

However, Lieshan quickly denied this conjecture. Even if he started practicing in his mother's womb, he would not be more powerful than himself.

"Yes, it is not." When Zhao Chengfeng hears Yufei's exclamation, he has guessed the identity of Lieshan. However, even if he sees that Lieshan is extraordinary, Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid at all. On the contrary, he is a little excited!

This is the real strong, and only by fighting with the real strong, brother Feng can make a name for himself. Otherwise, how can he become famous?

"Well? What do you mean yes or no? " Lieshan asked with a smile, unable to see the sadness and happiness.

"Rebellious son, don't you even recognize your ancestors? I'm your old man

Five Chen hundred blessing hear this words, almost didn't live to anger to death, this guy is certainly in front of the outsider's face, intentionally say so, is to stimulate the family, is to revenge the family originally abandoned him!

"Go away, I'm still your grandfather!"

Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, "again to Laozi nonsense, Laozi a knife split you."


Five Chen hundred blessings exploded, didn't expect his son would be so bold, so don't give yourself face. You know, in the past, Wuchen Qianzhi was a dandy. Besides eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, he had no hobbies, so he had no position in the family. Let alone the elder brothers, even some housekeepers didn't give him face.

However, Wuchen Baifu didn't expect that this boy yelled at himself twice today. No, he should have scolded himself twice! Did he eat bear heart?

"Shut up and go away!" Zhao Chengfeng glared at the latter, and a trace of fierce murderous spirit came out of his eyes.

Wuchen Baifu has a hundred displeasure in his heart, but after touching Zhao Chengfeng's cold and terrible eyes, he is stunned and swallows the words to his mouth.

What's that look?

Full of hatred, full of cold, just a glance, it makes the whole body uncomfortable, cold sweat straight out.

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