"Tell me if you are a child or not." Lieshan once again focuses on Zhao Chengfeng. At the moment when Zhao Chengfeng is angry with Wuchen Baifu, Lieshan is aware of a trace of lethality!

"It used to be, it's not now, or it's never been." With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng stretched out his hand and pulled it from his face. A human skin mask was torn off, revealing his face which was so resolute.

Although the skin is a little black, the healthy color of wheat skin is more masculine, and the well-defined face is very hard to describe.

This is the unique temperament of Chinese men!

"Rebellious son, you..." five Chen hundred blessing nature also saw this scene, however, was changed face of Zhao Chengfeng to be shocked.

Well, it's not my own son. It's just another person. It's just the same shape.

"Roll the calf!"

Zhao Chengfeng white five Chen hundred blessing one eye, no good way: "five Chen thousand childish long been killed by you, really think your son is still alive? Do you really think that loser son of yours has attacked? Go to your uncle. Is your son as good as me


Wu Chen Bai Fu was robbed of white by Zhao Chengfeng. His old face was as white as paper, and he was very embarrassed. Yes, Wuchen Baifu thinks that he is not a genius. How could his naughty son be so powerful?

Now I understand that it's just someone pretending to be my son.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Chengfeng. You can call me uncle Zhao. I'm a good talker." Zhao Chengfeng didn't know where to take out a cigarette and lit it. He took a mouthful of it.

There was a time when he didn't smoke, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't have any special feelings. He also thought he had given up smoking. Now it seems that his addiction to smoking is even greater.

"Uncle Zhao? What's the name? " Five Chen hundred blessing mumbled a, tiny frown.


Yufei shakes his head. I really don't know how such a person can appear in a big family. He has no brain at all. Before that, he kept saying that he was Zhao Chengfeng's Lao Tzu. In a twinkling of an eye, he called him "Uncle". Is his IQ in arrears?

"Boy, you are glib."

Lieshan responded quickly. He still had a calm smile on his face. Looking at nothing changed, he said faintly, "I don't care whether you are Zhao Chengfeng or Wuchen Qianzhi. Today I'll ask you something. Did you hurt my daughter Lieji?"

"Lieji? Is that the woman who has a "Laozi" in her mouth? " Zhao Chengfeng knows it and asks.

"Yes, it's my daughter's temper." Lieshan did not refute.

"That's right."

Zhao Chengfeng did not deny it, nodded: "I did hurt her, but I'm sorry... Ah!"

"Oh, you're sorry?"

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng shaking his head and sighing bitterly, with a sad look, Lieshan was a bit surprised. "What do you regret?" Lieshan thought, Zhao Chengfeng is mostly counselled, want to apologize.

Well, it's not impossible for such a talented young man to give him an opportunity. As long as he can use it for himself, everything is easy to say. This son is very handsome, if you can combine with her daughter is also a beautiful thing.

Just for a moment, many thoughts flashed in Lieshan's mind, thinking about how to accept Zhao Chengfeng. Lieshan is very clear about his daughter's strength. The young man who can defeat his daughter is absolutely not simple!

"Of course I'm sorry."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily and said solemnly, "I'm sorry that I didn't kill her with a sword at the beginning. Well, if she died, would you still come to me to settle accounts? Oh, trouble. "


The smile on Lieshan's face suddenly solidified, and the atmosphere on the scene became tense. The original relaxed atmosphere was covered with dark clouds, and it felt like rain.


Xiaoxi couldn't help laughing. Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's real face, Xiaoxi was very happy. Although he was not as white as before, he was more real and flesh and blood. Even his expression could be seen more clearly.

Of course, Xiaoxi also realized the other side of Zhao Chengfeng - anger is not worth life! Other people are knife mouth bean curd heart, but he is knife mouth knife heart, straight poke the enemy's key, it is unbearable!

Poor Lieshan, her daughter was hurt by others, and it was not easy to see her enemies. Instead, she was teased by Zhao Chengfeng. Can she feel better?


Different from Xiaoxi, Yufei feels funny after hearing Zhao Chengfeng's words, but more worried. Yufei really doesn't understand. Is Zhao Chengfeng stupid? It's obvious that they are here for revenge. They don't want to run away. Instead, they are going to enrage Lieshan. Isn't that adding fuel to the fire?

Others don't know how powerful Lieshan is. Yufei knows it very well!

Lieshan is a member of the world of black death. Although he is smiling, he is a fierce man. In the north city of the world of black death, he has built a liehuo villa with more than 3000 people. His own strength has reached the level of marquis. It is no exaggeration to say that although Lieshan is not the head of Chen's family, he is much stronger than the general family!

What's the difference between provoking Lieshan here and seeking death?

"Boy, it seems that you mean it. Well, let me show you how powerful your mouth is with my gun." Lieshan took a deep breath, put away his smile, and slowly pulled out the golden spear. The golden spear was very bright, but it was also magnificent. Even though it was far away, you could feel the momentum of Lieshan's completely opening out!


Zhao Chengfeng shrugged helplessly and said, "since your father and daughter have to force me to do it, no wonder I..."


All of a sudden, Wuchen Baifu rushed up and stopped them. Wuchen Baifu saw that Lieshan was extraordinary and said, "this friend, this bastard pretended to be my baby son and cheated outside, and took the weapons of our family. I don't mind if you want to kill him. However, after I avenge him and take our things, it's not too late for you to kill him, How about it? "

"It's shameless!"

Yufei couldn't help it, so he opened his mouth and scolded: "return your precious son. Your son really wants to be so precious. As for being expelled from the family by you? Return your weapons. It's Chengfeng's, isn't it? Do you still want face? "

However, Zhao Chengfeng is not so angry. He has seen enough shameless people. Wu Chen Bai Fu is nothing. Besides, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care at all.

Just like before leaving the earth, Zhao Chengfeng didn't pay attention to the slander of those bastards of the guwu family. His mouth was on others. Can he manage it? There are some things that you can tell with your heart, but it's meaningless to say.

"Who are you? When's your turn here? Murphy, are you also the murderer of my son? " Five Chen hundred blessing face not red heart not to jump, didn't feel embarrassed at all.

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