What is face? Strength is the last word!

Since hearing that "Wuchen Qianzhi" has become extremely powerful, the family has moved their mind, especially after the people in the world of God corpse came out. Many people know that "Wuchen Qianzhi" has a magic weapon. After getting the news, Wuchen Baifu discussed with his family, and then rushed to come here in a hurry, trying to use all possible means to take away his weapon!

Of course, it would be better if we could save five thousand childishness! Today, Wuchen Qianzhi is a fake. People can't want it, but weapons must be obtained, which can be regarded as a remedy for the family!

"Well, your son was hunted to death by your own family. What's the matter with my brother?" Yufei really can't stand it. He said indignantly, "if you want to take advantage of the fire, just tell me. Don't make so many excuses. If you dare to attack my brother today, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

There's no way. If we can't stand up and share the pressure for Zhao Chengfeng, it's dangerous.

Although both of them belong to the Wuchen family, Yufei's city of Yuanyue and Yuanri is much larger than the city where Wuchen Baifu lives. After all, it is the central city of the eternal world. Yufei also wants to give some pressure through family strength!


Five Chen hundred blessing in the heart slightly surprised, but the mouth is hard way: "tiger poison don't eat son, how can people in the family kill each other?"? It's just to train my son, but he was brutally killed by this guy. On the contrary, in the name of our family, he swaggered around, ruined our reputation and robbed our things. Is there any reason? "

"What a thick skin." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and shakes his head. He really admires Wuchen Baifu's ability to open his eyes and tell lies. He is a capable person who can confuse black and white. He can say anything in his mouth.

However, Zhao Chengfeng did not buy it!

Don't say that Zhao Chengfeng didn't rob them at all. If he didn't kill his son, even if he killed him, what can he do? Although the world of the jungle is cruel, it is not good for nothing. At least, Zhao Chengfeng can kill people without fear, without pressure, and will not be wanted like on earth!

Yes, ordinary people on the earth may be as powerful as the world, but the earth has more advanced civilization and high-tech weapons. Now, Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of anything.

Big deal, let go big kill, kill a blood Road, let all people submit at their feet, let the blood reason with them!

"What can you do about Yuanyue and Yuanri? Isn't it Wuchen like us? Hum At this time, Wuchen Baifu won't be afraid of Yufei. As long as he has won the weapon, what can Yuanri city do? Can they fight for this?

The eternal world is not the Black Death world. Even if there is a fight, it must be reasonable!

"Yes? Then you move me to see if my people will seek revenge on you? " Feather flies sneer a, also come to strength. What a Wuchen Baifu. He really takes himself as a dish.

"Yufei, can you represent our family?"

At this time, a group of people came out of the jungle again. The leader was Qinghong, the Laozi of Yuqing. Qinghong was also a middle-aged man. Her strength was much stronger than that of Wuchen Baifu, but weaker than that of Lieshan. But how is also the Marquis strength!

"Third uncle, why are you here?" Yufei has a bad feeling in his heart. Qinghong is Yuqing's Laozi. He must be avenging Yuqing at this moment.

Isn't it more dangerous to be with Zhao Chengfeng?

After all, now I've been targeted by the three powerful enemies, and now I have only three people to count Xiaoxi. How do I deal with it?

"Hum, I'm not your third uncle. You're such a creep, you heartless bastard!"

Qinghong stares at Yufei and gnashes her teeth. She rushes to eat Yufei alive. This bastard has killed his only son. Isn't that a stab in her heart?


Since getting the message from Uncle Yang, Qinghong brings people to come here incessantly in order to kill Yufei and avenge her son. As for the family members, they don't know about it, but they will soon know about it.

"Uncle, since you want to say that, I have nothing to say."

Yu Fei frowned and said: "however, I think what kind of person your own son is. You know very well in your heart that he is unkind and I am unjust. What's the fault? He wants to kill me first. Can't I fight back and let him kill me? "

Even if you know it's not Qinghong's opponent, Yufei has to show his momentum. After all, it's not his fault!

"Well, you're still full of nonsense now!"

Qinghong snorted heavily, pointed to Zhao Cheng and said, "if it wasn't for this guy, how could you be against each other? I can tell you that you are standing with the great enemy of our family now. Are you going to betray your family? "

"Brother Yufei, I don't want to embarrass you too much. Why don't you..." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opens his mouth. Yufei's action obviously moves Zhao Chengfeng. However, Zhao Chengfeng is not a selfish person.

It's OK to keep this feeling in mind, but there's no need to take risks for yourself. As a brother, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want his friends to be implicated in him. It's hard to pay his debt.

"Brother Chengfeng, do you think I'm a coward?"

Yufei interrupts Zhao Chengfeng, "they deceive people too much. It's clear that they are wrong first, but now they want you and me to bear the crime. I don't accept it! Today, if anyone wants to kill me, I'm sorry. First ask the sword in my hand if he agrees or not! "

In the meantime, Yufei has already drawn out his sword. He has a strong sense of war!


Zhao Chengfeng seems to be infected by the momentum of Yufei, suddenly burst into laughter, "today, these three old dogs want you and my brother's life, we must not let them have a good time!"

"What a rampant boy! I dare to be tough when I'm dying. I can't leave you today!" Wuchen Baifu takes the lead in rushing to Zhao Chengfeng, but he is stopped by Yufei before rushing forward.

"Little bastard, your opponent is me, pay for my son's life!"

However, Qinghong appears out of thin air and blocks in front of Yufei. She stares at Yufei with a ferocious face and cuts down with a knife.

"Damn it

Yufei knows that he is not an opponent. He stabs out with a backhand sword, but runs in the opposite direction.

"Sharp mouthed boy, take your life!"

At the same time, the mountain also moved, a burst of drink, the golden sword instantly pop up, just like a golden light general shot at Zhao Chengfeng's face, despicable five Chen Baifu but chose to sneak attack, the sword stabbed Zhao Chengfeng waist weakness.

"Hateful fellow, how shameless!"

Xiao Xi can't help it. Although his strength is not so good, he also reluctantly entangles Wu Chen Bai Fu. For a moment, Wu Chen Bai Fu can't get away from him and stomps in anger.

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