"Mountain gun!"

In a flash, Zhao Chengfeng felt as if a huge stone had been pressed on his chest, which made him almost out of breath.

Key Lieshan this shot is quite tricky, seemingly insignificant, ordinary, but it is difficult to avoid, hard resistance but can not resist the fierce momentum!

After all, Lieshan is a powerful Marquis!

"Screw you!"

Zhao Chengfeng clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and burst out of his body


Such as the roar of the angry dragon, the surging waves, two huge and incomparable fists meet the long gun, fearlessly and directly collide with each other, making a huge sound.


With a loud cry and a shake of the long gun, Lieshan aims at the heart of Zhao Chengfeng.


After a while, the two quickly touched each other. Zhao Chengfeng was shocked to fly. When he put on the clothes he had just been looking for, he broke a small hole. The strong air wave made Zhao Chengfeng's internal Qi and blood churn, which was very uncomfortable.

"Compared with your overbearing and arrogant daughter, your strength is really better." Zhao Chengfeng steadied himself and looked down at his chest. There was a red seal on his chest, which was very obvious.

However, Lieshan was not too happy. Instead, he frowned, "you didn't bleed?"

Lieshan was very surprised. He thought that one shot would break Zhao Chengfeng's fists. Even if it didn't kill him, it would be seriously injured. But the tip of the gun didn't pierce his flesh and blood.

"Ha ha, do you think highly of yourself?"

Smell speech, the corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth evokes a touch of ridicule color, "really think to take a broken gun, can kill your wind elder brother?"? I really think of myself as a dish

Zhao Chengfeng pats himself on the chest, and the red seal is disappearing quickly. Zhao Chengfeng is very proud. When he was plotted in the capital, he was almost wiped out. Fortunately, his unruly Laozi has the ability to give Zhao Chengfeng Longzhu directly, which not only saves Zhao Chengfeng's life, but also helps him develop the body of dragon scales by chance, The body is very strong!

At least, ordinary bullets can't break Zhao Chengfeng's skin and flesh, and only the energy pistol designed by Botian production can pose a threat to him. However, Botian has been taken away, and Zhao Feilong is only left. Not enough for fear!

"Well, well, no one has looked down on me like that for a long time. I'll show you my strength today."

Without anger, Lieshan began to laugh, and began to run madly. The golden spear was shining like the sun in the morning. It was fascinating!

"The long gun breaks the air!"

Long sky line, golden light fierce suddenly appear!

"Two dragons go to sea!"

Not to be outdone, Zhao Chengfeng's energy suddenly burst out, and the whole person was like an angry dragon going out to sea, meeting the golden light!

"You die for me!"


Lieshan's voice fell, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. He clearly felt that the tip of the gun bit by bit pierced Zhao Chengfeng's skin. Finally, he directly pierced Zhao Chengfeng's left shoulder, and then raised his foot to kick him over!

"Brother Feng!"

"Chengfeng, brother!"

Yufei and Xiaoxi are stunned for a moment. After all, the battle between Zhao Chengfeng and Lieshan is too fierce. It's easy to attract everyone's attention. Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng is hit by Lieshan, they can't help. They are very anxious!

"My Lord!"

However, at this time, Brandon didn't know where to run out and helped Zhao Chengfeng. He was shocked. Brandon didn't expect Zhao Chengfeng to be hurt?


Zhao Chengfeng shook his head slightly, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, not angry, not angry, but also with a smile on his face, "well, yes, compared with your daughter, you still have something, actually can hurt me, OK."

"Boy, you have a tough mouth when you die. It seems that you are much more arrogant than my daughter." With a long spear, Lieshan is high spirited and handsome!

There are many talented young people in Lieshan. Of course, there are also many people killed by Lieshan, especially those who are talented and powerful. Killing them will make them feel more successful.

"My Lord, are you all right?" Brandon was a little worried and surprised to look across the mountain.

Although Brandon has been hiding in Guiwu mountain all the time, he still knows something about Lieshan. He knows that Lieshan is a ruthless character, and he knows that Lieshan is Lieji's father. He has come to revenge.

"Ha ha, if you want my life, come on."

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and gently pulls out the sword. The simple and unsophisticated body of the sword looks quite ordinary, just like the broken copper and iron found by the blacksmith shop. However, when Zhao Chengfeng grabs the Xuanyuan sword, his heart is also immersed, and his Qi and blood are all suppressed.

"Is this your weapon?" Lieshan naturally saw Zhao Chengfeng's sword and thought of what his daughter said - he had a sword, a very powerful sword!

However, this sword doesn't look any different. It's so common that it's not even as well equipped as the viscount. It doesn't have anything to do with the word "fierce".

"You've shot twice in a row. It's time to give it back to you."

Zhao Chengfeng has a strange arc in the corner of his mouth, and his sword shakes suddenly!

"It's raining all over the sky!"

Shooting into the air, Zhao Chengfeng is like a God coming down to earth, suddenly burst out a powerful momentum. Most importantly, the sword in Zhao Chengfeng's hand suddenly turned red, scarlet like blood!

All of a sudden, the whole sky seems to be red with blood, covering the original color.

At this time, Lieshan finally changed his face. Even Wuchen Baifu and Qinghong stopped. They didn't mean to attack again. Everyone was not stupid. The scarlet in the air made them smell danger, and even their souls felt a slight shiver!

"Mountain gun!"

Lieshan still moved and took out the strongest move.

However, the scarlet in the sky suddenly turned into peach blossoms, falling one after another, seemingly slow, but in fact extremely rapid, in the blink of an eye has arrived in front of!

"Go to hell!"

Xuanyuan sword heavy chop, countless peach blossom seems to know Zhao Chengfeng mind general, all rushed to the mountain.

"Whew, whew!"

The sound of peach blossom breaking through the air is heard. Once again, the mountain has been standing quietly in place. Looking down at his own body, he can't help but let the blood come out of countless blood holes.

"If you don't show me something, you'll really treat yourself as a dish? Rubbish

Like autumn leaves, Zhao Chengfeng gently falls on the ground and turns his mouth. If you are more careful, you can find that the injury of Zhao Chengfeng's left shoulder is gradually healing.

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